This is a Constructed Standard Pauper deck
This deck is really fast and really powerful, really simple to use. This deck utilizes the mana power from elves to overrun your opponent with vicious beasts.
1 drops - Arbor Elves and Elvish Mystics to get your mana flow going. Prey upon to get rid of some of those creatures your opponents don't like to block with and play a Hunger of the Howlpack immediately after to give your creautre +3/+3 (Giant growth on steroids)
I'm still iffy about the Bioshifts because most of the time I draw them, they're usually dead draws. It has saved my butt a couple times, especially when i'm racking up +1/+1 counters on a creature and my opponent destroys it and I shift the counters to another creature or when I attack with multiple creatures to force my opponent into a block and I bioshift into a different creature resulting a win condition or taking out a big creature of theirs. But usually, on match 2, I sideboard them out for another prey upon and Arbor Elf. It's usually a coin toss.
2 drops - currently only sideboard cards such as Naturalize for those pesky artifact equipments and pacifisms. Also Plummet and Aerial Predation for those flyers
3 drops - Superstar of the deck, Advocate of the Beast. Giving any beast you control +1/+1 during your end phase every turn is amazing, especially when you have 2 or 3 of these bad boys out.
Also, the Battering Krasis for some trampling effects and the Slaughterhorn's Bloodrush is a nice addition to the deck.
4 drops - Ivy Lane Denizen is amazing in this deck. Especially when you're popping out green creatures left and right and giving any creature +1/+1. This is a vicious combo with Advocate of the Beast.
Primal Huntbeast, A beast type with Hexproof! When he gets really big, he's pretty much unstoppable.
Spiked Baloth for some more trampling effects and Towering Indrik to stop those pesky flyers.
I've played 6 games with this deck in Standard Pauper format and won them all. The deck was running so well that I wanted to see how it faired in Regular Standard format. Out of 3 games, i've won all 3. So far this deck is doing amazing. I'm going to play more games to see how it fairs against different breeds of decks. Let me know what you think about it and comment :)