Made some changes to pick up the pace. Introduced more threats that can abuse the mana ramp. Overall have more threats, better devotion and better consistency.
I am always looking to improve my decks so suggestions are always welcome!
'Crashing wave of fatties' pretty well sums up the deck.
This was made some time ago and is evolving constantly. It started with wanting to make something original and fun to play, this being the result. Play test it, tell me what you think!
The idea is to pump Hydra Broodmaster and watch your opponent submit to a plethora of hydras. Of course there is more to it, so some interactions are explained bellow.
Main Board
Elvish Mystic - Ramps to establish early game presence.
Kiora's Follower - Is here to be paired up with Karametra's Acolyte and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx taking advantage of the devotion mechanic to ramp up.
Karametra's Acolyte - Abuses devotion with Kiora's Follower, double tap, triple tap (more!) to pump up your mana pool.
Prophet of Kruphix - Your turn is my turn, keeps your mana open so you can flash in Hornet Queen or monstrous Hydra Broodmaster and swing with its babies the following turn.
Genesis Hydra - Large threat who brings a friend. almost always find what you are looking for as you can dig so deep.
Hydra Broodmaster - Has a beautiful 7/7 body for 6, but pumping mana into her is what we want. Untapping on opponents turn with Prophet of Kruphix and monstrous at end of their turn, swinging with a lethal crushing wave of hydras next turn.
Singing Bell Strike - Combo it with Karametra's Acolyte or Kiora's Follower for an infinite mana combo. (Thanks to drfuzzygloves for recommending)
planes walkers
Kiora, the Crashing Wave - Provides a bubble for any high threats out there. Draws cards and can fix lost mana or just accelerate you further.Finally it provides a win con with its ultimate!
Side Board
Side board is something I'm been playing around with. so its not quite finished and will probably tune it for my local shop.
Setessan Tactics - Provides some more control. This can potentially remove everything they have for fairly low cost!
Sagu Mauler & Mistcutter Hydra - I'm trying out which handles better. mist-cutter offers both aggression with haste and defence with prot. Blue but sagu lets me punch through with trample. Opinions welcome on which you'd take.
Hooded Hydra - great against heavy removal match ups.
Nylea's Disciple - great life gain with so much devotion, usually throw this in against aggro or jeskai burn.
Nylea, God of the Hunt - just in case they have a token army. trample will ensure a victory.
Reclamation Sage - pesky artifacts or enchantments. throw this guy in. best part he stays in to offer some devotion.
AEtherspouts - some mean removal for troublesome hordes.