My second FNM with this deck was an overall success!
I Went 3-1 out of 4 rounds, and the 2-0'd both of my "Top 4" opponents to finish in first place.
R1: Minotaur Aggro? (W 2-1)
I was playing against a very new player. He kept making mistakes, and missing triggers, I corrected some of his plays and combat math so that he could outrace me game one. I won game two and-three by removing every threat he had, and then resolved a Blood Baron of Vizkopa he just couldn't deal with.
R2: Azorious Control (W 2-0)
I started it off with a turn one Thoughtseize taking a Sphinx's Revelation, I used a Desecration Demon as bait for a Detention Sphere, so he would tap out. My next turn, I used a Rakdos's Return to ruin his hand, and resolve an Obzedat, Ghost Council the following turn. Ghost-rode the whip to victory.
Game two my opponent mulligan'd down to six. I dug deep for a Slaughter Games which I used to name Sphinx's Revelation. Late game I used a Thoughtseize to strip him of any counters. I then used Revoke Existence to blow up his Elixir of Immortality after he over extended. I resolved an Obzedat, Ghost Council. Next turn I resolved an Aurelia, the Warleader. He scooped.
R3: Maze's End/Turb Fog (L 1-2)
This was a frustrating set of games. The opponent was extremely rude... I could write a small novel on his lack of etiquette, hygiene, and general social skills. Yet, I digress.
I lost game one to an off the top Supreme Verdict. I would have otherwise swung all out for game. I won game two using Slaughter Games naming Sphinx's Revelation I carefully used Thoughtseize and Duress to strip him of his various fogs and card advantage.
Game three everything was going according to plan. The opponent was at 5 life. As expected, he board-wipes with Supreme Verdict. I wasn't worried, as I had two active Underworld Connections. I kept digging turn after turn for any sort of threat., or even a Rakdos's Return to blast him for his last small chuck of life. No such threat came for three whole turns...nine draws... Enough time for him to ping me to death with a Crackling Perimeter.
How. Embarrassing. These things happen.
R4: Naya Hexproof (W 2-1)
Opponent was on the play, he eventually got a Fleecemane Lion Monstrous. Unflinching Courage
and Ethereal Armor were a nightmare. I just couldn't get rid of it. He used Celestial Flare to remove two Blood Baron of Vizkopa back to back. OUCH.
Game two I forced him to sacrifice a Fiendslayer Paladin with Devour Flesh. I used a Duress to strip him of any threats. Obzedat, Ghost Council and Elspeth, Sun's Champion were heroes here. Game three I got to use back to back Rakdos's Return forcing him to dump his hand. I played a Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Then I played an Elspeth, Sun's Champion I ticked her up to six soldier tokens. I busted out my Whip of Erebos. On my next turn... it happened. Aurelia, the Warleader Double the combat. Double the fun. I went in with the team. Aurelia, Blood Baron, and six 1/1 soldier tokens. 20 Lifelink Damage. It was just too much for him to handle.
"Top 4"
R5: Junk Midrange (W 2-0)
Very good player! Always love playing against this guy. Luck was on my side, though!
My mainboard Lifebane Zombie's and an immediate Thoughtseize were a critical hit. I grabbed his Obzedat, Ghost Council and an Archange of Thune. Then I brought out my Desecration Demon, and removed anything he could potentially sacrifice to it. He was low on life and desperate, so he used an Abrupt Decay on the D. I eventually got my own Obzedat, the Ghost Council sealing the game. Second game was a cautious standoff. I made the first move on turn 6, where I used a Rakdos's Return to force him to dump his hand. I immediately resolved a Blood Baron of Vizkopa and then an Aurelia, the Warleader for game.
R6: Bant Control (W 2-0)
Thoughtseize + Rakdos's Return is just an evil combination. With all threats removed, I brought out the ghost-dad, Obzedat, Ghost Council and drained my way to the top both games. (2nd game with the assistance of Slaughter Games and Duress. Remove counters. Aggressively force control player to discard. Profit.
We split regardless, as our store was doing a double pay out.
Good end to a rough start!