The Enlightenment

Standard* Angus300

SCORE: 71 | 139 COMMENTS | 23858 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

Krakshot says... #1

Kind of odd to me that you don't main deck Dissolve or End Hostilities in what's essentially a creatureless deck.

March 11, 2015 6:27 p.m.

Angus300 says... #2

I've been running a variation of this deck since ktk was released and I've never needed main deck board wipes. I'm well aware how peculiar it is. As for dissolve, many months ago I had them in main but I would find that the double blue casting cost could be a bit troublesome in the early parts of the game when it's most effective. Most things I care about cmc 3 or less is in burn range and anything not in burn range is effected by disdainful stroke. So those are my reasons.

March 12, 2015 12:46 a.m.

4nathema says... #3

any thoughts on Myth Realized ? It gives you more damage,the opportunity to main deck valorous stance ,a decent early game blocker and life gain with jeskai charm .If you like take a look on my take on your idea! Narset the eternal (dtk edited) :D

March 13, 2015 11:09 a.m.

DiEaBoLiK says... #4

it seems we had similar ideas for this new set, I made my deck private since its almost exactly the same anyway now.

4nathema, i dont think myth realized is worth it in this deck, realistically it's P/T wont be high enough to block anything decent without dying, and it ties up mana. Late game its good, but in this deck by that point this card wont matter much.

March 29, 2015 9:34 a.m.

Angus300 says... #5


March 29, 2015 3:17 p.m.

Angus300 says... #6

I'm considering going -1 End Hostilities for +1 Negate to accommodate for my heavy Control Meta. Besides, even against heavy green decks I've found myself only bringing in 2 End Hostilities but having the full play set of Valorous Stance has proved more fruitful than the additional sweeper.

April 23, 2015 4:28 p.m.

4nathema says... #7

May i ask for a tip against esper control decks that thrive in my lgs? do u mulligan for servant?Is there any specific strategy in addition to just throw your burn spells?

April 25, 2015 7:10 a.m.

Angus300 says... #8

U/B/x control is a difficult match up for every deck, my success from these games come from the way I play them. From the start you should know that this is going to be a long game, turns 1-4 I like to happily exchange the typical "land Go" scenario. Control likes to exhaust resources with counter magic, by taking it slow and not rush things we can can bait Silumgar's Scorn or Dissolve with burn spells (but only if you have a follow up play)) or cards like Steam Augury (steam augury is a great card to bait with, it can grab a Disdainful Stroke which is powerful against this deck. And since I'm not trying to race the control deck I should still have 3-5 cards in hand it's not a crucial resolution.). But aye, Generator Servant has proved itself to be my most powerful asset against control but it is strongly aided by Ojutai's Command to bring it back. Control decks are very aware of Generator Servant's abilities, because of this they are more worried about a follow up play and tend to not use their kill spells to kill a lonely 2/1. However, that damage adds up quickly in control magic. His ability lets us cheat spells into play like a Narset, Enlightened Master with HASTE. In game 1, once she hits she sticks and one swing can leave me an extremely powerful board presence that control decks have trouble keeping up with their one-for-one removal. His consistent swing for 2 often gets my opponent into burn range or an unanswered Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker to clean things up. Ojutai's Command keeps the damage coming with its recursion. All cards in the deck are equally important in a match up, each one though has a different role. How you play the cards is ultimately going to determine the outcome. My recommendation is playtest, figure out what works for you.

April 25, 2015 12:43 p.m.

jawz says... #9

Nice to see a different take on a Narset abuse shell. I went more high end with my brew, mostly focused on a Howl of the Horde + Riddle of Lightning or Howl of the Horde + Master the Way finisher combo that Narset beautifully enables. Howl of the Horde + Ojutai's Command is pretty great too. But to make all the high cost cards work I throw out the early and mid turn interactive cards to fit in more dedicated ramp, so it's always rough trying to survive without bolts or sweepers until Narset is online.

But some cards that have been working great for me include:

Supplant Form - great combat trick, especially when flipped off Narset, and makes blocking decisions really hard on the opponent. Did you know that if you supplant an attacking Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker you get a copy of the full planeswalker?

Dictate of the Twin Gods - another card that can be a good flip off Narset. Another reason why you're ok attacking Narset into scary blockers like Siege Rhino for example. I keep it to just a single though.

Resolute Archangel - in my version I hard sacrifice early defense for late all-in domination, so having a reset button like this available might be necessary.

Traveler's Amulet - ramp consistency tool. Also fuels delve for Dig Through Time. Also gets more cards in hand for Master the Way.

Jeskai Banner - since in my version the curve starts only getting serious at turn 4 (Ojutai's Command), there's room in the curve to fit in ramping on turn 3, unlike a lot of green decks that need their ramp card on turn one. Dumping it to draw a card has some synergy in the deck too.

April 27, 2015 12:33 a.m.

Angus300 says... #10

Supplant Form seems like it could be a fun card to play but I don't think it could find itself a spot in the deck. Traveler's Amulet isn't actually ramp in the sense you're getting ahead on lands but rather it makes it consistent to hit each land for turn. I'm already doing this through Magma Jet all while dealing two damage at instant speed. My decks success is its consistency, my early game of burn/removal is a crucial interaction in order for me to succeed in overwhelming the late game. While cards like Riddle of Lightning can be flashy, it's ultimately over priced and inconsistent.

April 27, 2015 12:48 a.m.

grandorius says... #11

I have a different bent on narset built around a jeskai token/ascendancy shell.

It rather nuts to have an ascendancy out when narset swings. I especially love it with all the tokens, jeskai charm. I am starting to experiment with a splashed green for atarkas command.

Furthermore, since i use tokens I like stoke alot and its obviously great on a narset swing.

May 1, 2015 3:05 a.m.

chopper32292 says... #12

So how are you holding up agains Abzan aggro right now? I've been drying to play narset, enlightened one and when I found this list I just had to try it, except, I have no generator servant in my list, just because anytime I play it. It dies. I've only been playing since kahns came out and just switched from my mardu midrange to this just because it's so much fun, I have a tad more counter spells in mine even though I know it's a terrible flip off narset it's just so hard to get to that turn 6 without it right now

May 9, 2015 6:03 p.m.

Dr4c0 says... #13

Any thoughts on a single Howl of the Horde or Temporal Trespass?? Or would these just remove from the consistency you pride this deck on?

May 18, 2015 9:25 a.m.

Angus300 says... #14

I actually used to run both of those cards together back in FRF standard. However I cut them because they were only good when I was already on top and were too situational. More often then not they would be dead cards in hand.

May 18, 2015 2:15 p.m.

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