My idea of what Spootyone's deck, Are You Ready? | Dark Selesnya Aggro should look like. It tries to combine the advantages of Golgari i.e. regen, scavenge, +1/+1 counters, removal etc. with Selesnya's i.e. cheap, fast aggro to synergize together to either fill the board with fast cheap creatures or creating a few bigger creatures through scavenge while keeping them alive through Spootyone's featured card
Ready / Willing
Lotleth Troll - one of the primary cards in deck, cheap, fast and has the potential to grow bigger through discard. Synergies well with Varolz, the Scar-Striped and avoids destruction through regen.
Varolz, the Scar-Striped - your 2nd best card in the deck, not to be entirely relied on but provides the flexibility needed in a cheap aggro deck by providing a way to create big creatures. Also, has resilience to destruction due to regen ability.
Dryad Militant and Solder of the Pantheon - cheap, fast efficient one droppers.
Soldier of the Pantheon
also comes with pro multi-colored which helps a lot especially early on and when in graveyard both of these cards are a 2 counters for 1 mana scavenge with Varolz.
Fleecemane Lion
- similar advantages as the one-droppers, 2-mana cost for 3/3. The potential for it to become indestructible AND hexproof gives it mid-range value and a good target for scavenge later on.
Loxodon Smiter - again same advantages as the previous 3 cards due to it being a 4/4 for 3 mana. Great early game potential and also provides resilience vs control i.e. cannot be countered and shouldn't be Thoughtseize'ed out of the deck. Most players will actually have a hard time really Thoughtseizing anything great out of hand and will end up suffering 2 life for minimal damage to this deck.
Nylea, God of the Hunt
- mostly scavenge fodder because the devotion most likely will not be met in most games (but still quite possible) especially while running aggro. Also can be used to give your creatures trample when needed and a pump. As a scavenge card, it's a great 6 counters for 4 mana.
Spells - Here I only picked 3 different cards, all with different functionalities that are to take advantage of the color combinations and to maximize on synergy in the deck
Ready / Willing
- the real star of this deck, I designed this deck mostly with consideration of this card which is why I felt the importance of having 22+ creatures in this deck. You can use it to save your creatures from Supreme Verdict or even as a surprise indestruct/block that the opponent doesn't expect. Can also be used for the lifegain which can give you staying power when needed and deathtouch when desparate for removal (but not your primary mode for removal). Has late game potential due to Fuse effects.
Selesnya Charm
- a key card mainly for mid-game to keep the board cleared to finish the game. The exile also helps remove gods from game as well if they do become creature and removes any graveyard effects as well. The +2/+2 with trample is a great finisher if needed to be used to squeak by on a non-trample fattie.
Read the Bones - helps me get through my deck through the 2 scry and then the two card draw. A weakness is having to pay life without any lifegain in the mainboard but the idea is to gain a life advantage over the opponent through aggro and this will help keep my deck going in the game when my deck starts to sputter off.
Sideboard - Under construction, but mostly quick switches between your instant card to give you versatility and maximize advantages over opponent i.e. Golgari Charm for enchantment destruction or Supreme Verdict counters or
Selesnya Charm
for big creature removal etc.