My Creatures, Your Face.

Modern StormZing


lowrie4 says... #1

I know you mentioned you don't buy individual cards that often, but if I were you I would consider looking into getting duplicates of your favorite cards in here. Particularly in the creature category, you have lots of different creatures and 1, 2 or 3 of each one. I would consider choosing your favorite creatures and getting four of each. This is not always beneficial, but all of the best decks that I've come across have four of everything, especially lower costing cards.

July 10, 2013 10:27 p.m.

Looks a lot cleaner than my deck, but you can look through mine and pick out cards you may like.

July 10, 2013 10:28 p.m.

ZarBluestar says... #3

Drove of Elves is a boss green card. It has a power and toughness equal to the number of green permanents you control for only a cost 3G, AND it can't be the target of spells and abilities your opponents control. Also, if you include Crowned Ceratok then all of your creatures with +1/+1 counters gain trample. Otherwise, it's a good deck +1!

Also, I'm looking for people to check out my Elf Semi-Populate

July 10, 2013 10:28 p.m.

StormZing says... #4

lowrie4 I know that's a problem with this deck, but mostly because I'm having difficulty trying to determine which cards to swap out for and which to keep, while also trying to work really hard on the mana curve. Another thing which I should probably add in the description as to why I have many 2's and 1's of, is that I like to swap out a card for another card that works similar to that card, but isn't quite the same simply for library removal and the fact that sometimes having a slightly different version of the same effect or same idea has come in very handy. Here are the three biggest examples of one of's that are really just me swapping out a single card for one of these:

Llanowar Elves and Arbor Elf . No real difference, just randomly decided to have one Llanowar Elves because I could lol.

Revenge of the Hunted and Increasing Savagery are another two that I could make more ofs, but I swapped a revenge out for a increasing savagery(which is why the revenge is in the sideboard, in case counters isn't working for me in a game). I swapped a single revenge for the increasing savagery because a lot of times I end up drawing a Revenge of the Hunted , but can't miracle it because of second card, or in opening hand. In that case, I really like to have Increasing Savagery for both flashback and the fact it has a lower cmc than revenge does when it isn't miracled (which I end up having to do a lot). Also, Overwhelming Stampede is where I took a single revenge and swapped it for this card because it offers all my creatures great power and toughness, plus trample if they didn't already have it. The sorceries are mostly just to help wipe boards or finish games all together, quite irrelevant which one I draw in all honesty, just offers me a little more options I suppose lol.

Champion of Lambholt and Predator Ooze . They both deal with counters, and they both combo great with the two previous cards, Increasing Savagery and Revenge of the Hunted . However, many times people get rid of Lambholt because of the big threat it provides in a deck like this. So while I do enjoy having Lambholt in there, I wanted to basically add an "indestructible lambholt'. While Predator Ooze isn't quite the same, it offers many advantages. Lets me have a strong target for my rancors and sorceries, can easily acquire counters on its own. However, unlike lambholt, it is indestructible, allowing it to stay on the board a little easier and let me work more with it.

Now not all my cards have reasons for being swapped out or one ofs. Cards like Yeva, Nature's Herald and Somberwald Sage are in there for two big reasons. One, i like them. And the second which relates the two, I don't like them that much that i'm going to put in multiples because one somberwald is usually enough if I draw it, and Yeva's effect isn't super amazing. Plus, they're wiped usually the moment they hit the board. So I'd be willing to drop those two, but I'm not quite sure what for,

Finally, I'm really having trouble with my 4 drops area. I keep looking for cards that aren't over pricey that I could snag and throw into the spot, but everything seems to just be slightly out of reach or just not worth the trouble of doing. But I do appreciate the advice! It's actually a major issue i'm running into and the reason why I posted this deck.

July 10, 2013 11:05 p.m.

StormZing says... #5

ZarBluestar well thanks for the +1! And also, like your deck! I'd suggest Nissa Revane if you can, she'd work SO well in your deck. But back to my deck, I have a question about the card you recommended: Do forests count as green permanents? Because that is a VERY big difference to me. But thank you for actually recommending a 4 mana card, i'm struggling to find 4 mana cards and would greatly appreciate any other ideas!

July 10, 2013 11:07 p.m.

ZarBluestar says... #6

StormZing yes, forests, creatures, and enchantments all count as permanents. When using my Elf Semi-Populate, I can usually get one out on turn 3 and between 7/7 and 10/10. I don't know of any other really good cost four green cards. I think that either Bountiful Harvest or Predator's Rapport would be good to add life gain to the mix.

July 10, 2013 11:36 p.m.

StormZing says... #7

ZarBluestar hmmm, well i'll have to at least give that some serious thought now! And I know, it is the hardest cmc spot to fill in green i've noticed.. but thanks anyways.

July 11, 2013 12:24 a.m.

bman5604 says... #8

Kinda all over the place might want to try going with play sets of cards instead of 1 and 2 ofs

July 13, 2013 11:40 a.m.

StormZing says... #9

bman5604 if you read my lengthy comment above, you'll notice why I've chosen certain single copies of a card (for the most part). There are some cards that don't really have a reason why they're one of's. Any suggestions as to what I should make more sets of?

July 13, 2013 6:31 p.m.

arekdahl says... #10

Actually, forests count as permanents, but not GREEN permanents. Lands are considered colorless. Overall though, I love the deck.

July 14, 2013 10:25 a.m.

StormZing says... #11

arekdahl thanks! And I thought the same too! I knew they were permanents, but I had a suspicion that it wasn't green. Otherwise, that card would be way more broke and more so, probably they wouldn't make many cards with that ability.

July 14, 2013 1:39 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #12

What about Garruk Wildspeaker for your 4 drop slot? Untaps lands, spits out tokens and Overrun s to end the game. Alternatively, Thrun, the Last Troll is pretty damn good and both are reasonably priced to pick up a couple.

I'd think Champion of Lambholt who is probably not performing to its potential in this build, or maybe the Ulvenwald Tracker s could be expendable to make room.

Also, Garruk, Primal Hunter is kind of standing in a good Naked Man pose

July 18, 2013 12:08 a.m.

StormZing says... #13

jminute14 Haha, so you've figured out why I named it... congrats!

Alright, now to the rest of what you said: The two spots you suggested were good choices. I've been really looking hard at Thrun, the Last Troll , I just haven't decided if I really want to drop the $8 a piece on them. Not that $8 is incredibly expensive, but that it's just a matter of if I really want them in here. I think I have a Chrome Mox laying around here somewhere, maybe I'll just trade it in and get a thrun with it, and buy the other one so I'm not spending cash. However, I really like the idea of Garruk Wildspeaker as a 4cmc spot. A huge fan of cards like Overrun , Overwhelming Stampede , Revenge of the Hunted ect. I might end up snagging one, I'm just curious as to what to swap out for it?

Champion of Lambholt actually plays really well with the deck, however not in the usual way it's used. Rather than play a lot of smaller creatures to give it counters, I play creatures with it, but buff up lambholt with Rancor , and my sorceries, allowing all my creatures to swing through and usually hitting a killing blow, or at least knocking them down and ending it the next run. Plus, comboing with Revenge of the Hunted lets me avoid the "all creatures must block if able to do so" clause, and I can just swing through. But I've been debating if I would rather have those or Predator Ooze in the deck. Both work really well, but can't quite decide.

Ulvenwald Tracker is essentially my best way for having some sort of control on the field. 9 times out of 10, my creatures will be bigger than my opponents. But if an opponent has a creature out with a nasty effect, but won't attack or block with them, how will I get rid of them? My deck has next to none removal, so having a creature that will let me keep my opponents side of the field clear has helped me drastically. Using a Deadly Recluse to kill a Boros Reckoner or various other cards. And being only a 1 cmc card, I can buff Lambolt in here with it (assuming that it stays).

Thanks for the advice, and helping me come closer to deciding on Thrun, the Last Troll , and the Garruk Wildspeaker suggestions. If you could respond back and maybe help work on this a little more, I'd appreciate it!

July 18, 2013 1:11 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #14

Ok that's fair, between Rancor , Revenge of the Hunted and your two Soulbond guys you have a decent amount of synergy for making the Champion a good threat.

I guess the question that needs to be asked is "what is my goal here?" Youve got a lot of big stompy creatures, some solid midrange creatures and some early aggressive guys. Essentially it looks like the deck is built to play a creature (or two) and attack every turn.

If you like the Ulvenwald Tracker /Deadly Recluse synergy that's great, it's a nice combination. Those two cards kind of clash with a midrange "ramp and kill small guys" strategy though. Now you're in mono green so you can't expect too much as far as kill spells go and that's a decent one, but it's a one shot sorta thing once the spider fought something.

I'd look at filling out my players of mana dorks, looking hard at my three and four drops, and deciding which fatties (or big sorceries) Garruk is going to help me ramp into. Predator Ooze is a pain in the butt to deal with but can be chump blocked all day long...until your Rancor and Overwhelming Stampede s come out that is lol.

From where I stand your curve is decent for a midrange deck but you could use more ramp. If you plan to ramp harder stuff like Strangleroot Geist become less valuable.

July 18, 2013 1:56 p.m.

StormZing says... #15

jminute14 thanks for the post back, appreciate it. And see, I don't use Champion in the normal sense, but after one game of playing against it, they realize that it needs to be dealt with early.

This deck is mostly just made as a stompy deck, but I tried to scale it rather than to completely pick ramp or aggro. I know my ramp isn't very high, but that's because I don't really need much ramp. Most of my creatures are 3cmc or lower, so the extra mana just helps me drop a big creature quicker, not a necessity.

However, you're right that I don't quite have a set "goal" here. I've yet to decide really on something other than just having a sense of balance. Aggro enough to hold off any early rushes and to get some solid early swings in, but mid-range enough to be able to hold out late game as well.

The Ulvenwald Tracker /Deadly Recluse synergy was just one of the many examples, and I should of stated earlier. That's my fault. I use Ulvenwald to ensure I can keep my opponent's board clear most of the time. I have one out, and I can kill off any possible blockers and swing through without worry. Or if a possible threat occurs, use it with a big creature and sac it if I really have to.

And that's my problem, I'm not quite sure if Predator Ooze fits better or not. While having one in my deck is nice, it can be blocked really easily. But with Champion, I can swing through much easier. But champion is more susceptible to removal. Which is why I kind of enjoy only having one Ooze. Because they swap out really well, and play the same, just slightly different.

So you're saying I should have even more mana dorks? Cause I feel like I have too much for as low cmc as I have.

July 18, 2013 3:19 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #16

Well you have 12 cards that cost 4 or more. That's not too bad in the larger picture but look at it this way; Modern is supposed to be a turn 4 format. If you don't get your mana dork turn one by turn four (provided you don't miss any land drops) you're just getting going. The ramp is supposed to make you viable faster so you have big creatures for aggro to run into, and something scary to force control to use its removal or suffer the consequences.

Predator Ooze seems good, indestructible and it grows...what are your thoughts on Wolfir Avenger and Druid's Familiar ?

July 18, 2013 3:57 p.m.

StormZing says... #17

jminute14 ahh I understand. And I believe Predator Ooze is a great card, I'm just saying in respect to combo with this deck.

And I've found Wolfir Avenger to be incredibly useful. Flash, and regenerate, while being a 3/3 beater for 3cmc. Plus, I usually can tag along a rancor on, and they're great to both attack and block with, thanks to the regenerate. Druid's Familiar on the other hand, is only really in there to cover a 4cmc spot and I found that soulbond worked well with Wolfir Silverheart , but druid's familiar simply just doesn't have as much of a field impact as wolfir, so it's easily removable from my deck without worry.

July 19, 2013 12:33 a.m.

Hepburn says... #18

Nice idea and I like the flexibility! If you'd like to keep things fast and loose may I suggest Hornet Queen , Kalonian Hydra and Craterhoof Behemoth - some of my favorite Green cards :)

January 8, 2014 1:30 p.m.

StormZing says... #19

Hepburn Good ideas! I really like the idea of Craterhoof Behemoth , could do some serious damage in this deck.

January 8, 2014 3:27 p.m.

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