Sisay, All Salt No Flavor!

Commander / EDH ForsakenxEDHx


BlackSirius says... #8

Damn really solid deck. Already feel the Actually surprised not to see a Chain Veil in a super friends deck.

October 26, 2019 3:58 p.m.

ForsakenxEDHx says... #9

BlackSirius since we are running a Diet Superfriends list TCV isn't as good here. The Mana Investment is a bit too much. Over several iterations of Atraxa and Najeela (2 SF lists i had before I combined to make Sisay) TCV just did not pull it's weight.

Believe it or not Doubling Season is also fairly low Impact in this style of list, Deepglow Skate is really the most effective way to get the Walkers at ult Status.

Since Sisay is a combo 1st SF list some of the Walkers seems like odd choices but only serve to boost Sisay's power by color/anthem/ability to hit the combo chain.

Ideally we want Bloom Tender/Faeburrow Elder/or Selvala out ASAP, followed by using Sisay to tutor out Derevi, Derevi will untap the Dork multiple times in this chain. Following Derevi comes Aminatou, blinking Derevi and untapping the dork. Reactivate Sisay to get Bolas, again blinking Derevi and untapping the Dork. After Bolas comes Oath of Teferi, which creates an Infinitely repeatable loop allowing for a combo win. At this point we have Infinite Mana, Infinite PW activations, and Every Card we want from the deck.

I appreciate the feedback and the Thumbs Up button.

October 26, 2019 5:01 p.m.

MtgSalt says... #10

upvoted for the name, haven't looked at the deck yet

November 1, 2019 3:06 p.m.

NivStormfront says... #11

I'm just baffled that you can get your Competitive meter to be 100%!

For real tho, dope deck dude. I love superfriends

November 9, 2019 4:44 p.m.

Sc1enc3 says... #12

@GreenHamma same, lol, upvoted without reading

November 10, 2019 3:24 p.m.

BlackSirius says... #15

NivStormfront if I'm not mistaken I think the competitive meter goes up based on the high profile cards, maybe even the salty cards, that you see in most compet Cards like Sylvan Library and Gaea's Cradle are cards that can make the meter move.

In this deck from what I can tell Damnation , Wrath of God , lands like Arid Mesa , Sensei's Divining Top are cards that I believe add to the competitive meter. IMO I'm definitely opened to be proved wrong on this theory because I really have no vlue. It's just something I noticed.

November 12, 2019 1:53 a.m.

chilbi says... #22

+1 from me, love the title. Cheers!

October 12, 2020 4:03 a.m.

arcarceus says... #23

I love this list. Found a chain of searches that results in you getting to use Jaces ultimate on 2 people in one turn starting with Jegantha. This list looked fun to me before but now it seems legitimately, competitively viable.

October 13, 2020 12:11 a.m.

ForsakenxEDHx says... #24

arcarceus can you explain the chain?

October 13, 2020 1:48 a.m.

arcarceus says... #25

ForsakenxEDHx Sure thing. When you have Jegantha and Sisay, Tap Jegantha and search for Derevi, target and untap Jegentha, tap for WUBRG then search for Aminatou, use her -1 to blink Derevi, Derevi enters and targets Jegantha to untap it, then search for Nicol Bolas since he has all loyalty abilities of other planeswalkers he can use Animatou's -1 on Derevi to untap Jegantha, search for Oath of Teferi, now use Animatou's -1 on Derevi to untap Jegantha and Nicol Bolas to use the blink -1 on Animatou to reset her loyalty and her access to 2 abilities, from here search for Samut making the order of operations be: Samut uses her -2, Bolas uses Samut's -2, Bolas uses Animatou's -1 on Samut, Samut uses -2, Animatou uses -1 on Samut, Samut uses -2, Animatou uses -1 on Bolas, Bolas uses Samut's -2, Bolas uses Animatou's -1 on Animatou, Animatou uses -1 on Samut, Samut uses -2, Animatou uses -1 on Bolas, ETC.

October 13, 2020 3:19 a.m.

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