Deathstokemarkov12 says... #3
I feel like Tormod's Crypt would be best option for living end because you can play it turn 1 then sac it when they try to the combo. Cool deck +1 for me.
February 3, 2016 4:18 p.m.
Sultaiorpepper If I came across as being critical, I'm sorry. I actually misread what you posted and thought you wanted help with your deck not the SB. So, yeah, sorry. lol I think your deck has some good synergy, and the above comments are great. Just keep looking to make it better.
Wizard_of_the_Broke says... #1
In other words, you can outrace a Delver, so removing it just isn't the most important part of the problem. The problem is making sure you can stick a threat (i.e. not let them counter or kill your creature). Delver can only counter 1 spell per turn most of the time - and all your spells are cheap or free. Maybe they counter your Bolt - so what? Then you're free to drop a creature and leave mana/life available to protect it on your turn - because they tapped out or used their only counterspell. You now have the stronger threat on the board and they probably can't remove it.
Lightning Bolt isn't foolproof against Delver, but it's actually still very good against it (of course, the Temur versions could be an issue with 4/4s and 4/5s - but the same is true if you run Shock). I see why you like Sudden Shock - and you're aren't wrong, as it's kind of a red Abrupt Decay - which is great against Delver. But Shock is just not nearly as versatile as either Bolt or Decay. If you really expect a super Delver-heavy field - maybe you're right about Shock. If you expect a sub-5% Delver showing, why worry about it?
February 3, 2016 4:08 p.m.