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Nahiri's Mythical Friends

Oathbreaker RW (Boros)


Deck #2 for the "All-Mythics" challenge.

Will include every mythic land I possibly can in the colors, but since there are not 20-24 in RW, there will be some basics. But I assure you they are very special basics.

Here I take a delve into the controversial Oathbreaker format. This one takes a special interest to me for this challenge because of the singleton complication, as well as the fact that you MUST designate a Signature Spell.

The same rules apply. A Mythic Rare is a card that was printed at the mythic rarity in a sanctioned Magic: the Gathering expansion. Releases like Modern Masters count, but Kaladesh Inventions and From the Vault do not. Zendikar Expeditions is allowed because there are very few mythic rare lands.

The person who prompted this idea upon me is a devout member of the boros legion and, in such, I decided to make the Oathbreaker list red and white. Nahiri, the Harbinger leads this army, with her signature spell Deploy the Gatewatch . While this may not be... lore-accurate, it certainly fits the theme of the deck, which is to spit many loyal red and white men and women onto the battlefield.

As for cards that aren't planeswalkers, there are a few mythic board clears in white: Realm-Cloaked Giant and Descend upon the Sinful being two of my favourites. Additionally, there are many angels that fit the bill, headed by Baneslayer Angel


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