Saw a Mono White Aggro deck in a Fireball article and so far this is my take on it.
3x Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit Great in a deck of weenies!
2x Celestial Flare You wanted to block and hopefully stem the bleeding? oh... muh bad
Consul's Lieutenant
Considering how wide I can get, this is great! He is a little slow but considering he pumps my field each attack, thats alright.
Dragon Hunter
Because 1 mana 2/1 with extra value
Expedition Envoy
Because 1 mana 2/1
Glaring Aegis
Great for protecting creatures like Kytheon or Consuls lieutenant when you reeeeally want to attack with them. Also great for opening their board up for an attack.
2x Timely Horde Mate with so many weenies, I believe this to be decent card advantage. I moved Hidden Dragonslayer to the sideboard for this.
4x Knight of the White Orchid I absolutely love this card! Oh you only have two lands? Go ahead and draw a plains and then play another card!
3x Kytheon, Hero of Akros
Combat tricks or a 4/4, nuff said
Lithomancer's Focus
Because white doesn't have Titan's Strength
4x Mardu Woe-Reaper 1 mana 2/1 with value
3x Sandstone Bridge to me this card is basically a defiant strike and a land card melded. Play it if its all you have but preferably save it for when you're running out of steam. I wouldn't be terribly upset removing this for 3 plains.
Tandem Tactics
Combat tricks yo
2x Valorous Stance Removal or combat trick
Side boardThis is almost entirely removal
Echoes of the Kin Tree
i want to have a mana sink available, its either this or mastery of the unseen in the side board and this takes less mana
3x Grasp of the Hieromancer might move this to the mainboard... pretty good
2x Hidden Dragonslayer lifegain and removal
Pressure Point
I would really prefer if you had no blockers
no blockers plz?
Swift Reckoning
no atk plz?