Myr Cruelty (TURN 2 WIN)

Modern* Quail

SCORE: 369 | 553 COMMENTS | 110544 VIEWS | IN 224 FOLDERS

Quail says... #1

@Da_Zorret haha wow that's actually crazy man. If I actually knew the Modern metagame this deck would probably have a more concrete list. But Perilous Myrs do probably belong again. Reducing the Sphinx's seems like a pretty good idea, I mostly just wanted to test them. Soon I'll try and see if I can get a better, updated list going. Most likely with the aforementioned Vesperlark .

July 27, 2019 noon

Da_Zorret says... #2

So...they banned Faithless Looting

September 28, 2019 5:30 p.m.

Quail says... #3

@Da_Zorret yeah it's a bit unfortunate, but it lowers the powerlevel of the competition so it isn't all too bad. Eldraine gives us Emry, Lurker of the Loch which is amazing for the deck. It also gives purpose to myrs played before a Heartless Summoning. Combined with Mishra's Bauble I think the deck could be pretty on point still. Syr Konrad, the Grim may also be decent as a 1 of. He's not quite as fast as old win-con Falkenrath Noble (they both come out turn 3 anyway), but he's better when the deck isn't going infinite and allows tempo alone to close out a game.

September 29, 2019 1:11 a.m.

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