Modern Artifact Colorless Combo Infinite Combo Tribal
Turn 1: Urza's Mine
Turn 2: Urza's Power Plant, Copper Myr or Leaden Myr
Turn 3: Urza's Tower, 2x Myr Galvanizer, Copper Myr or Leaden Myr
Turn 4: Myr Matrix produces infinite Myr (and with Tomb of the Spirit Dragon you have infinite life too)
Turn 5: Attack with infinite damage
Two Myr Galvanizer can be used with each other Myr who produces mana to start an infinite combo!
Myr Matrix produces an endless army of Myr in combination with infinite mana.
Tomb of the Spirit Dragon gives you infinite life if you have infinite Myr.
If you use Myr Incubator, remove all artefacts from the game other than Myr Galvanizer and Myr Matrix! You can use the infinite combo with Myr Galvanizer and Mutavault so you don't need a mana producing Myr in your deck anymore.
Myr Battlesphere and Myr Superion are nice to have as flagships untill your combos with Myr Incubator and/or Myr Matrix are available.
Oblivion Stone cleans up the battlefield. But thats no problem with Welding Jar and/or Myr Matrix.
This deck uses pure quantity to win!
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This deck is Modern legal.
21 - 0 Rares
16 - 0 Uncommons
23 - 0 Commons
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