
Creature (2)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Artifact (1)

Muldrotha sits on a throne of death, and she just wants to share it with the world!

This deck aims to be on the competitive side, and as such features a handful of combos, some of which are infinite, but not necessarily lethal (such as infinite mana, draw, turns, etc.)

Dakmor Salvage + Putrid Imp + The Gitrog Monster with Putrid Imp and The Gitrog Monster on the field, discard a land (ideally Dakmor Salvage or while salvage is in the grave) to return salvage off the dredge 2, and repeat until a satisfactory number of cards are in your graveyard.

The Gitrog Monster + Underrealm Lich While not TECHNICALLY guaranteed, with both on the field, you can look at the top 3 cards, pick one you want/need and mill two cards (statistically 1 is a land) if any of them are lands, repeat until deck is empty. This should be game? Thinking about running a Thassa's Oracle just for the rare occasion where this doesn't get you a victory same-turn.

Muldrotha, the Gravetide + Lion's Eye Diamond + Animate Dead/Necromancy + Phantasmal Image this is the tricky one. With Muldrotha on the field, and one of either the enchantments and phantasmal image either in your hand, or already in your graveyard. You cast and trigger the diamond, generating then you use Muldrotha to cast it again from your graveyard. Trigger the diamond again for then use Muldrotha to cast phantasmal image from the graveyard, copying Muldrotha. Legend rule applies, kill the original Muldrotha, and using your new one, cast the diamond from the grave, and then either of your reanimating enchantments. Repeat. If done properly this should net you one mana if you are using Necromancy or two mana if you are using Animate Dead on each iteration. Once you have infinite mana, you can also cast other cards from your grave as well on each iteration, allowing you to pull out all your permanents from the grave.
Flash + Protean Hulk the meta-defining hated combos! Flash in Protean Hulk to get converted cost added up to 6? Let's end the game then, shall we?

1) Fetch Phyrexian Delver and Viscera Seer.

2) Reanimate Protean Hulk with Phyrexian Delver.

3) sac hulk again to Viscera Seer to fetch card:mikaeus, the unallowed and Walking Ballista.

4) Sacrifice Walking Ballista to Viscera Seer, he returns with a +1/+1 counter

5) remove +1/+1 from Walking Ballista to deal one damage to an opponent, repeat step 4 & 5 until everything is dead

If you have Dakmor Salvage in hand (or in graveyard and another land in hand) you can also fetch The Gitrog Monster and Putrid Imp to mill out your deck as described above.

Time Warp + Eternal Witness + sac outlet + Muldrotha, the Gravetide: Pretty simple, but amana-intensive. Play the warp for an extra turn, play e-wit to get it back, repeat on your "free" turn indefinitely.
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + River Kelpie/Glen Elendra Archmage + sac outlet: Infinite iterations of whatever the sac outlet does (usually mana). With River Kelpie this is also infinite card draw. With Glen Elendra Archmage this allows you to counter any number of non-creature spells for .
Dark Depths + Muldrotha, the Gravetide/Crucible of Worlds + Thespian's Stage: each turn play Thespian's Stage and turn it into a copy of Dark Depths it immediately sacrifices iitself and creates a nifty 20/20 indestructible token with flying. Does this win immediately? No. Is it very hard to deal with? Yes.

Dark Depths + Muldrotha, the Gravetide + Vampire Hexmage: play Dark Depths and Vampire Hexmage from the grave, sacrifice the mage to take the tokens off the land and repeat every turn. same story as the previous, doesn't win right away, but if they let you get it off, it becomes very hard to stop you.

While this is ostensibly a "combo-deck" there are a great deal of things in this deck that put in huge work without being infinite combos, high synergy if you will. Below are things that have a slightly different interaction in this deck than they would otherwise.

Lotus Petal/Lion's Eye Diamond unlike most reanimator decks, Muldrotha, the Gravetide lets us play ALL permanent types, which means these bad boys can get used EVERY TURN.

Spore Frog look, we all have that one friend who runs a deck that can only win off combat damage. Cast Spore Frog every turn and TURBO F(r)OG THAT SUCKER!

Mystic Remora Look, cumulative upkeep SUCKS. Nobody wants to pay that. Even so, lots of Competitive EDH decks use Mystic Rhemora, just because the pay NEVER happens. So on a couple turns you get the draw (or better, slow down the opponent) with Muldrotha, the Gravetide you only EVER pay or which makes this even more valid!

Contamination this card is brutal in mono-black decks, stopping non-black decks from playing ANYTHING. well, with Muldrotha, the Gravetide you can let it sac itself at the start of each turn, and then cast it again at the end of your turn, so you basically pay every turn, instead of sacrificing a creature! It's a stax forever!

Survival of the Fittest a long-time staple of creature-based decks, and reanimator decks even more so, this allows you to trade out whatever creature you have in your hand for one in your deck, but with Muldrotha, the Gravetide this just means that YOU CAN STILL CAST THE CREATURE YOU DISCARDED! Not to mention it's an enchantment, so you can recast it from the grave if someone destroys it, but can't exile it.

Zur's Weirding: affects you MUCH less than your opponents if you already have Muldrotha, the Gravetide on the field, as you can stop your opponents from drawing new cards, while still getting use out of most of your cards in the graveyard, even if they pay the life!

Crop Rotation a pretty good land-tutor in most decks, if you need a specific land, with Crucible of Worlds or Muldrotha, the Gravetide this is an AMAZING way to get whatever land you need, and keep using them!

Pernicious Deed a fairly decent field-wipe in most decks, this becomes absolutely BRUTAL when you can cast it every couple turns to make sure your opponents don't get the chance to build anything too threatening.

Mulldrifter: yeah, Divination is a bad card, but you can do this every turn with Muldrotha, the Gravetide if you need to, and I think that's pretty neat.

Protean Hulk yeah, I know, everyone hates this card... but like, he fetches almost all the nifty tools in the deck, even if you're not using it to combo out right away...


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93% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Elk 3/3 G, Food, Marit Lage
Folders Currently competitive, semi cEDH decks, intrest
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