K so, this deck may look strange at first, but let me break it down:
The main stars of the deck are Murder Investigation
Nantuko Husk
. The goal is to get Nantuko Husk big by saccing token hordes, and then self-sacrificing it with a Murder Investigation attached to it.
Of course, you're going to need some creatures to get rid of to get the husk big, so lots of token generators will be needed, such as Hordeling Outburst and Secure the Wastes. I bet your asking yourself, why are we doing this for Murder Investigation?
This deck also features some value cards like Impact Tremors, Zulaport Cutthroat, and Outpost Siege(mainly the second mode). When those creatures enter the battlefield, or when Nantuko Husk sacs those creatures, our opponent will be taking tons of damage from our creatures just merely existing, even if they run a Virulent Plague post-sideboard. Once you sac your giant husk, the tokens entering the battlefield will get value off of Impact Tremors, in which you can do it again if you have another husk.
The sideboard contains removal and a couple of backup strats.Descent of the Dragons is our backup strat if we think our creatures are too small against our opponents creatures. It also gains value from the other cards we have.Another backup strat we have is Myth Realized. It is a nice finisher against control match ups, also considering that there are a lot of noncreature spells in this deck. Other than that, its our typical sideboard with Duress against our control match ups, Ruinous Path against Gideon, Infinite Obliteration against problematic creatures (like Riege Shino).
Tell me what you think of the deck and of any changes you want to make