My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)

Standard* ChrisHansonBiomancin


NiRouBolas says... #1

This is really good dude. I like it a lot. The bestow is pretty boss when placed on a Kalonian Hydra. Gettin in there with crazy trample and drawing a card for it is nice. Garruk does work and a half. Biomancer is really nice when you have so many dorks like you said. +1, I've got no complaints really. I'm a little worried on a couple of the numbers though. Like 4 Prophet is really steep. I do 3 so I don't get 3 of her in my opening hand basically :) I love that Garruk can plop a Zegana on the field the turn you play him and he's still alive. I would suggest -1 Prophet, +1 Zegana. Besides that, it looks really promising :) good job

September 25, 2013 5:58 p.m.

NiRouBolas says... #2

Also I thought of some removal for you sideboard: Cyclonic Rift , Curse of the Swine , Dispel and Colossus of Akros vs control, Swan Song (the reason I would be okay with giving them a bunch of 2/2's is because your creatures are so big they won't matter. Just some ideas

September 25, 2013 6:04 p.m.

Thanks for the suggestions! I decided to remove one of the Prophets in favor of another Boon Satyr ; anytime I try to build a deck featuring a card I tend to go overboard on the initial count lol. I'm still mulling the sideboard but many of the cards you mentioned are on my list.

September 26, 2013 6:09 p.m.

armedpp says... #4

You might want to pack Rapid Hybridization in the side as a spot removal option

September 28, 2013 12:18 p.m.

Epyon says... #5

Figured id return the favor since you commented on mine. If you are intent to use garruk main board you need to up your land count at minimum to 24 losing the manawefts may be the thing to switch out. I rarely play even fast decks with less than 24 lands and your playing 5 six drops so ideally you should go with 25-26 lands this deck dies if it misses a land drop. Also the simic guild gates help a bit with the color stabilization, its a bit slower, but its a small price to pay for consistently getting your colors.

Thassa looks good on paper but she is very likely never to be a creature in this deck since you have so few blue permanents it may be worth while to check out other green or blue creatures in her stead, such as Horizon Chimera (life sustain), Nylea the green god (who is VERY likely to be a creature with all your green permanants), deadbridge goliath (from my deck), or scavenging ooze (his own win condition and the nightmare of aggro decks everywhere)

I understand the bestow creatures and the fear of board wipes, but the best way to deal with the fear of boardwipes is a skill issue not a card issue, not overextending especially against control forces them to use boardwipes against 1-2 creatures. I feel like thassa's emissary is just too weak of a card to have mainboard simply due to fear of board wipes especially since theres only 1 this deck really fears (supreme verdict).

Anywho thats my 2 cents, look forward to developing our green blue ramp decks and hope it becomes a major archetype in the future, i changed up my deck in response to your comment, lemme know whatcha think.

October 8, 2013 8:22 p.m.

Thanks for pointing out the Emissary count there; I didn't realize I had 3. I shaved one out for another Kalonian Hydra. I will say that Bestow is useful for much more than boardwipes, as it basically gives the creature haste which is nice with the Emissary's ability and can be used to save a creature from a burn or Anger of the Gods with Prophet out. Typically, you're correct that beating wipes is a matter of skill, but many of the creatures here like Biomancer and Prophet require a supporting cast, so Bestowing turns them into Thragtusks when need be. So far in meta, about half of my matchups have been against control, with Esper and WU being the most popular.

I definitely am not the biggest fan of Manaweft either; I wish there was another 1-drop. However, he does fix and I haven't had much trouble getting the right colors in playtesting thanks to him and Caryatid. This deck needs to ramp quickly, so I put in as many as I could stomach. I might take him out down the road. Let's hope Wizards gives us another Avacyn's Pilgrim-type later in the block lol.

I considered Nylea, but she's just not very strong. Even tho it's unlikely for Thassa to be a creature, I'll take Unblockable over trample any day and scry 1 to start your turn helps with land drops, finding threats, etc. Add in the possibility of a t2 drop with a Mystic and it just seems like the stronger play.

As far as the lands go, I actually ran only 21 in my Elfhoof deck, which had 15 dorks, so doing 23 with ten- plus scrying and draw power- seems ok.

Currently I'm playing my Bant Flash (Hanratty's Favorite Superhero) in tournaments, but I'll have to check your deck again when I take this for a spin since yours seems more straight power whereas mine is obviously more card-advantage oriented. Either way, I don't see Simic ramp being the most common deck out there, which is fine by me ;)

October 8, 2013 9:31 p.m.

Why aren't Vorel of the Hull Clade in this deck? With that many Kalonian Hydra s it would be really awesome to flash them and have them be 16/16 when you attack on your turn. Also, doesen't this deck lack some spell counters or hexproofing? My experience is that simic decks can be weak against opponents with a lot of removal.

October 23, 2013 7:08 a.m.

Thanks for the comment! To be honest, I've never been a big fan of Vorel since it is slow and requires a lot of help to be effective. There are definitely some cool combos here, but even more cards that have no or unimpressive synergy with her. Boon Satyr already allows for many of the same synergies while being far more flexible.

For now, I just have Simic Charm for hexproofing and rely on card advantage to beat kill spells, but I probably could stand to add a Syncopate or two. What do you think I should take out? In my experience with Simic, Supreme Verdict tends to be the biggest weakness anyways, so I like that Simic Charm can save an important creature if that happens while also protecting both creatures and Garruk from kill spells, Detention Sphere , etc.

October 24, 2013 12:42 p.m.

Hmm, i would probably drop a few Sylvan Caryatid for Syncopate or Spell Rupture . There's no reason to pump a lot of mana into Polukranos, or Zegana, just to have them instantly removed. The chance of you having a Simic Charm in hand is very small, AND it's the only card you have that can stop a Supreme Verdict right now.

October 24, 2013 11:45 p.m.

Alcolitox says... #10

+1 Nothing to say

October 29, 2013 9:23 p.m.

eep says... #11

Running 4x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx seems a bit much, not usually a card you want in opening hand. As you need 4 devotion on the board just to get 1 extra mana. I could see how they could generate massive amounts of mana late game, (which gets dumped into hydra's I assume) or even get you 7 by turn three if you have perfect ramp.

Usually only run two in decks with heavier devotion to one color. Does this build make effective use of four?

November 5, 2013 12:21 p.m.

Hey thanks for the comment! I was also hesitant to use so many Nykthos at first, but after seeing some of the Mono Green Devotion decks using it to make ungodly amounts of mana, it just seemed too powerful to pass up. (ex. Bryan Eleyet's deck:

I would say that the main use of Nykthos here isn't so much for one huge spell, tho it helps for Cyclonic Rift and the Monstrous ability of Polukranos, World Eater , plus Nylea, God of the Hunt provides a good sink. Instead, I want to be able to have extra mana after playing the card advantage engines like Garruk, Caller of Beasts , Prime Speaker Zegana , and Jace, Architect of Thought for an overwhelmingly fast board presence, especially when Prophet of Kruphix is doing its thing. Also, since most of those are 6-drops, having 2 Nykthos can help ramp into those important cards by chaining them off on the same turn.

I've actually been playing the deck with no Nykthos in real life since my buddy who hooks up the cards is using his, and while the deck can still get by, it is definitely not as explosive and fast as it is with it in there. I might shave it down to 3 if it seems like I'm getting too many in the opening hand, but it's a card I want to see every game.

November 5, 2013 1:14 p.m.

Mr_Flippers13 says... #13

Loving this deck! I might add a couple Mutant's Prey to the side board, for anti-midrange decks, destroying their bombs with yours is great! +1

November 20, 2013 5:23 p.m.

Cool brew, good to see Simic have some success.

December 14, 2013 11:58 p.m.

I really enjoyed reading your comments! I stumbled across this deck while looking for suggestions for deck centered around Prophet of Kruphix with Melek, Izzet Paragon providing some fun shenanigans. Thus far, however, the deck seems to struggle with a balance between creatures and instants/sorceries. I've added Garruk's Horde to the top and scry to help manipulate the top card. I may take a few pages out of your book here and err towards creatures... Anyway, keep it up! I look forward reading your updates! :)

December 17, 2013 3:44 p.m.

Thanks for the comment! I've also thought about a RUG deck that uses the Prophet with Hypersonic Dragon for shenanigans like Overloading Mizzium Mortars on their turn. The "topdeck" cards you mentioned are cool ideas as well, and I've seen similar decks that use Garruk's Horde , but I think straight card advantage is probably the best way to go so you're not relying on those cards being in the perfect order.

December 17, 2013 5:18 p.m.

Ascention says... #17

A question...

Is the 22 lands enough or would you recommend 23?

im trying to build the same a bit. rly enjoying the prophet

December 17, 2013 5:28 p.m.

I felt like I might be pushing it with 22 as well, but I haven't seemed to get mana screwed more than any other deck so far (it seems to happen like once or twice per tournament, which has happened to me with 24 land decks). I've had some games where I'm making insane amounts of mana with 3 lands thanks to the 10 dorks. Going with 23 would probably be a good idea, especially if you're going to run less dorks, but I can't think of where I would cut here and 22 seems to be working thus far.

December 17, 2013 5:42 p.m.

hesuskrist says... #19

gotta say that it looks like every card in this deck is really sitting exactly where it should be! that shrine gets mean here! same with the prime speaker if the game goes long. very nice!

December 17, 2013 7:35 p.m.

zillabones says... #20

Hi, I run a deck kind of similar to this deck except its more of a monogreen devotion splashing blue. I'm only running two prophets and two Prime speakers. I was wondering how does the reduced amount of mana dorks and burning trees effect the consistency of your early mana ramping? My build runs 4 of each of the mana rampers and 4 burning trees. Oh, and also how has simic charm been working for you? is it an all star?

December 19, 2013 11:28 a.m.

As far as dorks go, I still seem to get them pretty consistently, since there are still 10 in the deck. If I can just get one to ramp into Polukranos or Biomancer on turn 3, I'm still doing fine. I opted for 4 Mystics so I can hit the 5-drops on turn 3 too with some regularity. Also, since control is probably the weakest matchup for this kind of deck, it's nice to not have too many dorks (esp. the Caryatids) against them.

I will say that I get ridiculous Burning-Tree starts (like chaining off 2 or 3 on turn 2) less often than the regular mono-Green, but I'm willing to accept the trade-off since it's unlikely that you'll get that AND Nykthos AND something worth ramping into within your first 8 or 9 cards. With Prime Speaker Zegana as an important draw source, I don't want to get stuck with hands with her and nothing but dorks and Burning-Trees. Most times, it only takes one to get enough Devotion to ramp into my 6-drops anyways. If you're running 12 dorks and 4 Burning-Trees, I would highly recommend getting a couple Biomancers in there so those 16 creatures have some late-game utility, since you're sure to draw plenty assuming you're also running Garruk.

One advantage of running Simic Charm and especially Cyclonic Rift over a more pure Mono Green shell is that you can regain tempo in case you don't get the god ramp. However, to more thoroughly answer your question about the Charm, I will point out that the way it's used most often is for Hexproofing to save your valuable creatures from a kill spell. It's definitely an all-star, but I run only 2 since I want to avoid situations in which I get two early on.

December 19, 2013 4:02 p.m.

zillabones says... #22

thanks for replying so fast i wanted to tell you this is a great build. Have you considered a sweeper in this deck against other midrange and other creature builds? I was thinking something along the lines of a curse of the swine in the sideboard as a 1 of?

December 19, 2013 8:26 p.m.

Polukranos, World Eater works well as a sweeper.

I run Curse of the Swine in my Simic deck. Use it for spot removal and as a sweeper. I love how effective it is and people never expect it.

December 19, 2013 8:32 p.m.

Curse of the Swine is a good idea, I think I'm going to try that instead of Rapid Hybridization on the side. I like how it can hit Gods like Thassa, God of the Sea .

December 19, 2013 10:56 p.m.

Unfortunately, Curse is not quite as nutty here as it is in this janky casual brew, but it should do just fine for normal purposes.

December 19, 2013 11:09 p.m.

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