"My Art is an Explosion!"
Art comes in many different forms; my personal favourite type of expression is that through the use of pyrotechnics and the explosive.
I have decided to follow in the footsteps of the Akatsuki Artist Deidara, from the Manga and Anime Naruto, and have an explosive end to the deck.
"Fine art is the beauty of that single fleeting moment of explosion."
Now, the deck is based on a variety of different combos. I try to squeeze as much value out of a card as possible. It was initially intended to be a Guttersnipe/Curiosity combo, but after learning about some other cards, my focus changed slightly. Two Gelectrodes are also in the deck because more than likely the Guttersnipe will be a major target. The typical Storm components are here, Gitaxian Probe, Grapeshot, [Manamorphose]] and
Sleight of Hand
. I like having Faithless Looting in here for several reasons, it is cheap draw and with the fact Im drawing so many cards it also makes it slightly more valuable. As well as this, all these spells are likely doing damage when a Guttersnipe or Gelectrode is on the table.Vapor Snag is in here for a bit of control. Its insane against many decks I play at FNM, which is Creature Aggro Meta heavy. Additional to this, I also play Four Mana Leaks and Two Spell Pierce to protect some of my creatures or myself if necessary.Im playing Red so Lightning Bolt. Need I say more?Finally we come to the Pyromancer Ascension, which is a nice contributor towards win conditions, letting me both draw more cards and deal more damage with Lightning Bolt.
I'm on the lookout for Akatsuki Cloud Sleeves, so if anyone know where I can get any, can you tell me?
I love this deck. It perfectly portrays my style of Magic, insanity and mayhem, but also being incredibly interesting.
I am looking to do trading as well, so if you want to hit me up on anything, message me.
+1 it if you like it!
3% of Credit goes to AboundingTerror for helping with the name!