
The latest version of my EDH Zombies deck Focuses on tribal synergies, sacrifice with benefits, and token abuse. Control is mostly focused on creatures, keeping the board clear for my zombies to shamble in. More Timmy / Johnny than Spike, and theme / flavour is a big part of the project for me.

This is one of those decks where the commander is almost peripheral. Tymaret's main contributions are as an early tribal cast, as a back-up sac outlet, and as a self-recurring card that never costs more than 4 mana.

The core mechanics of the deck are sacrifice / recursion effects. There's a couple of reliable recursion engines. Gravecrawler self-recurs, obviously, Cauldron of Souls also recurs creatures to the battlefield. Gravedigger, Infernal Caretaker, Lord of the Dead, Unholy Grotto and Sheoldred allow to-hand recursion (which works well with some of the discard options). There's plenty of useful sac outlets as well. Multi-casting Grey Merchant is hateful fun, but re-using Corpse Connoisseur to stack the graveyard i fun too.

This is less about filing the graveyard than it is moving things through it as quickly as possible, and profiting at as many steps as possible on the way.

Grave Pact / Dictate of Erebos, plus Harvester of Souls / Dark Prophecy make for a good draw engine, and with Overseer of the Damned makes for a fast growing Zombie horde. Vengeful dead, Geralf's Messenger, Purphoros, and Warstorm Surge can ping opponents pretty quickly once a recursion engine is running. The latter two plus Rise of the Dark Realms can end games; Living Death and Necromantic Selection can fill the graveyard for it, or to power up Grave Betrayal (which is also bonkers with Grave Pact effects), or Tombstone Stairwell (which can then end games via Purphoros or Warstorm).

There's a number of tribal effects, and token producers to exploit them. Blanket of Night and Urborg both power up the Coffer effects and Crypt Ghast, and interact in interesting ways with Zombie Master and Zombie Trailblazer.

Army of the Damned, or a combo like Gisa + Grave Pact + Overseer (or Tombstone with a fat graveyard) can pump out tokens quickly; I've put some haste effects in to capitalize on those opportunities.

There's a couple cards I'm not 100% sold on, including Skirk Ridge Exhumer and Grim Guardian. I'm on the lookout for some low-in-the-curve Zombies with good synergy, or some red creatures / effects that would be thematic and add some more synergy. Any ideas appreciated.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.39
Tokens Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Im Auge behalten, Watch, EDH Options, Commander Ideas, ideas
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