
This was one of my favorite and best decklists to play on the beta test software for MTG Arena. I'm fairly certain the Ixalan block constructed format was only really played on MTG Arena (and it was a temporary format anyways), but maybe this info is useful for standard too. Whatever. Its here.

What is this deck?

This deck starts out by playing small value dorks to clog up the board and hopefully start attacking. Eventually it leverages the value it generates with said dorks to live long enough to play some tutors to find the exact cards we need to win.

Against creature decks we can play a board wipe to our advantage like Slaughter the Strong (which has been very good recently), especially with a Twilight Prophet or two in play. The tutors mostly find removal first if needed, unless I'm already ok on board then I can go get The Immortal Sun. The tutor board has many kinds of cards in it for different occasions, but the tutors originally went in just to find The Immortal Sun to pump the team (amd draw cards). Against control a resolved The Immortal Sun (and also Raiders' Wake from the board) is especially great. The exact number of copies of Mastermind's Acquisition has changed from 4 down to 2, but you always want to draw it. Its weird since it's the best card in your deck, but its slow and the 4-drop slot has been getting very crowded too. So I'm still trying to figure that number out.

Makeshift Munitions is very important, and one of if not the best card in the deck. It will sit in play and make blocking difficult, chip in random damage here and there, and eventually just win the game by doing the last 7 or 8 damage from sacrificing creatures and treasures. But I like only 1 main deck because we can always tutor for it if its going to end the game, and drawing 2 is almost always a wasted draw because enchantments rarely get killed.

Costly Plunder is great too, turning almost into a counterspell for removal that draws you cards. If you do it in response to Vraska's Contempt targeting Martyr of Dusk for example, you fizzle the lifegain and get your token and draw 2 cards. It puts you ahead of your opponent since all of our creatures inherently generate value on their own too. Its great vs Ixalan's Binding, turns chump blockers into card draw, it smooths out awkward hands early and finds action late. Its really a great synergy card in the deck, especially with so many of the popular removal spells in the format that have added on bonus effects that can be fizzled.

Most games are long, super interactive, and it wins more than it loses. It's super fun to play, but quite time consuming.

Notable Cuts


This deck is retired.

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Revision 2 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip side
-1 Bishop of Rebirth main
-1 Buccaneer's Bravado side
+1 Captivating Crew side
+2 Dark Inquiry main
-1 Demystify side
-1 Field of Ruin main
-1 Fiery Cannonade side
-2 Mastermind's Acquisition main
+1 Naturalize side
-1 Plains main
+3 Ravenous Chupacabra main
-1 Settle the Wreckage side
+2 Slaughter the Strong main
-1 Stone Quarry main
-1 Sunbird's Invocation main
+1 Swamp main
-1 Trove of Temptation side
+3 Twilight Prophet main
+1 Unknown Shores main
and 24 other change(s)
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Block Constructed legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

8 - 6 Rares

9 - 5 Uncommons

30 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.72
Tokens City's Blessing, Treasure, Vampire 1/1 W
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