Femme_Fatale says... #2
Huh, thanks Brimstone! While Crimson Wisps does allow for the turn one combo, I don't recall it ever being used in any other situation besides the discard for Wild Guess . Also, that turn one combo, will never happen in real matches. So the advice for Reverberate is really helpful, thank again~
August 26, 2013 9:25 p.m.
merrowMania says... #3
I know that kobolds are awesome, but maybe maybe you should trade some of them in for some Memnite s and Ornithopter s.
August 31, 2013 6:38 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
The artifacts are a much better choice. I originally put the Kobolds in because I thought they were a goblin type, so I used Skirk Prospector in them. But I quickly learned from Gatherer searches that they weren't. Oh woe was me at that day.
I'll have to change the title, "Munchings and Crunchings" and will be a tribute to the character Gurgi from the movie The Black Cauldron.
August 31, 2013 8:34 p.m.
ZarBluestar says... #7
Imagine the potential combos with Hellkite Charger .
September 26, 2013 7:32 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #8
You have a very good point there, ZarBluestar, I just never playtested it that way. Shall test it now!
September 26, 2013 7:34 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #10
Wasn't very reliable. Sure getting it out was fun and all, but there are four things to keep in mind. One, you are never very sure what your going to draw from Dragon Mage . Two, mana doesn't float between the numerous attack phases. Three, I generally don't have enough land mana to be able to cast the mana producing spells that activates Hellkite Charger 's ability numerous times. And four, it is near impossible to consistently get both cards out and not worth the effort to try and build a deck based around that combo in legacy.
September 26, 2013 7:46 p.m.
ZarBluestar says... #11
if you splash in green and add Natural Affinity , you could infinite combo, though you're right about the reliability. I may consider splashing this into my elf deck, just because I can.
Brimstone says... #1
Unless the haste from Crimson Wisps is actually helping you, I feel like this card is not actually benefiting you at all. I understand that it appears to be card draw, but it is actually just a cantrip. It's only letting you draw a single card, which means that it is only replacing itself. I would suggest replacing Crimson Wisps with Reverberate . You may be surprised by how versatile Reverberate is. You can use it to copy any of your mana ramp spells (if copying infernal plunge you only have to sacrafice one creature to gain 6 mana), or card draw spells, and it is also useful against counter decks, (You can copy the counter spell, and counter it before it resolves and ruins your dragon drop).
August 26, 2013 6:32 a.m.