My First RDW build

Standard* worn_chaos789


SwampDawg says... #1

Not a bad looking first deck at all! I don't think that I would splash Slivers in the deck, or use Volcanic Strength , only because part of it's casting cost is going towards the Mountainwalk, and the Mountainwalk makes it a sideboard card. Also, you can practice just by shuffling and drawing practice hands, then playing them out a few turns. If you're looking to get damage dealt as fast as possible, look into more burn spells, there's a lot out there. And, I have a decent burn deck that you can check out here: Mono-Red Burn. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

August 3, 2013 12:05 p.m.

worn_chaos789 says... #2

Thank you SwampDawg. I did a little bit of fiddling with it and got rid of the slivers and Volcanic Strength like you suggested, and replaced them with a few Massive Raid (to give Goblin Rally a little bit more purpose), Chandra's Outrage , Dragon Hatchling , and Annihilating Fire . My hope is that once I lay down enough mana, a combination of Dragon Hatchling and burn spells will keep them pressed down long enough to be able to get a Guttersnipe down and do even more damage with the smaller burn spells like Shock .

August 3, 2013 3:36 p.m.

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