Narset, Dragon Champion

Standard TheHroth

SCORE: 108 | 80 COMMENTS | 11157 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS

SpikedEggnog says... #1

i didnt say 1 platemail for 1 elspeth. i said -1 sarkhan -1 elspeth for 1 stormbreath 1 platemail - its been wrecking standard yeah but there is no reason to have 3 elspeths - at 6 cmc 3 is too many, plus platemail is 4, sarkhan is 5, elspeth is 6 it makes sense to lower elspeth by one - she is good but shes not automatic win, 1 Hero's Downfall and shes done. turn 4 platemail, into turn 5 board wipe, attack for 4, into turn 6 elspeth is a lot better then you think - just because platemail hasnt been played in standard doesnt make it bad - when you have a 5/5 token youll think otherwise - platemail evades boardwipes and creature removal and its at a spot of 4 cmc which on your chart is not even 2% - it makes perfect sense in a control deck. nobodies saying replace elspeth with platemail. but 2 elspeth is fine and id much rather run platemail then chandra in most cases, youll get to ping them for 1 and chandra will die - waste of 4 mana. i think you missed the point of craters claws - its the same mana cost as sarkhan for the same damage - but it has a possibility do 2 extra damage or more if you pump more - and with platemail that is another creature that procs ferocious - plus craters claws can go higher for bigger spot removal if need be , and it can be a late game finisher when they are sitting on a removal spell. but ill say these are ideas, everyone has their own opinion - all i am trying to say is i wouldnt say something is bad because you didnt see the pros play it and im also not suggesting replacing elspeth either, more like skimming some slots and adding diverse threats/options - because you run 3 elspeth next game they will have more removal or Glare of Heresy or something - which is exactly what you want when the next game you pop out a platemail or stormbreath and they have more Hero's Downfall or Banishing Light

September 12, 2014 11:52 p.m.

TheHroth says... #2

So sounds like you're suggesting something more along the lines of this:

Narset, Dragon Champion copy

September 13, 2014 7:33 a.m.

mnbrightblade says... #3

Try adding burn to the deck. Deflecting Palm and Mindswipe would be great additions along with Lightning Strike.

September 29, 2014 7:26 p.m.

TheHroth says... #4

Funny you say that. I'm working on a burn-oriented list as we speak. Mindswipe , I havn't found to be all that great. People are comparing it to Syncopate , but the best part about that was it could be a T2 counter. Mindswipe can't. Also, it is useless when exiled with Narset.

I may end up merging the two builds if I like them, and see how that works.

September 29, 2014 7:32 p.m.

mnbrightblade says... #5

Mindswipe can be a great 1-2 of partly because of the damage element of it. Counter a big spell later in the game and deal 3-5 damage to the face in the process. I agree you wouldn't a lot of them and have a hand full of them.

September 29, 2014 8:45 p.m.

TheHroth says... #6

What would you suggest removing for it?

My other build with Narset is Buuuurn Baby Burn!, if you want to check it out.

September 29, 2014 9:04 p.m.

mnbrightblade says... #7

You could certainly replace one of your six counter spells in this deck.

September 29, 2014 9:32 p.m.

TheHroth says... #8

...touche! ;-)

September 29, 2014 9:33 p.m.

TheHroth says... #9

I just realized that link doesn't link to my deck. Haha

October 5, 2014 5:54 a.m.

alchemist4533 says... #10

I am sure you have, considering the score of the deck and the fact you had to reset your comments, so this may be a mute thought, but...Have you considered bolstering your creature ranks a bit to allow some early game creatures to protect you and also keep your opponent on the defensive? There are some great defenders like Dragon's Eye Savants to keep you safe till you hit your 6 mana for Narset, Enlightened Master . However, my REAL suggestion for an early game creature would be Jeskai Elder . She is a 2-drop that plays directly into your deck. She is boosted by every non-creature spell you cast (and you have a lot), AND her ability allows you to discard the spells you don't need for the stuff you do. early game Jeskai Elder + Magma Jet would work wonders turn three, burning potential blockers, scrying your way into a strong spell and pulling it into hand with Jeskai's combat damage.

October 8, 2014 8:07 a.m.

TheHroth says... #11

Playing Jeskai Elder would completely alter the direction of the deck.

Despite having 30 non-creature spells, I don't want to cast then just to trigger prowess. As a control deck I want to hold everything in my hand until I have to answer to something. Playing Jeskai Elder would force a shift into a more tempo oriented deck, such as one I have already made:

Buuuurn Baby Burn!

Adding creatures is something I really have considered though, but the only ones I feel would be worth adding at this time are Brimaz, King of Oreskos and/or Stormbreath Dragon .

October 8, 2014 5:21 p.m.

BoardFire says... #12

I think you can drop jace's ingenuity for 2 more dig through time. its just strictly better, and will almost always be cast for less

October 13, 2014 8:43 p.m.

TheHroth says... #13

Right you are!

October 13, 2014 9:20 p.m.

I love the deck, +1 from me. Congrats for making a sweet Narset deck for Standard. I may have a quarrel with the 4x Dig Through Time though. Obviously a great card, especially when cast for free with Narset, but I feel like 4 would be too many. With nothing that actively fills your Yard, other than the 21 spells that go there when cast (including the 4 Digs), it seems like it would be tough to hard cast multiple copies. In any case, aren't you concerned about not being able to cast anything before turn 3? And even then, your turn 3 plays are not ideal. You're either Banishing something, dropping Godsend, or holding up mana for a Dissolve that would probably be wasted so early in the game. Then you still have nothing until turn 5. Sorry if I'm being too blunt, I really do like the deck, but it seems extremely vulnerable in the early turns. I always envisioned Narset being run with 4x Generator Servant since she's so mana expensive. A turn 4 Narset with Haste seems really scary and could be too tough for the opponent to recover from. I'm also iffy about running so many counter spells with Narset. The chances of your opponent forgetting that you have a free Dissolve in exile are slim for you to be able to get value from it. I'm not sure if it's worth cutting counters just because you run Narset, but it seems like it could help (e.g. Stoke the Flames in place of Dissolve might be good for you). Anyway, please forgive my ramblings. I offer a +1 to pay penance.

November 3, 2014 1:11 p.m.

TheHroth says... #15


Thanks a lot man. Don't worry about your comment, I want people's opinions and yours is great and I agree with it. I do need more early presence.

Dig Through Time is simply the best draw spell there is in standard. You're right though about having trouble casting it sometimes. Maybe Steam Augury would be better than Jace's Ingenuity ? To fill the yard and fuel Dig Through Time even more. Steam Augury would also give me an otherwise non-existent T4 play.

Counterspells with Narset, Enlightened Master isn't as bad in paper as it is when you think about it. Hitting Dissolve , End Hostilities , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and something else has happened to me before, and I don't feel like the Dissolve is wasted, even if I don't use it. It's mere presence makes people think hard and play around it. Sometimes, I even cast a dead card from my hand and counter it with a free Dissolve to get a scry out of a dead card. While that seems strange, it has saved me a few times in testing, when I send down an extra land and end up drawing into exactly what I need to save the game.

Obviously this isn't ideal though. Maybe the counterspells are better off in the sideboard.

Stoke the Flames and Lightning Strike are the first cards on my "I should add these" list. I'll try running them in place of counterspells and see how it works.

Thanks again for the comment and the +1!

November 3, 2014 5:45 p.m.

Yeah, you bet! If you care to, you can check out my version of the build. I had been wanting to build a deck for Narset since she released, but your deck here finally gave me a good direction to go in. Here's what I came up with: The Brahmastra - Narset's Nuclear Holocaust. Good luck to you.

November 4, 2014 10:30 a.m.

Chachamara says... #17

I really like this deck, definitely gets a +1 from me. Could you run through your sideboard strategy?

November 26, 2014 11:21 a.m.

TheHroth says... #18


Against Abzan Midrange:


Our burn spells can't kill their threats.


Ram block all day long, even Siege Rhino, all the while gaining us life. Stormbreath Dragon is bonus creature, and has protection from theirs (most importantly Wingmate Roc). Negate and Reprisal are also good.

Against Abzan Aggro:

The board plan is the same against basically all aggro decks. This includes Jeskai WhateverYouWannaCallIt, and Boss Sligh.


These are just too slow for the aggro matchup.


If I know Herald of Torment is being played, I will leave in 1-2 End Hostilities


Nyx-Fleece Ram offers stabilization on T2. How great is that? Lifegain and blocking for days. Anger of the Gods is the much better sweeper in this match, and Brimaz, King of Oreskos avoids it. Last Breath is so good, especially against Goblin Rabblemaster.

Temur Monsters, R/G Monsters, Mono G

Very similar to the Abzan Midrange matchup. Depends on what they're playing though. Some are more aggressive than others, and I will sometimes swap a number of Anger of the Gods in for Lightning Strike to wipe their mana dorks.

That's all I have time for now but I'll gladly write up more if you want me to! Thanks for the +1.

November 26, 2014 4:37 p.m.

BoardFire says... #19

Have you played a mirror match or U/B control? They seem like tough matches for you. Maybe fit a Pearl Lake Ancient in the SB somewhere?

November 27, 2014 9:52 a.m.

BoardFire says... #20

If your not sure if you like Steam Augury, Font of Fortunes is a nice t2 play (In a non - aggro matchup) and provides fuel for dig and a good draw effect. Sorry for the double comment.

November 27, 2014 9:55 a.m.

TheHroth says... #21


No worries dude. I've been tempted to add Pearl Lake Ancient for a while, but I'm nt sure what to cut from the side to make it fit.

I actually really like Steam Augury. Playing Font of Fortunes could be decent, but it would almost never come down T2 due to tap lands. It also fills the yard just as well as Divination. I'll try it, but probably going to stick with Steam Augury.

November 27, 2014 2:47 p.m.

Question: Why no Chandra, Pyromaster? Not even in the sideboard? She can be a win-con with the burn, be played for free with Narset, and possibly give Narset the unblocked attack.

December 12, 2014 10:36 a.m.

TheHroth says... #23


I'd cut her from the list a while ago...honesty I can't even remember why anymore. I'll try and fit a copy or two back in. Suggestions on where?

December 12, 2014 5:31 p.m.

Well I don't feel like you have a lot of early game removal. So maybe take out 1 End Hostilities for the sideboard

December 12, 2014 10:46 p.m.

TheHroth says... #25

Makes sense.

December 12, 2014 11:26 p.m.

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