Muldrotha Value town Unchained

Commander / EDH Luciferian


Pikobyte says... #1

Pretty nice starting list, but some cards (like the few you mentioned) could easily be replaced for much more value. The question is: are you on a budget or willing to spend some money for upgrades?

June 26, 2019 5:31 p.m.

Luciferian says... #2

Pikobyte Unless the price for the upgrade is 60+ euros then I can consider buying it. Do you have any specific upgrades in mind?

June 27, 2019 5:09 a.m.

Pikobyte says... #3

Cards like Aura Thief , Mesmeric Orb , Diplomatic Immunity , Birthing Pod , Defense of the Heart and Life from the Loam perform really well in my Muldrotha list. Lion's Eye Diamond is expensive but really kicks the deck to the next level. Expedition Map is also nice to find special lands like beacon. Take a look at my list if you want more suggestions or description why some not so obvious cards are great.

June 27, 2019 6:19 a.m.

Luciferian says... #4

I had my eye on a Lion's Eye Diamond unfortunately I kept delaying its purchase and then its price skyrocketed and it's now out of my budget range.

Defense of the Heart I've always disliked this card, both winning and losing by it. Basically I avoid using specific kind of tutors instead I run an Intuition , Demonic Tutor and an Entomb which I believe cover enough of the tutored answers I would like to have.

Aura Thief Honestly I had this sitting in my binder for quite a while now and never though of giving it a go in my muldrotha deck. Most probably I'm gonna give this a try, thanks for the suggestion.

I like Diplomatic Immunity but if I think if i'm gonna run protection I should first start with Lightning Greaves

As for Mesmeric Orb , Birthing Pod and Life from the Loam don't really reflect me as player, first two more than the latter.

I had a look at your deck and I think including Mindslicer is a good control stopper especially since I have one sitting in my binder.

Overall thanks for the suggestions I'm sure gonna give Aura Thief a try and most probably gonna include Mindslicer as well

June 27, 2019 8:23 a.m.

munky702 says... #5

September 17, 2019 6:47 a.m.

Luciferian says... #6

Hey munky702 thanks for having a look at my deck.

Both of those cards Zur's Weirding and Breathstealer's Crypt seem to be good cards for a Muldrotha, the Gravetide deck. But they do not promote the direction I want to have with the deck. I preferably like to allow other players to play normally and interact/interrupt only when needed. Following said strategy in my personal experience I found it easier not be the main target of a game and the general mood of the table to be better.

September 17, 2019 7:25 a.m.

Pikobyte says... #7

If you cut claws of gix for Altar of dementia and add in a jace, wielder of mysteries you would have an instant-win combo that is even mana neutral to play, mills all opponents, casts all your cards from your grave and wins with jace in the same turn.

May 22, 2020 10:10 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #8

Crystal Vein ramps with Muldy out.

Cephalid Coliseum is an effective draw engine here.

Sylvan Safekeeper protects Muldy like a champ.

Bear Umbra is nothing short of amazing here. Allows you to aggressively progress your gameplan on your first main and still hold up plenty of mana for answers (or just play more stuff). Totem armor does a hell of a job at keeping Muldy in the game also.

Song of the Dryads/Imprisoned in the Moon are versatile and backbreaking against decks that're reliant on their commander. They're reusable (assuming they ever get rid of it) and only reliably answered by 2/5 colors.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. It's retired but upvotes are still appreciated. Muldrotha's Madhouse - No Infinite

July 22, 2020 1:35 a.m. Edited.

Luciferian says... #9

Thanks for the suggestions!

Pikobyte, as I say in the description this is a non combo centric deck, hence your suggestion is not something I would put in the deck.


Bear Umbra, Sylvan Safekeeper were in the deck for many months before being eventually cut for better replacements, they just did not put in the work.

Song of the Dryads and Imprisoned in the Moon I've tried for a little while and as the cards above they were also cut. However I have thought on multiple occasions to try Kenrith's Transformation since it still deals with opponents commanders and replaces itself.

Crystal Vein over the span of this deck life I've found that much colorless mana is not something it needs and/or can utilize, for this reason I've kept the colors producing permanents to a minimum.

Cephalid Coliseum is indeed a very good suggestion, I'll put it in the next testing phase!

July 22, 2020 3:26 a.m. Edited.

budlaorf says... #10

How about throwing in Havengul Lich. He's a great backup creature for creature recurrence, and he even lets you cast opponents graveyard creatures.

August 14, 2020 1:29 p.m.

Luciferian says... #11

budlaorf thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately Havengul Lich is way too slow for this deck. A much better alternative for it is Chainer, Dementia Master which was in the deck but got removed along side Kokusho, the Evening Star due to me wanting to move away from that combo. The card is incredibly powerful though and could eventually put back in the deck as a finisher. Without Kokusho, the Evening Star of course, either of those paint a huge target on your head.

August 21, 2020 5:12 a.m. Edited.

Pikobyte says... #12

How do you „spam“ avenger of zendikar with phyrexian altar? Where does the spam come from?

September 9, 2020 2:23 a.m.

Luciferian says... #13

Pikobyte That was a long time ago, but generally it was by different revive effects. I say "spamming" because I could only do it a finite amount of times. However Avenger of Zendikar is long gone from the deck and from my recent games Phyrexian Altar might follow soon as well, due to not providing enough value.

September 9, 2020 8:55 a.m.

Fun deck. I'm building a value engine centric muldrotha as well, with some accidental win cons. This is a good list.

November 16, 2020 5:11 p.m.

Luciferian says... #15

Forceofnature1 thanks, I would love to see your list.

January 14, 2021 3:06 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #16

Altar of Dementia enables an infinite mill combo with cards you already run. Kaya's Ghostform goes on Muldrotha, Sac to Altar to mill someone for 6 and reset Muldy's 1 permanent per turn. Lotus Petal to recast Kaya's and rinse and repeat.

Gravebreaker Lamia is a stud here that makes finding that combo easy like Sunday morning.

Sacrifice is great to either ramp into Muldy or to reuse and immediately pay for any etb/death trigger creature.

January 4, 2022 5:02 p.m.

Luciferian says... #17

Hey Last_Laugh thanks for your suggestions, but as I have mentioned before, infinite comboing is not something that this deck wants to focus on.

That being said milling was something that I was considering and decided to add Mesmeric Orb for that.

I had Gravebreaker Lamia in the deck before, but it was cut because it just didn't work with the current deck direction. There is no tutor this win now card.

Sacrifice looks nice, but seing my overall creature cmc the payoff wouldn't be that great, I would wager Dark Ritual would most often be better, but even then I usually don't want to ramp Muldrotha out because I am not comboing with something. It was the reason I cut Lion's Eye Diamond a card that is an actual powerhouse in a Muldrotha deck.

January 5, 2022 2:09 a.m.

NobodyP1 says... #18

Good Ideas for my deck

March 1, 2022 4:19 p.m.

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