Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

Commander / EDH Crow_Umbra

SCORE: 296 | 145 COMMENTS | 41050 VIEWS | IN 118 FOLDERS

Crow_Umbra says... #1

I slotted her in over Hanweir Garrison  Meld on my Moxfield version of the deck a few days ago, KBK7101. I kept checking LCI/LCC to go live here lol.

I like that she doesn't have to be the one to attack for her trigger. She has real snowball potential from some play-testing. Anim Pakal is bffs with Breena.

November 6, 2023 10:50 p.m.

Jimmithee says... #6

The new set, Murders at Karlov Manor, may have some new tech for this deck!

Warleader's Call (not sure if its linkable yet), is mixture of Impact Tremors and Glorious Anthem, for .Theres also Agrus Kos, Spirit of Justice, which can, with a doubled attack trigger, cause two creatures to not be able to block, or take out a creature entirely.

You can view spoilered MKM cards at

January 17, 2024 1:42 p.m.

Jimmithee says... #7

Oh, and the commander product for MKM also brings along Nelly Borca, Impulsive Accuser, which can goad enemy creatures and cause them to not be able to block. Nice card advantage too.

January 17, 2024 1:45 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #8

Thanks for checking in Jimmithee. That stuff is definitely on my radar. Between the Boros precon with Nelly, & the Caesar precon in March/April, this should hopefully be a pretty prolific year for Isshin.

I think the Warleaders Call, Nelly, Agrus Kos, Tomik, & new Aurelia are all pretty cool designs. I'm waiting for everything to be spoiled before I make any swaps.

I made some recent minor edits to add more burst draw, but nothing super drastic. I'll make some room lol

January 17, 2024 1:48 p.m.

1dTen says... #13

Seems like ramp up takes too long and many cards don't support the Commander/concept. Over 15 turns in and less than half the cards proved helpful. Didn't hit any removal, so when an opponent had any card down that prevented casting spells/instants the support cards were rendered useless. This reminds me of the sort of decks I build-- I have ADHD and tend to stray from a central design and add get lost in the trees. That's exactly what I was trying to avoid by selecting a highly upvoted deck-- but it's my fault for assuming votes are even relevant in a post Bot Net world.

Rating: (Beautiful Card Art, Great Concept + Inability to Stay on Task) Out of 10.

February 19, 2024 2:25 a.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #14

Welcome to Tapped Out. I've been playing and updating this deck for two years now, 1dTen. In that time I've had maybe a handful of games where I flooded out on mana, or didn't really draw into the answers I've wanted. The rest of the games played were usually pretty interactive or I'd become archenemy if it didn't win.

Thank you for the input Out of 10.

February 19, 2024 2:42 a.m.

Craeter says... #17

Hey thanks for putting in all the work researching and optimizing this deck, I used it as a basis for an Isshin deck of my own. Here's a few things I uncovered: Sword of the Animist benefits from Isshin's double activations, which is pretty insane mana ramp. Kaya the Inexorable can protect Isshin from exile, I'm also using it with Nahiri's Resolve to force 1/1 token flyers each turn. Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit also benefits from Nahiri's, although granted it wouldn't be as useful here. Etali, Primal Storm double activation is insane with Isshin. Also went for some legendary shenanigans: Gimli of the Glittering Caves (also benefits from Nahiri's) Gloin, Dwarf Emissary, Mangara, the Diplomat, Mirror of Galadriel, Relic of Legends, and some other minor tweaks. There's 25 legendary creatures in my version, so the Mirror and Relic will definitely get some value.

I know that's way too much to consider to add here, just wanted to add my 2 cents and thank you for doing the legwork.

September 13, 2024 7:38 a.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #18

Thank you for checking out the deck and offering some suggestions, Craeter, I appreciate it. I'm overdue on doing a year end wrap up of the various changes I've made this year. Definitely overdue for a primer update in general; I've been meaning to expand on a couple of sections and clean up organization in general. In regards to your suggestions:

  • I used to play Sword of the Animist in some of the earliest iterations of this deck, from like February 2022 to at most the following year. A core memory was an early game where I pulled all of the basics out of my deck with the Sword, & my play group saw how this would be a problem. Over time, I've moved away from playing equipment much beyond the Lightning Greaves variants and Skullclamp, especially outside of dedicated Equipment strats. They're useful, but I don't like the play pattern of equipment costs, especially when I run lots of cheap instant speed interaction, that I feel those costs can compete with. I think as I optimized my mana base, Land Tax effectively took the slot that Sword used to be in.

  • I'll keep that Kaya in mind. I played Kaya, Geist Hunter for a bit for her anthem effect and token doubling. Planeswalkers don't see a whole lot of play in my play groups because of how aggro and go-wide they primarily lean. Walkers tend to get attacked and removed very quickly.

  • Nahiri's Resolve is interesting as an anthem & means of re-setting creatures at end of turn. For a Haste anthem, 5 mana feels kind of slow, especially when there are other haste anthems in the 3-4 cmc range that also offer a power buff in addition to haste. I think this could be a stronger piece in a deck with a more dedicated suite of creatures or artifacts with ETB effects.

  • Etali, Primal Storm is another card I used to play in Isshin. There were turns where it popped off & got some really cool pulls off its doubled trigger. The majority of the time I played it, Etali tended to eat targeted removal and board wipes, or the attack triggers whiffed. It's a fun card, but very boom or bust. Big Red effects are fun, but after a while I craved more consistency.

  • Mangara, the Diplomat was in some of the earliest iterations of this deck (maybe like the first 4 months). I found that my playgroup would play around Mangara in a way that he didn't feel super impactful. Some of the earliest archetype shifts that I made for this deck were cutting the more defensive pillow-fort effects like Mangara and Emberwilde Captain, and leaning much more into being proactive with my own aggro. I've found that Authority of the Consuls and similar effects have been wonderful here because they hamper early aggro, or cheaply come down when the table is in board-wipe recovery mode and helps me get out ahead.

  • I played Gloin briefly in my old Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil deck. Gimli feels like it could be a budget alternative to Professional Face-Breaker, or put in work in a more Legendary focused deck, like you suggested. I toyed around with the idea of a Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge Mardu Legends deck about a year ago, and I think these two Dwarves and Galadriel's Mirror would be more at home there.

Thank you again for the suggestions.

September 13, 2024 10:40 a.m.

Craeter says... #19

Crow_Umbra Yeah everything you're saying makes sense, I see you've heavily researched and play-tested the deck. I'm just theory crafting and wanted to try to put my own unique spin on Isshin. I think Legendary heavy perms and Treasures could be a viable alternative strategy. Also forgot to mention Rain of Riches seems pretty good, for 1 Treasure per turn you can draw and cast a lesser spell for free. I'm sure you've considered Anointed Procession as well since it's a pretty staple white token doubler. And Cathars' Crusade can also go nuts with the token buffs. Once I eventually try out the deck for real I'm sure I'll have a better idea of how to properly optimize it. Appreciate you.

September 13, 2024 10:53 a.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #20

No prob Craeter, I read the first sentence of your comment a bit too quickly, but after peeping your deck, your comment makes more sense in that context. If you want to go in a more Legend focused route, Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge could be fun draw engine & Menace anthem in your deck. I've really enjoyed the Treasure support I currently run in this deck, it feels consistent enough without overshadowing some of the other aspects.

Rain of Riches was something I had on my radar for Prosper for a minute. When I first put Prosper together, I expected it to be a niche Rakdos commander, and not a large part of its design identity in the following years lol.

Anointed Procession is cool, I just haven't picked up a copy yet. At the time that I bough Mondrak, it was cheaper than Anointed Procession. Cathars' Crusade is good, but it's something that I didn't like after playing it in a different deck a few times. The irl game actions of tracking counters across a growing board was kind of tiresome for me. All that being said, it's still a great card especially in a counters focused deck, it's just not my cup of tea.

Looking forward to how your deck develops.

September 13, 2024 11:48 a.m.

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