American Prowess

Modern haberdashdsgn


haberdashdsgn says... #1

It works against CoCo and very few decks have horrors that will stay on the board. I have effectively wiped all boards, recast swiftspear and triggered prowess for 10+ damage turn 5. The only downside is losing delver but you can recast him. This deck is tempo so I don't ever have too much on the board.

August 25, 2016 6:51 p.m.

I got ya Cool build either way

I plus 1d

August 26, 2016 8:54 a.m.

darthskat says... #3

Do we not like Swiftspears brother Stormchaser Mage? Seems like a strong 4x in a deck like this.

September 5, 2016 9:12 p.m.

haberdashdsgn says... #4

He's fantastic! I had him for a while but he tends to be a prime target and gets removed quicker than I can draw something to protect him. I have him in the sideboard 2x for when Thing in the Ice  Flip can be swapped out.

September 6, 2016 5:06 p.m.

haberdashdsgn says... #5

Ben4782@ I have 2 mainboard and 1 sideboard of Path to Exile. Not sure if I want to go 4 since I have enough burn. I was debating just removing the stormchaser mages from sideboard and going with more burn spells.

Also, I have the 2 Snapcaster Mage in the mainboard. I would like to try 4 in the main and take out the Thing in the Ice  Flip but that's been doing well so until they reprint him I'll stick with this for now. I agree he is bonkers!

November 5, 2016 2:16 p.m.

Fartface31 says... #6

I do like this Burn/Midrange type of Delver. I play a similar Izzet version of the deck and have liked Bedlam Reveler a lot. 2 seems like it could be good if the game goes long. I also don't about Distortion Strike as a two of since another Boros Charm is just brutal as a double-strike enabler on an awoken horror. The unblockability could be more valuable to you though.

December 7, 2016 6:01 p.m.

haberdashdsgn says... #7

I can consider Bedlam Reveler but I think I want to add Monastery Mentor instead. What do you think?

December 12, 2016 6:55 p.m.

Konjiikhan says... #8

i use 2 mon mentor's instead of giest. and few other spells than you. i love how it plays out with the burn.i dont have scalding tarn so i use khans fetch's atm. and hopefully my playset of snaps shows up this week.

January 22, 2017 3:54 p.m.

haberdashdsgn says... #9

Thanks! I want to put in the 2x Monastery Mentor for playtesting. I'm going to get them this week and find out. So far I keep going 2-3 or 2-2. Ironically due to mana flooding here and there or the infect deck. He might help out. Mutagenic Growth was a great addition. Link me your deck, Konjiikhan!

January 22, 2017 6:38 p.m.

Konjiikhan says... #10

Delver pie this is mine.

January 22, 2017 9:16 p.m.

CheapDecks101 says... #11

Mana Leak mainboard instead of Negate.

April 28, 2017 10:17 a.m.

haberdashdsgn says... #12

Great idea! I literally just swapped it to test more today. Thanks, CheapDecks101!

April 28, 2017 10:28 a.m.

Herb48 says... #13

Hey There!

I love Jeskai Delver/Prowess decks. They are definitely my favourite modern archetype. In this deck you have a lot of control type spells, so I can recommend one of two things.

The first is two build it in a more tempo/agressive fashion by dropping some permission and removal (not all of it) for spells like Emerge Unscathed and Distortion Strike. The rebound real helps trigger Prowess, and Emerge Unscathed specifically is a huge tempo card because you can cast it on an opponents turn to protect a creature, and attack with pseudo unblockable the next turn. Also adding some more Prowess creatures like Stormchaser Mage and Abbot of Keral Keep can help out, especially with all the spells you cast. His ability is almost never a wiff, and he prevents mana flood. If you plan on this route, I would recommend the following:

Take out:


The other direction you could take this deck is a Jeskai Control deck. I don't have much expertise in the area, but my recommendation would be taking out a lot of the aggressive creatures, adding in Thing in the Ice  Flip and a lot more land, as you will want to be going a bit further late game.

If you want, feel free to check out my Jeskai Prowes list:

Jeskai Tempo Prowess (Possible Turn Three Win!)

My apologies for the long ramble, I really love the deck, and you have a +1 from me!

Cheers :)

April 28, 2017 11:45 a.m.

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