Could use a little help with sideboard. If you have suggestions, please feel free to comment!
Hey guys, here to share my standard esper control with a higher focus on milling. The deck started off with me digging for AEtherling every game, but adding in mill mechanics made the deck just outright mean. So much so that AEtherling's function turns to a self-flickering blocker once the mill win-condition is in full swing. The versatility of the deck has kept things interesting by giving me many ways to establish control, as well as different ways to win.
Stabilize control early game through cheap removal and such as Warped Physique, Far / Away, Detention Sphere, and Supreme Verdict. Bounce-back mechanics such as Azorius Charm, Cyclonic Rift, and Far / Away can function as temporary removal, with an Azorius Charm becoming a form permanent removal if you have any of your mill mechanics available.
Consuming Aberration. The most recent addition to the deck, he can easily make your opponent think about what kind of game you're really up to when you've just been staving them off for most of the early game. With the (mostly) low mana curve, milling your opponent for lands twice a turn is easily achievable. With a Jace, Memory Adept and/or a Nephalia Drownyard or 2 you can easily mill your opponent out before they can even come close to regaining control.
Augur of Bolas or Sin Collector + Far / Away: Not always does Far have to be used for your opponent's creatures. Use it to either dig for more spells or take another peek at your opponent's hands if you're sitting on some counters and don't know what to save them for.
Azorius Charm + Any mill mechanic: Catch your opponent off guard by charming one of their attackers to their library then sending it right to their graveyard.
Cyclonic Rift + Render Silent: This is currently my favorite combo in format right now. Mid to late game this combo can be a control POWERHOUSE. Ideal usage is to wait for your opponent to be dumb enough to either spend the majority of their mana in their 1st main phase or during combat, so when they attack you you overload rift. Pass to 2nd main phase, if they are tapped out and have to pass turn, they might even have to discard a few spells. Play your turn, leaving the mana for Render Silent and just counter their first spell, effectively stalling 2 turns with a open battlefield during your turns. Depending on how your early game removal/countering/milling has gone, this combo can win you the game with Consuming Aberration easily.
Sphinx's Revelation + Warped Physique: I can't tell you how many times I've had the first chain into the second.
Lingering Souls + Supreme Verdict: Bait your opponents fourth turn creatures with a turn 3 Lingering Souls then wrath the board on turn 4, recover on turn 5 by flashing back for 2 more spirits.