The Enlightenment

Standard* Angus300

SCORE: 71 | 139 COMMENTS | 23859 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

C4bl3 says... #1

This deck looks surprisingly similar to what I posted The Servant & The Master, after reading the full release of Khans of Tarkir. I agree the potential of Narset, Enlightened Master is quite good, however counter spells are probably the worst thing possible to flip over with it. Steam Augury is just not good enough, your opponent will never give you the pile with a win condition in it and chances are both piles won't have one. The plus side to your deck vs mine imho is that you have the mana base closer to correct. I need to figure that out more. +1 for a fellow believer in Jeskai.

September 17, 2014 2:21 a.m.

Angus300 says... #2

I agree that Steam Augury isn't that great to play. HOWEVER, I this Steam Augury is one of my favorite cards to interact with and is just a bunch of fun to play with. After a few FNMs and seeing how Steam Augury works! I might replace it with Jace's Ingenuity

September 17, 2014 2:30 a.m.

Angus300 says... #3

And counters are mainly in this deck to provide some space and make sure I can handle whatever hits the field before Narset, Enlightened Master hits the board. And Mindswipe is just fun to play.

September 17, 2014 2:32 a.m.

Blackprince says... #4

Definitely trying to break narset! looks fun. I'd put last breath in cause it's to good not to. Also Anger of the Gods for the early board wipe.

September 17, 2014 9:30 p.m.

Angus300 says... #5

What would you take out for Anger of the Gods ? And would you have it main or sideboard?

September 18, 2014 2:48 a.m.

Blackprince says... #6

main board for sure. take out a dissolve, a jeskai charm an a steam augry for 3 anger of the gods. Or 2 angers an 1 end hostilities. Diversity is key to every deck

September 18, 2014 10:47 a.m.

Angus300 says... #7

Sagu Mauler is a problem. Suggestions? Other than Elspeth or board removal I have no answers.

September 24, 2014 12:17 p.m.

RaggedBoy says... #8

Your deck inspired me to add Generator Servant back into mine. That card is just too good to pass up. I'll take my chances for an accelerated control. +1 on a deck that looks like a dream to play and a nightmare to face.

September 26, 2014 6:06 p.m.

Blackprince says... #9

I don't think there is a lot of answers for him right now.. i know it sucks. There is no more celestia flare. AEtherspouts or Polymorphist's Jest

September 26, 2014 9:21 p.m.

Angus300 says... #10

What does everyone think about Godsend ? I have a feeling this could be really good for this deck main board or even sideboard. It makes Narset, Enlightened Master a bigger threat and can shut down decks that only run play sets of cards. Interested to hear some feed back. Thanks.

September 29, 2014 1:12 a.m.

Blackprince says... #11

Godsend is a great one of in the deck. does help control your opponents by making them have dead cards. i would definitely try it out

September 29, 2014 4:41 a.m.

Angus300 says... #12

What does everyone think about Revoke Existence over Deicide ? I like how it targets artifacts too but I don't like the sorcery speed. R/U artifact Aggro is a thing but I feel like instant speed is required to sideboard in against that kind of deck so i think Deicide would be better in that sense because I could just target Ensoul Artifact . Thoughts?

September 30, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Blackprince says... #13

i think there is a red spell that destorys artifacts in standard an its instant speed if my memory is right... ill look it up

September 30, 2014 3:25 p.m.

Blackprince says... #14

Yeah there is Shatter but suspension field is better then both shatter an revoke. Sense you want to exile an there are not many good instant exile out there besides Devouring Light . That both devouring light an suspension field are good main anyways so take ya pick

September 30, 2014 3:39 p.m.

Angus300 says... #15

I'm considering going to 4x Narset, Enlightened Master . Thoughts? And what would I replace it with?

October 5, 2014 7:13 p.m.

Angus300 says... #16

I don't know how I feel about Dissolve . It's great late game when I have one in hand and Narset, Enlightened Master in play taking over the game. It's also nice turn 3 when I'm hopefully a turn away from a Narset, Enlightened Master in play. However, the bottom line is is that it's a dead card when Narset, Enlightened Master flips it. Which is a problem. Sure it's a nice security in case the opponent is up to something sneaky. But I think I should consider -4 Dissolve for +1 Narset, Enlightened Master , +1 Banishing Light , and perhaps +2 Magma Spray . I'm thinking Magma Spray because a lot of my local meta is Aggro and Magma Spray could be great when I'm at a slow start with scry lands. Unfortunately, the last 2 weeks of FNM have shown that this deck consistently trumps Aggro due to the late game finish and my biggest problem so far are G/R/x decks that ramp into fatties. It can be hard to keep up with that. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Dissolve situation. I've added another End Hostilities to sideboard against monster decks but I'd like to hear what you would side in and out against G/R/x decks and what kind of strategy I should play. Thanks

October 6, 2014 3:32 a.m.

Blackprince says... #17

Banishing light an Suspension Field are the best against those decks

October 6, 2014 10:32 a.m.

4 Narset, Enlightened Master 's? Damn, I think 3 max would do the trick. Otherwise you'll just be drawing into it over and over without being able to play her.

October 8, 2014 1:55 p.m.

Angus300 says... #19

In paper magic I'm at 3x Narset, Enlightened Master and 4x Dissolve . I'm simply play testing to see the difference. Because 9/10 times I have Narset out, I win. so I'm testing to see if a fourth helps me get it out faster. So far testing has shown that the fourth Narset, Enlightened Master doesn't really matter and will probably go back to 3x.

October 8, 2014 2:11 p.m.

nothingexpert says... #20

I love this deck and Narset. I'm currently running a tempo build but will be building this as my standard Jeskai and putting my rabbles into mardu sac/mid

October 9, 2014 1:24 p.m.

Angus300 says... #21

This deck surprisingly is really successful and turns a lot of heads when Narset hits the field.

October 9, 2014 1:53 p.m.

Angus300 says... #22

What do you think of 2x Quiet Contemplation over 2x Banishing Light in sideboard? I think it could get ridiculous with Narset out, since I can cast spells for free I'd only have to tap 1 to tap down a creature. Hmmm

October 9, 2014 11:52 p.m.

nothingexpert says... #23

If the stack for the attack effect of Narset and any subsequent spell casts are all considered to reconcile solely during the declaration of attackers phase (which I assume it would) then Quiet Contemplation could be a win con? Imagine attacking with Narset, dropping a Sarkhan, using +1 and then removing a blocker before they are even declared. That might clear the way Daxos of Meletis to frustrate them even further by using their own spells against them.

October 10, 2014 1:25 a.m.

nothingexpert says... #24

Might mean you can drop Godsend from the main board as well

October 10, 2014 1:27 a.m.

nothingexpert says... #25

Ahh no my above comment doesn't work because Plainswalker abilities are Sorcery speed but its still nice!

October 10, 2014 6:12 a.m.

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