

From the depths of the mountains, chewing noises can be heard ...

The title is a little tribute to Gurgi from The Black Cauldron~

Using cards like Infernal Plunge and Battle Hymn, I can utilize my 0 drops for additional mana to bring out powerful dragons really quickly. The 0 drops can also be their for the chump block when the opponent throws out some 16/16 double strike monstrosity somehow.

The best condition is to be able to play a dragon on turn one. A bit hard to do but very possible. Play a mountain, play a 0 drop creature, play Infernal Plunge and sac the creature, play Seething Song and then Geosurge to end up with 8 mana to play almost any mono-red dragon in existence. Bonus points if you play a dragon with haste so that you can attack on turn one.

Most of the dragons are self-explanatory on their use, however the use of Dragon Mage may raise some questions. This is in here because this deck takes an entire hand and uses it within a few turns of starting to play one maybe two dragons. However 2 dragons are not enough, so I needed to add a draw card function. Dragon Mage is really useful in this case as my hand can be completely empty when I attack, meaning a relatively free draw of 7 for me. This can allow me to use up that entire hand to play stuff right after the attack.

Wheel of Fortune is here thanks to the casual tag of this deck. With this I can easily refresh my hand and continue the stream of artifact creatures and mana spells to be able to bring out the dragons really quickly.

Sideboard explanations:

Blood Moon is really useful against the multi-coloured decks, it destroys their fetchlands, shocklands and ABUR duals.

Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast are here for the anti-U control, having both of them means I have a little bit of leeway when it comes to things like Meddling Mage. I'm also debating whether or not I want Vexing Shusher in there instead.

Shattering Spree! Destroy those artifacts! As there are quite a few of really irritating artifacts in legacy and this card helps deal with them all.

Grafdigger's Cage and Tormod's Crypt are here for the anti-graveyard interaction, the cage also acts as anti-pod and other library to board cards.

Witchbane Orb is useful against RDW and burn decks, discard decks and mill decks.


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Revision 10 See all

(10 years ago)

+6 Badlands main
+2 Bladewing the Risen maybe
+1 Bloodstained Mire main
-1 Bogardan Hellkite main
+1 Broodmate Dragon maybe
-1 Chrome Mox main
+3 City of Brass main
-1 Covetous Dragon side
+1 Demonic Consultation main
+1 Demonic Tutor main
+2 Destructor Dragon maybe
-1 Dragon Tyrant side
+1 Enlightened Tutor main
+4 Force of Will main
-1 Great Furnace main
-1 Hellkite Tyrant side
+1 Keiga, the Tide Star maybe
-3 Knollspine Dragon main
+2 Kokusho, the Evening Star maybe
+3 Mana Confluence main
and 44 other change(s)
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Vintage legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 5 Mythic Rares

36 - 6 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.02
Tokens Dragon 6/6 R
Folders Casual
Ignored suggestions
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