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Narset - Agro, Flux, Friends

Commander / EDH



This deck is largely an effort to make Narset a relevant Commander in the cEDH scene again. At this point (post Mulligan change) a traditional 'Narset Turns' deck has too many high cost spells that make the early game too much of a hit or miss proposition.

By contrast, this deck, 'Narset - Agro, Flux, Friends' scraps the majority of the extra turn, extra combat phase spells in favor of extra ramp, stax, equipment, and card-draw/ramp related Planeswalkers. The deck does keep a few turn/combat spells, but they are either high payoff (like Time Stretch) or cheap in the proper context (Temporal Mastery, Seize the Day).

Doing this smoothes out draw, but has the trade off of getting kills in different turns via different mechanisms. With the first kill usually coming from Commander damage via equipment buffs, followed by Aetherflux Reservoir and/or Inexorable Tide into a few Superfriends ultimates.

There are a few different/new ideas in here compared to most cEDH metas (like using the Remote Farm/Sandstone Needle/Saprazzan Skerry lands, and doubles strike spells for extra Commander damage), but give it a few playthroughs before offering comments.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 2 Mythic Rares

44 - 7 Rares

22 - 3 Uncommons

13 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Dovin Baan, Emblem Narset Transcendent
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