
Pending. I won't be adding Grozoth, for it need mana to attack and the "card advantage" is not worth it. The meta is too fast and I need to strike with my creatures as soon as possible.

I need suggestions for the distribution of card types because I think the Quest won't do it's stuff soon enough, that's why I'm adding a set of Striped Riverwinder instead of using more effective card draw like Serum Visions and Opt.

I run a set of Clock Spinning to try to interact with any enemy Thing in the Ice, or planeswalker. It's suboptimal, but due to the amount of decks running Thing in the Ice I beleive I can afford myself that dead card. But maybe I should run only 3 copies?

Also speaking of dead cards, Commandeer's purpouse is to use my other creatures in hand, and other spells, in case of emergency as a resource. For example, besides turn 1 the Sphinx's as useful as a love advice coming from a single 40 years old aunt. I wish I could make something of Serum Powder as well. Also should I only run 3 copies of the Sphinx too, perhaps?


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 7 Rares

3 - 2 Uncommons

19 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.73
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