Evolving reinvented, modern simic counters

Modern Aefinn


gioppasup says... #1

Do you know the "combo" between Give / Take and Chasm Skulker ?! I think that this would be a really nice card to add.

August 29, 2014 4:45 a.m.

Aefinn says... #2

@gioppasup. Oh yeah, that would be pretty neet actually. At this moment I have more and less only used Give, not Take. Also, Chasm Skulker would be an awesome combo with Fathom Mage . I mean, most of the time I use Fathom so that I take ridiculous amount of counters from other creatures and give them to Fathom with Bioshift , now with Chasm Skulker it would resolve even more. I have seen that card many times before but for some reason I didn't think it had a place in this deck. Now I think there could be more than one :D


August 29, 2014 9:44 a.m.

HydraOoze says... #3

September 16, 2014 11:24 p.m.

Aefinn says... #4

HydraOoze, now that I decided to go modern on this deck those are pretty valid suggestions. Thanks.

September 17, 2014 12:11 a.m.

With the stupid amounts of mana your Gyre Sages are throwing around in playtesting, I would suggest a mana sink or two, like Soul of Zendikar or Fertilid.

January 29, 2015 11:37 a.m.

Aefinn says... #6

Thanks for suggesting misterbiscuitbarrel. The funny thing is, when I discovered the Leech Bonder + Paradise Mantle combo I changed a lot about this deck and for my own stupidity I for some reason removed all cards that utilizes x mana symbols. I only noticed it now that you mentioned that :D

Soul of Zendikar could be one option but I think there could be some others too.

January 29, 2015 11:42 a.m.

Also, I'm consistently not having nearly enough mana in playtesting. not sure if it's bad luck or a bad land:spell ratio, but it's happening.

January 29, 2015 11:51 a.m.

Aefinn says... #8

misterbiscuitbarrel, personally I think that the playtest doesn't suffle the card properly. Most of the time it doesn't give any mana or the whole hand is full of it. IRL playtest have given different result and imho with CMC3 decks 20-22 lands is sufficient.

I made some changes now based on your comments though. Added Mistcutter Hydra so that I can utilize all that mana. Also added one more land. Then I remembered Devoted Druid and though it would fit perfectly with Leech Bonder + Paradise Mantle combo. The best part about that is that I don't necessarily need it but with it the combo is even stronger. and it can give me early game mana that can also help with the previously stated situation.

January 30, 2015 2:33 a.m.

thuzra says... #9

With Leech Bonder and Paradise Mantle, it would be easy to splash black for Corpsejack Menace, letting you infinitely generate +1/+1 counters on all your creatures! A thought.

Nice deck, regardless! +1

March 5, 2015 8:30 p.m.

Aefinn says... #11

thuzra, thanks for suggesting! Though, I could do that same with Hardened Scales or Doubling Season so there is no real reason for adding another color just for one card.

March 6, 2015 2:39 a.m.

thuzra says... #12

Ah, true, I missed that.

March 6, 2015 2:43 a.m.

Quillspike to go infinite with Devoted Druid?

March 6, 2015 4:56 a.m.

Aefinn says... #14

poopiepoopiepants1 nah. It's a good card but this deck would suddenly become too much identical with my Oprah's -1/-1 counters.

The main focus in this deck is +1/+1 counters. Oprah is the opposite. I'm actually more likely to take Devoted Druid out because of that reason.

March 6, 2015 5 a.m.

aznb01777 says... #15

Vigor would be a nice complement to this deck to hose out red burn spells and keep counters stacking up

April 1, 2015 8:20 a.m.

Why not Misty Rainforest?

April 2, 2015 10:27 a.m.

Aefinn says... #17

poopiepoopiepants1 simply because of budget. Also, really haven't had that much of problem with mana with this deck

April 2, 2015 7:25 p.m.

Why not Springleaf Drum instead of Paradise Mantle

April 4, 2015 7:27 p.m.

Instead of Give / Take why not cut down Fathom Mage and Devoted Druid to 2 and replace them with Bioshift and Lorescale Coatl that way you can use Fathom Mage+Bioshift+Lorescale Coatl.

April 4, 2015 7:37 p.m.

Aefinn says... #20

TheLaughingJackal, I used to run 4x Bioshift in this deck but after those big changes there just isn't room for those. Lorescale Coatl could work though. But at that moment when you can really use its power, it kind of is a "win harder" card.

April 5, 2015 5:11 a.m.

Aefinn says... #21

And now that you mentioned it Springleaf Drum does pretty much the same. If only I have noticed that before buying the cards :D

April 5, 2015 5:14 a.m.

Aefinn says... #22

Actually TheLaughingJackal, now that I think about it, Springleaf Drum doesn't work because it doesn't untap with Leech Bonder so you can't use it infinite times.

April 8, 2015 4:37 a.m.

gioppasup says... #23

I like this deck.
But I am really considering to add some Graft-card:
- list Cytoplast Root-Kin helps a lot with Evolve;
- list Plaxcaster Frogling defends from removals.

April 29, 2015 8:46 a.m.

Nnoir says... #24

May 24, 2015 3:58 p.m.

Nnoir says... #25

May 24, 2015 4:02 p.m.

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