nothing to add to the deck really. just wanted to say the amount of salt you get on mtgo with this deck is beautifull.
May 7, 2015 4:47 p.m.
Eskmohunter says... #3
So i was playing this the at my store yesterday and decided to main board Extirpate instead of Perilous Myr and at least my store (Where almost every jerk has an eldrazi in their deck) it provided very useful so if any one else is having trouble i suggest picking up few for sideboard
May 8, 2015 2:44 p.m.
I think Surgical Extraction is a better fit, but yeah I think maybe 2-3 for the Sideboard might be good. I'll try to fit it in.
Thanks for the suggestion.
May 8, 2015 3:53 p.m.
Eskmohunter says... #5
I use Extirpate just because of Split second but either is fine its just preference
May 8, 2015 4:05 p.m.
With Surgical Extraction you can go for the mill strategy and be tapped out and win. Extirpate requires you to have B open. The plus sides are definitely there but I think that you're more likely to be tapped out than to face a counterspell or response in that certain scenario.
May 8, 2015 5:37 p.m.
burdenofproof says... #7
Can someone explain why flooded strand is useful in this build? What am I missing?
May 15, 2015 1:04 p.m.
Khaosknight says... #8
cheapest fetch that can fetch islands and shocklands I'm assuming? 4 fetches, even if they are literally just going to be used to fetch islands, is still better than 4 islands, because they thin the deck out when you use them (you sac a card and fetch a card), increasing your odds (however slightly) of drawing a card you need instead of another land.
May 15, 2015 1:10 p.m.
Basically the above. Any fetch land that can search for an Island can take its place. 4 more lands that can search for Watery Graves or Islands just allows for better fixing and to a lesser extent deck thinning.
May 15, 2015 3:15 p.m.
Hey, I am not sure if you still looking for feedback but I thought I'd play my part since I kind of built your deck and used it for FNM at my local game store (Singapore).
I went 2 wins 1 loss.
First match up was burn. Pretty straight forward and my starting hand was pretty godly. (I managed to miraculously pull of a turn 2 win).
I lost my second match though. Might be because my hand was pretty bad but generally couldn't do much to him as well.Guy runs a red-black deck and uses cards like [faithless looting] and [night whispers] to throw big creatures like [griselbrand] and [Emrakul, the Aeons Torn] into the grave and bring them back to play using [goryo's vengence] and [through the breach]. Then he combos off using by using [griselbrand] and drawing to get [fury of the horde] and just wins by attacking me to death in 1 turn. Also [Emrakul, the Aeons Torn] prevents me from milling him.
Last match-up was a mono-green infect. As usual, nothing much. Killed his creatures with [perilous myr] and side-boarded in [Spellskite]. Pretty one sided.
Any idea what you would do for the 2nd match-up?
I apologise if I made any mistakes remembering the cards in use. They may differ slightly but the general match-up is basically there. I'm also pretty new to magic so yeah, my knowledge of the cards are pretty shallow.
May 15, 2015 11:41 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #11
@beys2303 You need either Surgical Extraction or Laboratory Maniac in your sideboard to make matches against Emrakul, the Aeons Torn easy. Normally I go for the kill against them on game 1 by using Perilous Myr to shock them to death. You can naturally get 16 damage off them if you use all your Perilous Myrs and also use Myr Retriever to get double uses, plus then you can use Havengul Lich to get out more if needed.
May 16, 2015 5:57 a.m.
lemmingllama I did swap in Laboratory Maniac, but he seems to combo off before I can draw it out. What else do I sideboard in and out? I think I am suppose to put in Myr Superion too (I still don't have Wurmcoil Engine) but I have no idea what to take out.
May 16, 2015 11:59 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #13
@beys2303 You cut Altar of the Broods, since you can't mill him out. Then you just mull into a hand with Heartless Summoning and Grim Haruspex
May 16, 2015 12:48 p.m.
Goryo's is a pretty flimsy combo deck as it is, so it's unlikely the matchup will come up too often.
But against other combo decks disruption is probably your best option. My current sideboard probably isn't ideal honestly, but with it currently I think siding in the Spellbombs would be a good idea. Search for them with your Trinket Mages. Aether can be used to bounce creatures before combat (so Annihilation triggers, but Grisel's ability can still go off) and Nihil can be used in response to Goryo's being cast.
Also Llama's suggestions also work fairly well.
May 16, 2015 7 p.m.
lemmingllama Quail Yup, I did take out alter too. But he seems to be able to get his cards alot faster than my 1 or 2 Myr Superion can kill him. I'll try the Aether Spellbomb method if I actually meet him again this Tuesday. Thanks alot guys
May 16, 2015 9:10 p.m.
The Superions would be good (Havent actually tested) against grindy control decks or midrange decks. They're a threat that can come out in a burst of speed and be pretty safe enough with Retrievers. That recurable huge threat is something that isn't very easy to deal with. Then you can finish off the game with a Wurmcoil Engine and some Perilous Myrs.
But yeah I would really like it if you could tell me how the matchup goes if you get the chance to try out those methods. Getting feedback would be amazing.
May 17, 2015 1:28 a.m.
Is it possible to find a way to search out Heartless Summoning? I played close to 50 games with this deck past 3 days.. It seems if Heartless Summoning is not on the field, or is removed upon play, its pretty much auto lose as the best thing about this deck is you can pretty much kill people faster than any other combo deck right? Or majority of any other decks out there. But is it still possible without Heartless Summoning? It may be that I am playing the deck wrong though. Any advice?
May 20, 2015 11:54 a.m.
Khaosknight says... #18
You're not, the deck doesn't work without summoning. Some builds use Muddle the Mixture to tutor it, as was discussed above.
May 20, 2015 1:56 p.m.
That's the biggest issue with the deck, it's pretty fragile.
Muddle/Shred Memory can work but it slows down the deck to the point where I feel that you can't consistently win. The strength of the deck is its speed and lessening that will up the consistency but lower the win rate by much more.
May 21, 2015 6:53 a.m.
bungabunga says... #20
I can't believe it!! You stole my deck that i mare on cockatrice. WTF why you don't ask me "please van i copy and past tour deck in tappedout?" I'd reply "no male tour own deck"Hell Unbeliveble!
May 25, 2015 4:08 p.m.
@Quail Hey, did a little more play testing this week with a few friends. We proxy wurmcoil and ran play tests against various of the mainstream decks. Like you said the most important thing of this deck is heartless summoning and without it, the combo wouldn't work. I know theres already this debate regarding Muddle the Mixture at the top, and you decided against it because it slows down the deck and I agree too. However, after play tests, I decided to try adding 2 copies of Muddle the Mixture in place of Sleight of Hand.
Here's why,
Against burn (which is a very "hot" deck where I am from pun intended), Eidolon of the Great Revel basically rends us helpless since our entire combo revolves around summoning low-mana cost creatures and their effects. The only counter which I can think off, correct me if I am wrong, against it is Perilous Myr which requires Heartless Summoning to act as a "free" shock. However, the odds of drawing one along with a heartless summoning in your starting hand isn't very high.
Same thing with UG infect decks, which requires me to kill his creature very quickly or lose, I need the Perilous Myr to kill them off. Additionally, it works as a counter against their Groundswell, Might of Old Krosa and especially Mutagenic Growth in clutch situations.
Muddle the mixture acts as a tutor for Perilous Myr and/or Heartless Summoning.
Similarly, against decks who actually pack enchantment hate mainboard for god-knows what reasons, muddle acts as a defence. Same thing for counter-heavy decks which pack things like Spell Burst.
Against match-ups where I cannot mill them such as re-animator decks, because they pack the spaghetti monster, I use them to tutor for Myr Superion post sideboard and just turn the deck into a beat down deck as you suggested.
Other decks I playtested
For twin, Cryptic Command requires 4 mana. That's pretty slow to counter our Heartless Summoning. Well, for this deck at least.
For Amulet, in a way I feel its 50/50? If he has a god hand, well not many decks can deal with a turn 3 Primeval Titan or Hive Mind + pact combo. Muddle the Mixture actually did save me once but honestly I doubt I'd be so lucky all the time. If we both have average hands, I'd like to think this deck would come out on top. (No hard evidence though)
For Jund/Junk. I'd consider it one of the worse matchups. I hate Scavenging Ooze obviously. And just try shooting a Tarmogoyf or Siege Rhino to death with Perilous Myr when you have so many cards in your grave. Annoying as hell to play against this deck. Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize has made me #flippedtable more than I'd like to admit. Can only hope to combo off before he actually kills me.
Yup, thats all the decks I've tried so far. Burn, Twin, Re-animator, infect, Junk and amulet.I'll try zoo and merfolk tomorrow if I find the time too.If there's anything else you'd like me to try, do let me know.
Lastly, regarding the Muddle the Mixture I'm not trying to troll or something by re-suggesting a card that you have already declined. Its just that after hours of play-testing, I thought I should just share what I feel. Especially when it is such and enjoyable deck where you get to heartlessly kill off adorable little myrs and reanimated them infinitely. The joy you get when you laugh at your friends who just died to a myr is just an added bonus. :D
May 26, 2015 6:33 a.m.
That is absolutely amazing feedback thank you.
Yeah I've been a little disappointed with the consistency of the deck lately, losing 0-2 against my friend's Affinity deck a few days ago. I didn't draw a HS either game.
Muddle definitely has potential in the deck, but I feel like you can't just throw it in in this build. A lot of things need to change for it to have some decent synergy. Those changes are what slows down the deck I feel and makes it harder to win despite consistency going up.
I'll look into new builds, maybe with a little bit more protection like Thoughtseize or Spell Pierce like lemmingllama uses.
Keep me updated on anything else you've got, that's awesome. I'd also be interested in hearing about some Tron matchups and maybe Delver, even though they aren't incredibly popular.
And yeah Junk with Thoughtseize is tough, discard has always been probably the toughest thing this deck faces, the only thing I can really think of to do against it is using Thoughtseize yourself.
May 26, 2015 9:49 a.m.
do you still happen to have the version of this deck where you built it around control?
May 26, 2015 10:55 a.m.
Quail, went 2-2 on latest modern tournament on LGS
Lost againts red deck and a infectWon againts Delver and Rock
Quail says... #1
Against Gravehate I'd side in the aggressive creatures and win through combat damage.
But non-creature permanent removal is definitely something that could be added. But instead of Rift I'm going to put in Echoing Truth like I did in an older build in place of a trinket mage.
I thinks Echoing Truth has a better place in the deck since it also hits tokens and we'll probably never be casting Rift for its overload cost.
April 22, 2015 6:33 a.m.