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Murasa Resilient (2nd Place OGW Gameday)

Standard* Competitive Dragons Midrange RGW (Naya)




This is the version of this deck I played for Oath of the Gatewatch Gameday.

I took 2nd place in a group of 8 players. So there were only three rounds, and then the winner determined by standings. I barely lost to the eventual winner (in Round 2 of 3) on turn 5 after Time in Round, who was playing RG Eldrazi Ramp. He got out a Void Winnower that I couldn't block with my creatures. I might have to look into some odd-CMC creatures as insurance against that card...maybe Goblin Dark-Dwellers.

I've been playtesting this quite a bit on MTGO and doing fairly well against all kinds of archetypes, so I have some game against aggro, midrange, and control, as well as the various combo decks like Rally or the infinite Brood Monitor + Eldrazi Displacer , since I have enough removal to keep their important pieces off the table. I've been able to grind out games even against something grindy, like Jeskai Black with a Jace, Telepath Unbound   on the table for most of the game, so that was satisfying. Usually THEY grind YOU down.

I've been weak to fliers, of course, if I don't draw a Chandra, Flamecaller fast enough to sweep away Mantis Riders and Thunderbreak Regents. I also couldn't gain as much advantage against decks with lots of Exiling effects that run things like Stasis Snare, Transgress the Mind or Anafenza, the Foremost, since I'm gaining value from graveyard recursion, so I'm taking something of a hit from all the people that are gunning for Rally the Ancestors decks.

I've been tweaking this a lot after each round of playtesting, but I'm going to leave this here as an archive of the paper version I played at OGW Gameday, since it did really well, and nicely represents the core philosophy of the deck.

I'll get a longer description up for it as soon as I can, that explains the general philosophy and the individual card choices.

I have some details of the OGW games (what I can remember offhand), down below, and I'll add notes about my MTGO playtesting as well, then have a link to the living version of this that I'm still tweaking.

The metagame for MTGO is different than for my local game shop, and there might be some card differences since my paper and digital inventories aren't the same, as far as what cards I have, but for the most part I'm playing this same deck on MTGO and on paper. As one example, I opened a Kozilek's Return in a booster pack, so I have one on paper but haven't invested in any on MTGO since their cost is high. Since I'm only running two colors (making Radiant Flames deal only two damage), I really should replace all the Radiant Flames with Kozilek's Return, but I just don't want to invest in it.

Here's a link to the version of this deck I'm currently tweaking:



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I played this on paper at my LGS for OGW Gameday and took 2nd place.

Round 1: 1-0 rounds (2-0 games) vs. RW Aggro

This guy had a brew of Allies and goblin token-generators, souping them up with equipment like Captain's Claws.

He couldn't play out his threats fast enough in either game. Chandra, Flamecaller swept them away right on queue in the first game, and with all the sweepers I brought in from my sideboard for the second game he didn't have a chance.

Round 2: 1-1 rounds (3-2 games) vs. RGB Eldrazi Ramp

This guy is a spikey-type and he was playing a stock RG Eldrazi Ramp deck with all the usual suspects, Ugin and Ulamog with World Breakers and Thought-Knot Seers as sidekicks, to go along with Transgress the Mind. This was the deck my previous deck couldn't beat, so I was eager to test it out against a real opponent.

I won one of the first two games with a big Crater's Claws doing it's job, and lost one when he topdecked an Ugin, the Spirit Dragon when my Chandra, Flamecaller elemental tokens would have killed him on the next turn. He was NOT at 10 mana, so he wouldn't have been able to Exile her away with an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger.

The last game came down to Turn 5 after Time in Round. I had several turns to draw either Crater's Claws or Chandra, Flamecaller to finish him off, but I drew lands and then he put out a Void Winnower that I couldn't block with my Endless One or Zendikar Incarnate because their CMC is Even.

I like to play rogue, spicy singletons, so I had a single Elemental Bond in the deck as a last-minute replacement for a fourth Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, and I had that out in one game alongside Chandra, Flamecaller, so her +1 ability was also drawing me two cards per turn. I had about 4 turns in a row that I had to discard one or two cards at the end of turn, which is an embarrassment of riches. Sylvan Advocate enters the battlefield as a 4/5 (we checked with a Judge), so he also draws you a card if you're at 6 lands or more, as does the 4/4 Ashaya token from Nissa, Sage Animist  Flip, turning her -2 ability almost into her +1 ability for free, except for the fact that her Loyalty drops to dangerously low levels.

Round 3: 2-1 rounds (1-0 games) vs. Mardu Green

This guy's deck was VERY ambitious, playing Siege Rhino alongside Goblin Dark-Dwellers and Chandra, Flamecaller. We only played one game and then he dropped, since we were out of the prizes. It was a LONG grindy game with me gaining life and extra creatures from Pulse of Murasa and him gaining life from Siege Rhino and extra removal for my creatures from Goblin Dark-Dwellers recurring Crackling Doom from the yard.

I had a satisfying moment when he had Siege Rhino in play, then played out a Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet AND a Den Protector facedown, that he didn't have any mana to flip, while I had Chandra, Flamecaller sitting on the board at 5 loyalty. Chandra had to make the ultimate sacrifice to make it happen, but that was a very satisfying 5-damage boardwipe.

So he's a good player who was making some small mistakes after being on Tilt from getting knocked out of the prizes with a loss from the previous round, but I've seen repeatedly that this deck has the staying power to go long in grindy games, and the cards just keep getting stronger as the game goes on, and more mana gets on the table, because I have so many cards with X in their casting costs, like Endless One and Crater's Claws, or bonuses for lands in play, like Zendikar Incarnate or Sylvan Advocate, to go along with mana sinks like the activated ability on Mina and Denn, Wildborn or Rogue's Passage.

The Rogue's Passage kept flying under people's radar, since it's not a commonly-played card, and can lead to some big blowouts when people think they're safe with a chump blocker and forget that my guy can be unblockable, withOUT sacrificing the land. I'm seeing people play lands that have utility in the late-game, or when you flood on lands, like Blighted Gorge, but I like that I can use Rogue's Passage as many times as I care to pay for.

I'll make a separate update comment with my take on which cards overperformed or underperformed, and the tweaks I've made since Gameday.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 4 Mythic Rares

25 - 6 Rares

10 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.78
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Dragon 5/5 R, Elemental 3/1 R, Plant 0/1 G
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