Muldrotha "Super Budget" The Gravetide [Updated!]
Commander / EDH*
Hello multimedia!
Thank you for your availability!
I had not yet described the deck's strategy. Trying to cast powerful Villainous Wealth once or several times ... Some cards are important for this strategy, such as the World Shaper or The Mending of Dominaria that returns all lands and most importantly, they don't return tapped!
In the lands i added Ash Barrens. Pattern of Rebirth is spectacular and i didn't know it was cheaper! Satyr Wayfinder is back! I'm considering exchanging Buried Alive for Final Parting as it helped to put Villainous Wealth in hand ...
Thanks for the ideas!
May 12, 2020 5:52 a.m.
MurderForBrunch says... #3
Hi! One card that might work is Codex Shredder. The reason I'm suggesting it might not be as obvious as it seems. The milling part is fine, sure, not super relevant but it's something. The important part is it's second ability, the Shredder can act as a regrowth effect that you can recur from the graveyard with Muldrotha! Most of the deck you can cast from the graveyard, sure, but regrowing a Villainous Wealth or a River's Rebuke can be huge! Also what I've done sometimes is regrowing a specific card in response to a Bojuka Bog trigger or something like that, which is useful! :D
June 17, 2020 4:24 a.m.
Hello MurderForBrunch!
Very good suggestion! Muldrotha is unable to "recover" only 5 cards in the deck, do you think it is worthwhile to include this card?
I have another Muldrotha deck that I will certainly give this idea a chance! Thanks for the sugestion!
June 17, 2020 4:47 a.m.
MurderForBrunch says... #5
I think it really depends on how often do you see those cards and how important they are to your game plan. The thing I like about the Codex Shredder opposed to something like Eternal Witness or let alone something like Regrowth is that the Shredder has additional value, it's almost like it draws a card each of your turns with Muldrotha out.
It also totally hoses tutors that tutor cards to the top like Mystical Tutor, and if the opponent is not expecting that it's pretty cool! hahaha
June 21, 2020 3:18 p.m.
King_marchesa says... #6
Have you thought about adding Scribe of the Mindful to recur Villainous Wealth?
August 4, 2020 2:35 p.m.
Hello King_marchesa!
Thanks for the comment and suggestion!
Scribe of the Mindful is a budget card that I really appreciate, especially in the sacrifice theme. But I think that in this deck doesn't have much advantage due to the reduced number of insta / sorcery cards ... and I would still have to wait for the summon sickness effect ... I already have Tamiyo, Collector of Tales and Skullwinder and I am seriously thinking about Codex Shredder option for MurderForBrunch... Archaeomancer is another way but like your idea, won't have many targets on this deck ...
August 4, 2020 4:30 p.m.
Hoobynobber7395 says... #8
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed would be a great include for a graveyard heavy deck, swap it out for Oakhame Adversary. Oakhame Adversary is conditional on the deck you are playing against and does give you some card draw but Izoni, Thousand-Eyed gives battlefield advantage and a sac engine for draw and life gain
August 14, 2020 8:08 a.m.
Hoobynobber7395 says... #9
Perpetual Timepiece would give you more in your graveyard, id swap it out for Golgari Signet
August 14, 2020 8:10 a.m.
I would swap shriekmaw for Seal of Doom. It hits artifact creatures too and can be used at instant speed. Imho that makes up for the 1 more cmc. But pretty nice budget list
September 25, 2020 4:25 p.m.
MurderForBrunch says... #11
Or even better, Executioner's Capsule. Same mana, but you can divide it in more than one turn! :D
September 26, 2020 3:32 a.m.
Hello MurderForBrunch and... LORD Pikobyte!
Thanks for the suggestions! All great ideas!
What holds me back to Shriekmaw is its ability to interact with one of the deck's strategies (sacrifice). It's more of a creature(!) Who kills, Dies when he enters the battlefield (Butcher of Malakir; Syr Konrad, the Grim) and delivers body to the grave (Splinterfright; Nighthowler); And it's still elemental (Risen Reef) ...
I really liked the artifact because I still don't have one to destroy ... I'll consider it.
Thank you very much for your time!
September 26, 2020 5:29 a.m.
I get you on the creature point, but I made this swap by myself recently and the ability to destroy something instant speed to stop a combo is really worth it imho. Since instant speed stuff if the only thing Muldrotha isn’t really good at, recurrable instant speed removals like seal of doom or caustic caterpillar are really great here
September 26, 2020 10:01 a.m.
This deck is so wonderful i have been looking for something similar to this to tryout and change and i have to say i really think they way you built this deck was amazing thanks for the inspiration.
September 26, 2020 9:22 p.m.
oricas000 Thanks for the words! The deck Its a nice start for the Muldrotha... This commander who looks everithing is good to him ... Put a strategy on the table and use the best you have for her, Muldrotha will always thank you!
Pikobyte You are right.. But i try to find another slot for Seal of Doom... Maybe Seal of Removal because have Aether Spellbomb and its very similar but more versatile..
Thanks for the help! I feel honored..
September 27, 2020 9:17 a.m.
Savage1988 says... #16
Crystal Vein : this card has won me so many games with muldrotha. It gets her out earlier and gets you ahead faster, all from a land you can keep recurring.
I can vouch for Seal of Removal as great repeatable bounce, as well as protection for your commander (no need to pay taxes when played from hand)
i prefer Executioner's Capsule to Seal of Doom because i tend to have enough enchantments i want to recur, and less artifacts also being able to spread the mana can sometimes help smooth out turns. I would recommend it for your list too, your don’t run many artifacts that die.
Kenrith's Transformation can elk oppo’s commanders and draw a card. When their commander finally dies to a wrath or something you do it again, drawing more
Springbloom Druid is a great way to ramp, fix and provide bodies for sac. It even puts a land in your gy
Phyrexian Metamorph has become a lot cheaper with double masters. I highly recommend it though it may be just over budget for single cards.
Nihil Spellbomb can help destroy graveyards
Phyrexian Scriptures is a cheap wrath for the deck, even being able to protect your cmdr. I’d olay it in a budget list
I’d also go up cheap ramp (Signets) or to 37 or 38 lands probably. You don’t have an excess of cheap ramp (8 pieces or so, depending how you count), so 36 for a 6cmc cmdr which the deck revolves around seems a little low.
Some cards i’d consider cutting:
Merciless Executioner you don’t need 3 of this effect i think
Mystic Snake jives against the rest of the deck a bit, only being able to play it from the yard on your own turn
Gaze of Granite seems expensive to cast and doesn’t synergize being a sorc
Khalni Heart Expedition is ok, but very slow. Recommend swapping this. Hope this helps.
For reference, here’s what i run (less budget friendly) Muldrotha, Tides of Madness
October 17, 2020 7:06 p.m.
Tried to upvote but looks like I already did. Still love this version, great job for that budget
October 19, 2020 1:33 p.m.
Thanks a lot for the help! You have already made your contribution and I am honored! If you find out anything else that might help, let us know!
October 19, 2020 1:39 p.m.
Savage1988Thank you very much for the suggestions!
Some didn't even think twice! Crystal Vein was really forgotten!
I've tested the deck and you're absolutely right when it says it's slow so I added more rock. Simic Signet and Commander's Sphere were my choices.
I'm considering Kenrith's Transformation and Phyrexian Scriptures. Phyrexian Metamorph is a card that I love The Scarab and the Forty Thieves The most fun deck you'll ever play! But I am tempted to keep the value even though it is just over 2 dollars is not an essential card... But...I think...Som
Thank you very much for helping to evolve the deck!
October 28, 2020 6:57 a.m.
I see Wonder in your maybeboard. If you add Bower Passage and move that incarnation into your main deck, then you can have a very subtle "my creatures can't be blocked except by creatures with Reach" situation. It only costs and can be cast from the grave.
Any thoughts about using Morality Shift, Traumatize?
December 16, 2020 5:18 p.m.
GrimlockVIII says... #21
Yo, since you kind of have a cycling/discard sub-theme going on, would it be possible to fit in Archfiend of Ifnir by any chance, or is there not enough stuff going on for him to work?
I dunno, I just like the guy lol.
June 11, 2021 6:52 p.m.
Last_Laugh says... #23
Good job building this deck on a budget. I do however feel like this needs more ramp with a 6 drop commander. Simic Signet, Dimir Signet, Golgari Signet, Arcane Signet, Talisman of Curiosity, Talisman of Dominance, and Talisman of Resilience, and Sol Ring all deserve a spot. You still keep this thing budget but will significantly help speed the deck up.
October 24, 2021 6:28 p.m. Edited.
Last_Laugh says... #24
Ignore me... I think I only scrolled up to the maybeboard when checking... muh bad lol.
multimedia says... #1
Hey, good budget version of Muldrotha.
I like that you have some what focused on the manabase and used some of the budget for playable lands. Sunken Hollow and Ash Barrens are two others to consider adding.
Jarad's Orders and Final Parting are budget tutors that also put a card into your graveyard. Pattern of Rebirth can be a budget repeatable creature tutor that puts the creature you tutor for onto the battlefield. Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage is self-mill that can potentially also find a land, more ways to get cards into your graveyard. Wonder can give Mudrotha flying making it a real threat to do Commander damage.
Cards to consider cutting:
Good luck with your deck.
May 12, 2020 2:36 a.m.