What Is A Pillowfort Deck?
A pillowfort deck is generally a deck that immobilizes the other one or makes attacks against you useless.
Gideon's Lawkeeper
Is a cheap one drop that can disable problems for only one mana
Apothecary Initiate Is another one drop that is inconspicuous, but can give you a lot of health early on just by paying an extra one mana whenever you play a spell. Combos great with all the cheap cards.
Avacyn, Angel of Hope These gives you a hard to remove indestructibility clause that will leave your opponent crying, however costly the mana for it is.
Banisher Priest
Pretty self explanatory, you banish the bad things
Children of Korlis These guys can set you back to what you were before a big assault, and are pretty great for early on life endurance.
Ghost-Lit Redeemer
This guy is great for life gain, and if you discard him for the health, you can always being him into the action with Sun Titan later on.
Grand Abolisher Never worry about getting countered again with this guy, attack freely, play cards freely, you don't gotta worry about it until your opponents turn.
Sun Titan This is another win scenario card, like Avacyn. This guy can bring back lost cards, and considering the mana cost of this deck, it's very useful. Plus he hits hard unlike the majority of the cards in here.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride
A win scenario card. If he is lost early on, bring him back with Sun Titan, otherwise, build that life up, and spam them with cats.
Spear of Heliod This guy will boost up all the small creatures packed in here, as well as destroy any bugger that hits you.
::Other Spells::
Arrest Disables bad things.
Ghostly Prison Bad things need to pay more to hit you.
Leyline of Sanctity Get this opening hand, enjoy that hexproof.
Cheap and easy disabler.
Sphere of Safety Look at the amount of enchantments in this deck. Now look at this card. Now you understand.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx If you get this card in an opening hand, you will be golden. The pillows will rain like chocolate and only your opponents will feel the pain.
Mass Calcify
For when normal pain doesn't cut it, you need mass calcify. Rip if you are going against a monowhite though, switch it out for something else.
Angel's Grace Last resort for when the ship hits an iceberg.
Intervention Pact
This card, mana sufficing, will save you patooshky and bring you back swinging harder than before. If you don't wanna lose all your creatures blocking a huge assault that somehow got through, then just use this, pay the mana at your upkeep, and swing back at the bloke.