Well we got quite a bunch of powerful burn in the next set, so we've updated.
Ravaging Blaze is a good card that becomes STUPID when it's spell mastery activates with a Satyr Firedancer on the field, however its casting cost is a major downside, especially when it's spell mastery does not trigger. A one-of seems fitting here.
Exquisite Firecraft in many ways is better than Jeskai Charm, however it's sorcery speed casting cost makes the well oiled gears of this deck squelch and screech. Control will hate it however. a two of seems fitting.
We're adding Anticipate for better deck control.
There's quite a bit of speculation about Day's Undoing
is it better card draw? is it worse? Both it and Treasure Cruise are fighting for the same slot in my deck, both make spell mastery more complicated, but is 7 cards of probable burn better over my opponents cards? its going to need testing, and lots of it.
Chandra has quite a bit going for her and I could see maybe mainboarding her in the deck, but I would rather have lifelink or twinned spells than the new flip Chandra. She's sideboard against tokens mainly, as if I am spending 3 mana it should be burn. She doesn't regenerate from Ojutai's Command either, which is frustrating.
I really like Embermaw Hellion. I got two foil prerealease hellions this weekend and they rocked the world. They exist in my sideboard so that I can bring them in against Abzan (watching their Abzan Charms trade for Drown in Sorrow or Bile Blight). I fully expect them to kick butt.
I was going to add Pyromaster's Goggles but I would much rather have a major impact on the board for that amount of mana.