My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)

Standard* ChrisHansonBiomancin


How often does Burning-Tree Emissary really matter in ramping with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ? I tested a similar build with it, and ended up pulling it because it was massively inconsistent (maybe I had bad draws). Is it about playing them at the right time, or do you just play them when you get them so you can build up devotion more quickly?

Also, I know you have a lot of ramp, but do you find yourself mana-screwed if someone uses something like Supreme Verdict to wipe away your ramp creatures (or just picks off the right ones)? 22 lands seems kind of low when a single spell could wipe away your mana ramp (and makes me really miss Farseek ).

Maybe consider a third Prophet of Kruphix ? In my experience, decks like these still sometimes play a little too fair without it, so you want to make sure you actually get it.

Solid deck, +1.

January 2, 2014 5:22 p.m.

With BTE, for the most part, I'll play it quickly after getting it unless I want to hold it back until Master Biomancer is on the table or if I'm playing around Supreme Verdict . It's really been very useful here since it's one of the few double-Green cheapies, can trade with a lot of creatures in aggro decks without slowing down my ramp, and the synergy with Nykthos helps me ramp that turn, whereas a dork has to wait until the next.

I was also weary of having only 22 lands, but thus far it hasn't been a problem. I think one of the reasons I have been getting away with a low count is that there's so much draw power in the deck. Against control, I can usually ramp into a draw spell before Verdict becomes a threat, and if I can't, I'll just hold onto a dork. I've considered Bident of Thassa on the side for a cheaper form of card advantage, but thus far, it hasn't been necessary. I just try to be opportunistic and wait for them to tap out for Jace, Ratchet Bomb , Detention Sphere , Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver , etc.

A third Prophet isn't a bad idea, but I seem to be able to win without it and I don't really like seeing more than one early on. At the end of the day, it's a support card- a very nice one- but it won't win the game on its own. Besides, more often than not, when an opponent uses a kill spell on it, they wish that they had saved it for the threat that was flashed in response.

January 2, 2014 8:45 p.m.

Ha, yep, I like having my Prophet of Kruphix eat a kill spell while I respond with a flashed in Archangel of Thune or Kalonian Hydra .

In the deck build I mentioned in my last post, I actually tested with Bident of Thassa , and was quite underwhelmed by it. There will be plenty of times when you don't want to force your opponent to attack (especially before Master Biomancer shows up), so forcing through attackers is difficult, even with Nylea, God of the Hunt in play (having to suicide attack for the sake of drawing a few cards isn't a good place to be). The primary reason I think Bident is so good in Mono Blue (the deck that uses it most) is its large number of flyers, Master of Waves making more creatures than can be blocked, and Thassa, God of the Sea simply making things unblockable. Late game, though, Bident could give you cards as you start getting more giant trampling creatures. It's an interesting idea, but like you said, I'm not sure it's necessary.

January 2, 2014 8:57 p.m.

In this deck, I would only side in the Bident in control matchups, where evasion isn't a problem, so that all of my dorks can become Scroll Thief . I agree that for general use, mono-Blue is about the only deck that can use it efficiently and not as a win-more card.

January 2, 2014 9:09 p.m.

tooTimid says... #5

This looks fantastic. I've been playing it on cockatrice and it seems very well tuned. If you ever wanna play together on cockatrice tell me.

You took the number 1 problem with mono-green (Card Advantage), fixed it, and made a better deck in the process.

I to am I fan of simic ever since my first draft and this is now going to be my pet deck (if that's ok with you).


January 26, 2014 3:31 p.m.

tooTimid says... #6

I would also suggest maybe 1 or 2 more Forest I've had problems hitting turn 1 mystics, and just getting mana screwed.

January 26, 2014 3:34 p.m.

Hey thanks! I don't have cockatrice unfortunately. I thought it was shut down?

As far as lands go, I've always been a little iffy on running only 22, but it hasn't burned me in tournaments to this point and I really like the counts I have for spells, so I'm not sure where I would cut to make room. I guess if it becomes a problem I could just make it a 61 card deck; wouldn't be the end of the world.

January 26, 2014 11:38 p.m.

tooTimid says... #8

Yeah they were but they reopened a bit ago oh a different server, tell me if you want the address.

I would suggest not running 61 cards (not the end of the world, but not great) maybe -1 Voyaging Satyr +1 Forest . I also saw you might want to run the new courser. If so I would consider putting it in for the nylea as the trample is rarely relevant and when she is a creature she becomes a win more card,

January 27, 2014 6:04 p.m.

tooTimid says... #9

January 27, 2014 10:10 p.m.

Nice deck I'd try it. I'm bored of R/W Devotion anyway. You should take it to a Super IQ or something.

January 27, 2014 10:19 p.m.

I might run Aqueous Form instead of simic charm but if you like it you like it.

January 27, 2014 10:22 p.m.

Aqueous Form isn't a bad idea, though I try to avoid mainboarding cards that are dead draws in some matchups if I can (ex. Esper or UW control), and I generally don't like Auras outside of Hexproof decks since they invite 2-for-1's. I could see it being very useful against other MGD decks and others with limited removal tho.

January 29, 2014 8:21 a.m.

Mikan says... #13

How do you feel about Witchstalker ?

January 30, 2014 6:26 a.m.

Mikan says... #14

Also, do you think Kiora, the Crashing Wave would work in this deck?

January 30, 2014 6:31 a.m.

tooTimid says... #15

Ok so I've been messing around with this deck and my version Survival of the Fittest - Simic Midrange (excuse the shameless plug) and here's what I've learned:

Nylea = Not relevant, the trample never does that much and she feels like a win more card once she is a creature.

BTE: She might work in your build but mine has Kiora's Follower which is a little anti synergistic so I just dropped him to increase the number of other things making it more consistent.

AEtherling : Not sure why it doesn't see play outside of control before. It fits perfectly here and can just flat end a game.

Jace Vs Garruk: So you have have 2 and 3 respectively and I opted to go 3-2. I feel it gives better card advantage and stifles aggro.

Simic Charm vs. Cyclonic Rift : I decided to go with 3 charms and 1 rift, the charm gives more versatility and can do the same thing as the charm until you get 7 mana.

Obviously this is just my opinion, tell me what you think and feel free to take a look at my deck!!


January 30, 2014 4:34 p.m.

Haha no worries, those of us without upgraded accounts would never get views on our decks without shameless plugs. I'm flattered that you were inspired by this deck and glad you've found a way to make it your own.

I actually think Kiora's Follower will take Voyaging Satyr's place here; I'm gonna go ahead and make that change now and see how it runs.

AEtherling is definitely a good idea that I've considered, but for some reason I would just feel dirty playing that card lol. I'd probably put it on the side tho.

With Nylea, I've found it to be very useful in a lot of matchups, whether it be stopping a big aggro attacker in its tracks to help me stabilize, trample over creature decks like Selesnya and other mono Green, or being a tough card for control and MBD to deal with (MBD has NO answers besides Thoughtseize , and thankfully Gild seems to not be getting much love). I've also found the pump, or even just the threat of it, to be useful as well.

Other stuff relating to counts could go either way. I like Cyclonic Rift as a 2-of since I want to see it fairly often, as it's a reliable win con against most decks. With Jace v Garruk, I feel that Garruk is a little better here since it hits for 2.4 creatures on average and the draw power comes from the plus so I don't have to choose between protecting him and getting cards, plus he gives Green devo, but I can see how Jace is appealing since it's lower on the curve and can draw noncreatures.

January 30, 2014 8:47 p.m.

tooTimid says... #17

Hey, thanks! I loved the fact you made simic a thing and I'm going to do ny best to join you in that quest.

I know what you mean with Nylea but I feel like if it's a creature then your board state is such that its not necessary. It also lacks synergy in my build as I dropped the BTE.

I know the counts are just preference, so I totally understand where your coming from.


January 30, 2014 9:04 p.m.

I love this brew! Just one question though. What would you run instead of the planeswalkers (I own everything else but strapped for cash when it comes to walkers). I would love to hear your thoughts on possible substitutes.

January 31, 2014 2:17 a.m.


Hmm the walkers are definitely vital for card advantage, so I'd probably have to say run a 3rd Prime Speaker, and maybe 2 Opportunity in place of Garruk.

For replacing Jace, maybe just a couple Divination or Urban Evolution . Jace, Memory Adept is a lot cheaper than the other two PW's too, or you could try out that new card Hunter's Prowess .

I would recommend staying away from Bident of Thassa at least on the mainboard since this deck doesn't need to hit too many times to win, and often it is an alpha strike that does most of the damage. As a sideboard against control, however, it could be effective for getting more out of attacking with dorks.

January 31, 2014 3:55 a.m.

Awesome, I was also thinking a split between Divination and Urban Evolution . After all, I think the key, as you mentioned, is to keep your hand healthy.I'm definitely gonna try this brew out. Thanks for suggestions.

January 31, 2014 9:59 a.m.

@Mikan: Sorry I missed your comments earlier. Witchstalker would definitely be a solid sideboard choice, I just don't know what I'd remove for him but there's definitely a strong argument to be made. Also, in my meta Azorius Control seems to see a lot more play than Esper.

As for Kiora, the Crashing Wave , to put it mildly, I don't have high hopes for her from a competitive perspective. She seems similar to Jace but worse in every way. She might work in a Bant Control list since Supreme Verdict can protect her, but in this deck, the P/W's are all about draw power, and Jace's is unquestionably better.

February 1, 2014 2:35 p.m.

cryptoplasm says... #22

I made a deck that's sort of the antithesis to yours, trading Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for a set of Mutavault .

The Virgin Prophet

The Mutavaults really help against control, but I'm not sure if betting on explosive plays from Nykthos is a better idea. What do you think? Have you ran a list with Mutavaults?

February 3, 2014 1:42 p.m.

@Cryptoplasm : I've always been one to opt for explosive potential, so I prefer Nykthos over Mutavault . I can definitely see how Mutavault would be better v control but in almost every other matchup I would rather have Nykthos. It helps to be able to hit big drops like Garruk and Cyclonic Rift a turn or two early, makes Polukranos a potential board wipe, makes Nylea's pump extremely threatening, allows me to play draw spells AND something else on the same turn, etc. Except against control, I'm looking for alpha strikes, not trying to chip away at the opponent's life little by little, so Nykthos seems to fit that style better.

February 3, 2014 4:19 p.m.

zillabones says... #24

Hey, it's me again lol I've been doing really well with the simic deck. I'm running an odd little thing in my build. I'm running prognostic sphinx as a one of but it's so awesome when you get it off on turn three and the scry is extremely relevant. I just wanted to know what your thoughts are on burning tree emissary now that mono black has those new removal spells drown in sorrow and bile blight? A lot of people in my meta are opting for me to take them Out in spite of the mono black matchup.

February 4, 2014 10:04 p.m.

It's definitely a valid point, and I do want to try to fit in Courser of Kruphix and maybe even Scourge of Skola Vale somehow so that might be the place to cut. However, I will say that if someone wants to use their Bile Blight to kill Burning-Tree instead of a mana dork, I'm pretty happy about that. Drown in Sorrow is a little scarier but luckily seems to be a sideboard option so I can always take them out before that becomes an issue.

February 5, 2014 5:39 p.m.

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