My Humans Deserve a Shout-out.

Standard nbankee


supertimland says... #1

October 4, 2013 2:11 a.m.

supertimland says... #2

Also I would trade the 2 Akroan Hoplite for another 2 Wojek Halberdiers . Guaranteed 3/2 with a batallion effect.

October 4, 2013 2:14 a.m.

nbankee says... #3

supertimland : I have been thinking about removing the Blessing for a Spear of Heliod as soon as I can get a hold of one that isn't already in a deck.

Brave the Elements would be a good addition; my only thing is most of my play group does either full field wipes which Brave the Elements wouldn't protect from; or they do single target destruction which make me think Gods Willing would be a better card if I do decide to use it; That way if they try to target my creature's with a spell I can use Gods Willing and get the protection from said color and be able to also set off a heroic in the process.

Imposing Sovereign was one of my early choices in this deck; but I am just not sure what I would sacrifice to put it into the deck...

I have Divine Verdict in place of Celestial Flare because if they attack with multiple creatures or block with multiple creatures 9 out of 10 times they'll sac the weaker of the creatures with Divine Verdict I choose which creature is going to be destroyed.

As for the Akroan Hoplite vs Wojek Halberdiers I am testing 2 of each at the moment to see which is played better cause if Akroan Hoplite attacks alone he instantly becomes a 2/2 so it's only 1 less then Wojek Halberdiers .. The battallion effect is amazing addition on Wojek; just very situational to make that the effect. Granted yes I do plan to have multiple creatures attacking at a time I am going to have a play-test of running 2 each and see which benefit me more then make changes accordingly.

I will give your suggestions a try and see how things work out; I really appreciate you looking at my deck; any other suggestions you can think of or ways to tweak the deck some more?

Things I plan to add:

Things I plan to remove:
- 4x Mountain
- 4x Plains
- 2x Righteous Charge

October 4, 2013 1:36 p.m.
October 5, 2013 1:21 a.m.

nbankee says... #5

lessthanthree24 I have thought about Boros Charm it has great utility; I am just trying to get a hold of at least 2 before removing something else for it; I am also having a hard time finding what to remove to get them in I am thinking of dropping Coordinated Assault and Dauntless Onslaught to 3x each and having 2x Boros Charm in replace of them.

October 5, 2013 1:40 p.m.

trousseau11 says... #6

What about Chained to the Rocks ? 1 Drop version of Oblivion Ring is beautiful.

October 6, 2013 1:32 a.m.

nbankee says... #7

trousseau11 I am actually thinking of side-boarding Chained to the Rocks ; I need to get some play-tests in with how the deck is now before putting anything else in. Mainly cause I wanna keep as many beneficial "Target" spells available to pump my creatures and trigger heroic.

October 6, 2013 1:08 p.m.

DrMundo says... #8

Something doesn't work... How can you play both Favored Hoplite and Phalanx Leader on turn 3 when they cost 3 white mana combined.. You'd have to wait until turn 4.

That said, pretty nice for a budget deck. I advise adding in Tajic, Blade of the Legion as he makes for a strong turn 4 card that dodge quite a lot of removal.

If you want, you can take a peek at my take on this kind of deck : Hello sir, can I Boros some of your time?

October 9, 2013 1:36 p.m.

nbankee says... #9

DrMundo You're very correct I don't know how I over looked that lol; will have to fix that up right away.

And yes a friend of mine told me to use Tajic, Blade of the Legion I am thinking of side-boarding him until I can find a place to actually fit him in I am thinking of removing maybe Blessing for him since granted Blessing is great but I think Tajic, Blade of the Legion would be a bit more beneficial .

October 9, 2013 1:44 p.m.

nbankee says... #10

DrMundo What do you think



Also, planning on changing the lands from 10x each to 8x Each and running 4x Temple of Triumph .

October 9, 2013 1:49 p.m.

Mythril_Sage says... #11

Or if you can afford it 4x Sacred Foundry .

October 9, 2013 2:04 p.m.

DrMundo says... #12

Like Mythril_Sage said, I would suggest sacred foundries before temples since they can be faster lands to use.

adding I suggest running 2x Tajic, Blade of the Legion and 2x Spear of Heliod though since you want them to come out at least half the time or so.

Also, you might want to take a look at Ethereal Armor and Madcap Skills as they're 2 really strong enchantments that don't cost a lot to cast.

I would also consider Titan's Strength and possibly Magma Jet for good and cheap instant spells.

October 9, 2013 2:33 p.m.

DrMundo says... #13

Also, I would take out Divine Verdict and maybe add 2 more Gods Willing or maybe Brave the Elements , although it wouldn't trigger heroic, it can be very effective.

Or maybe simply go with 2 more Boros Charm , honestly it's up to you to make the deck you feel are comfortable with.

October 9, 2013 2:37 p.m.

nbankee says... #14

Mythril_Sage & DrMundo Yeah; I have thought about using the Sacred Foundry but at the moment I do not own them; I do have a play set of Temple of Triumph though so I think I am going to run them until I can get the play set of Foundries.

DrMundo; I like all of your suggestions I am going to play test the deck as is tonight see how well it does; Then see what I can tweak I am thinking of doing the following though.

+ 1x Dauntless Onslaught + 2x Divine Verdict

+ 1x Gods Willing + 2x Titan's Strength

All the other suggestions are amazing also; I want to avoid Brave the Elements mainly for the lack of triggering heroic's. Madcap Skills is very good as is Ethereal Armor but I feel if I run Ethereal Armor I would need to stack mother/more enchantments and have less Instants in the deck to get the most benefit from it.

October 10, 2013 11:29 a.m.

thatgreenguy says... #15

The tokens don't gain flying from the pegasus . Akroan Crusader doesn't say that the tokens are human soldiers, just soldiers.

October 21, 2013 5:01 p.m.

nbankee says... #16

thatgreenguy I don't recall saying the tokens had flying...

October 24, 2013 3 p.m.

Dracule6 says... #17

Hey man i have a spare Purphoros if you want him. Herre is my email - [email protected]

January 18, 2014 9:50 p.m.

ShokDragon says... #18

If you want to target 2 creatures you could splash green for Reap What Is Sown and Common Bond . Nice!

May 10, 2014 3:21 p.m.

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