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My turn, awesome I ... Draw pass

Modern* Competitive Control WUB (Esper)



After playing U/W for a while before the release of Ixalan I decided I wanted to go back to my roots with the release of opt and play draw go esper control, so far I've been going alright on MTGO currently at 50% win rate which I know is lower that it should be due to miss plays as I haven't played draw go in over 9 months.



2x Spell Pierce - So I am currently trialing 2 spell pierce in the main, I'm doing this because I feel like with the rise of combo decks and non-creature spells like blood moon and Liliana being so killer against esper that the ability to stop them even if they play them turn 2 makes it good. Also stopping hand disruption is very handy

3x Logic Knot - Personally I hate playing Mana Leak as it feels really weak after turn 5/6, the delve mechanic attached to logic knot allows me to constantly counter targets regardless of the position in the game while only costing 2 mana, I'm trialing 3 at the moment and the graveyard doesn't seem to be struggling to much however it does mean I can't really snap it back but thats not such a big deal.

4x Cryptic Command - Doesn't really need an explanation, the card creates great value and is just a great control card.


4x Path to Exile - one of if not the best removal in the format a playset was always inevitable

2x Fatal Push - While the limited targets can get annoying vs eldrazi and some other decks the card is just too good verses most of the format and with 8 fetches realistically trigerring revolt isn't a huge task and snapping it back is so much nicer than path.

1x Blessed Alliance - The sac effect is surprisingly relevant atm with cards like Reality Smasher, Geist of Saint Traft and Etched Champion, the gain life can also be good against aggro desk and being able to escalate for both mid or late game just feels great.

3x Supreme Verdict - Its not a control deck without sweepers and for esper thats verdict

1x Engineered Explosives - I'm currently trialing 1 engineered explosives main as it can serve as an extra removal or board wipe against certain matchups and deal with other problematic elements like artifacts and enchantment that I normally wouldn't be able to deal with outside of bouncing it.


3x Snapcaster Mage - Currently running 3 as I have a fair number of 1 spells and can use it in combination with Opt to get some early game value.


2x Opt - With the reprinting of opt into modern this gives us a little more early game cycling and while I don't think a playset is good enough as it doesn't actually give us card advantage just card selection and 2 off as extra cycle and to snap back is well worth it

3x Think Twice - Think twice is the best 'cheap' card advantage in the format for blue, the instant speed and split cost with flashback means I can cast it at the end of a turn if I still have mana while not having to invest my whole mana base each turn, currently running 3 as with the introduction of Opt you don't need the playset

4x Esper Charm - an extremely versatile card the instant speed draw or discard is almost always useful and with enchantment destruction on the end is great

2x Sphinx's Revelation - Casting sphinx's rev late can just win you the game straight out but even in the mid game a rev for 3-4 can shift the balance of a match significantly so I'm running two to increase the chance of seeing it in the mid game.

Wincons:1x White Sun's Zenith - the only real wincon outside of man-land the shuffle effect on sun's zenith means playing it when ever you get an opening is completely fine as it will come back around and if you control the game to a stale mate you can just cast this end of opponents turn and go for the kill, which is even easier if you've swung with lands a couple times already.


1x card:Enngineerd Explosives - with one in the main I still wanted to keep a second in the side as there are so many match ups where this is great

1x Dispel - the only counter in the sideboard I think dispel is great against burn and the combo decks that are in the format atm

1x Surgical Extraction - surgical can be just such a blow out, if you ghost quarter a land from tron you can hit that, or extract a combo piece for decks like adnauseum, living end, storm there are just so many targets that can change the game

2x Nihil Spellbomb - given how much esper relies on the graveyard Rest in Peace didn't really feel like an option to me but nihil gives us a one sided graveyard clear and a cycle effect on top of that

1x Blessed Alliance - gives us an extra out against infect, boggles and the life gain is also relevant

2x Runed Halo - currently trailing 2 runed halo in the side, it feels really good against combo decks and sometimes it can just be brought in to deal with decks with minimal wincons

1x Stony Silence - I've dropped to one stony as I feel most of the decks this is good against like lantern and affinity I can bring in other cards like EE to help deal with it

2x Detention Sphere - 2 in the board just deals with anything that I can't normally deal with

1x Crucible of Worlds - With so many decks atm relying heavily on greedy mana bases I feel like crucible can be really good, i've already had it win me a couple of games against tron and adnauseum and affinity as once its down you just gradually remove any ability for them to cast spells

2x Leyline of Sanctity - Just soooo good against the combo decks in the format at the moment and burn

1x Elspeth, Sun's Champion - this just gives me an extra wincon if I need it and helps deal with mid-range decks


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 3 Mythic Rares

17 - 8 Rares

13 - 1 Uncommons

10 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
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