For those of you who haven't played UWR Control, its really fun. The way it works is you start playing and kinda hold on for dear life and hope that you can make it to like turn 7 with a decent amount of life. If you do and have maintained decent control, the win is yours.
This deck is constantly evolving, but I will list the big players here.
Snapcaster Mage: Broken AF. Flashback graveyard all day. The real strat is to play a Cryptic Command, using the bounce ability to put him back in your hand. Then you can play him again and flashback the cryptic, using it again to bounce and starting a cryptic chain
Restoration Angel: Flash is surprising, and, mana permitting, he can help us get more procs from Snapcaster Mage. It also helps with Geist of Saint Traft, as you can freely swing with geist and remove combat damage from him with the angel.
Geist of Saint Traft: win con. Hexproof is great against everything, and if I deploy him early then its a huge hindrance to the opponent, and he is still very useful in the late game. And no one can deal with it. (except for Lilliana of the Veil
Lightning Bolt: One of the best removal spells in modern. It can also be thrown to the face when the game gets close
Lightning Helix: 3 damage and 3 life. Not bad.
Path to Exile: One of the best removal spells in modern.
: great against little things, and provides card advantage.
Mana Leak: one of the best counters in modern.
Spell Snare: same as above
Cryptic Command: Just read it this card's broken
Sphinx's Revelation:wins games. Casting this for 4 is pretty good, but it can be an insane topdeck in a really long game. Drawing lotsa cards for lotsa life is great. This is one of the reasons why the deck runs 26 lands.
Wear / Tear: great for dealing with a lot of things that run artifacts or enchantments.
Anger of the Gods: Exile is nice. I would rather run Pyroclasm, but things like Kitchen Finks and Voice of Resurgence are problem cards that are bothering me
: ends stack battles, and is great against mirror matchups and matchups where counterspells are heavily played.
Spellskite: good against almost everything
Negate: great against many things
Timely Reinforcements
: best card against burn
Celestial Purge: My only answer to LotV
Engineered Explosives: aggro is a thing
Keranos, God of Storms: my meta is heavy in control and this can help fight the long game. I'm not too impressed with him right now, as I like it in control/mirror games but then its just a pain to resolve and not have mana up.
Supreme Verdict: board wipe, which can be extremely helpful
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