Abyssal Specter and Needle Specter can be cut for Mindslicer that's much more powerfull and Mind Shatter. I dont know your budget but if you can afford Volrath's Stronghold for more redundancy would be wonderfull, otherwise Phyrexian Reclamation is another one. If you increase the number of elf Elvish Soultillercan be usefull.
June 7, 2018 10:07 a.m.
everything is flagged for some reason, probably because tappedout is slow to correct the problem.
Added Mindslicer and Mind Shatter but cut Marwyn and overrun instead of the specters.
Still on the fence on Torment of hailfire as it gives the opponent a choice.
June 7, 2018 3:55 p.m.
Now, this isn't my attempt to be harsh, just to inform. I had a harsh reality when I, in my head thought that my Teysa deck was cEDH when I was horribly wrong and all I had was a modular/cluttered combo deck.
Eyeblight's Ending -> Snuff Out : Free is always better. Also a prevalent motif in cEDH
Blightsoil Druid -> Heart Warden : Same cost this one can draw in a pinch
Phyrexian Arena -> Necropotence : See more of your deck
There's a bunch of other cards I think you should include, but I don't want you to have to revamp your whole deck, so here are my suggestions:
May 17, 2019 6:36 p.m.
thanks, I haven't previously known of a cEDH decklist for him so this was entirely a brew. from your many suggestions, I am prioritizing putting in snuff out, necropotence, priest of titania, nature's claim, skullclamp, and dismember if not all of your suggestions! :D
May 17, 2019 8:02 p.m.
philet_kane says... #7
So I too have a Nath deck and there is one card that has taken me by surprise and its Driven / Despair . Not only can it net you a lot of cards but if you ever need to discard a card its perfect for it to be in your graveyard. This combined with Ezuri, Renegade Leader can make a victory happen out of nowhere. No one expects it and getting a bunch of trample + menace that can net you some tokens? Yes please.
May 18, 2019 10:51 p.m.
sorry for the late reply. I am on a new computer and haven't played in at least half a year. Thanks for the suggestions philet_kane
Rabid_Wombat says... #1
I recommended five cards but they all were flagged as illegal for 1v1 Commander lolz
June 7, 2018 6:12 a.m.