Nath of the STAX-Leaf | cEDH | Primer

Commander / EDH PartyJ

SCORE: 130 | 108 COMMENTS | 35011 VIEWS | IN 47 FOLDERS

Daedalus19876 says... #1

Hey, this got built! :)

You're a fantastic deck-builder (one of the best EDH builders on the website, IMO), so I'm not surprised that I don't have much to improve upon here. Some assorted thoughts, in no particular order:

Your removal is top-knotch (though I would find space for Krosan Grip; it shuts down so many infinite combos). Your ramp is strong (I would also strongly look at Earthcraft, Cryptolith Rite, and Carnival of Pain to pair with your tokens) though I'm surprised not to see Kodama's Reach here (redundancy is always great).

Eldritch Evolution seems like it would be super handy: sac a 3-cost thing, grab Sadistic Hypnotist (uncounterably!), and empty everyone hand.

I will say that I find Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen to be a tiny weak here. There's better Elf tribal - I'd even play Elvish Champion over her, because so many decks play green for ramp. With only ten artifacts (none of which sacrifice themselves), Glissa, the Traitor also seems weak.

Dark Ritual is...odd. Is it only in there for the T3 commander? If so, I'd cut it, considering the amount of ramp you're already playing. Also, I've never had good luck with Sudden Spoiling - it's such a hassle, and never seems to do what you want when you want. If it works for you, though, maybe I'll reconsider it in my decks.

Larceny is nuts, but doubly so here. Wirewood Symbiote can protect your commander like nothing else in existence. Necropotence is always silly. If you're okay with hurting yourself, Oppression is amazing (possibly one of the best symmetrical stax effects in the game). Painful Quandary can punish people for being empty-handed (as can Quest for the Nihil Stone, more indirectly).

What are your thoughts on Liliana's Caress (and Megrim)? They're practically a second win-con with the amount of discard in this deck.

You definitely get a +1 from me. This looks fantastically tuned.

July 10, 2016 7:33 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #2

Oh, and Asylum Visitor seems awesome here. Forgot to mention that originally ;)

July 10, 2016 7:41 p.m.

PartyJ says... #3

Note to self for next update:

and posts above

July 11, 2016 6:46 a.m.

If you're running so much discard, Liliana's Caress, Shrieking Affliction, and Quest for the Nihil Stone can all hurt.

July 11, 2016 11:24 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #5

(Also, taking another look at the deck, I would recommend against Coat of Arms. Your tribal aspects to the deck aren't extremely strong, and you don't have many ways to give evasion. In many matchups, it's worse than a dead card because it will kill you if it's on the battlefield. In other words, I would consider it to be neutral or bad depending on who you're playing.)

July 11, 2016 11:31 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #6

(And I meant Carnival of Souls, not Carnival of Pain.)

July 11, 2016 11:34 a.m.

PartyJ says... #7

Hi Daedalus19876. Thank you for your kind words.

Basically being active on T/O gives anyone the chance to improve his/her skills and insights from fellow users like you. So valuable comments could only improve your skills and knowledge of cards and synergies. For this I can only be grateful to you and all the others who take the courtesy and time to help me... Bows...

And without further distraction - :p - we move on to the suggestions above;

Krosan Grip : my local playgroup agreed on a level of casual gameplay, where we try to avoid the use of infinite combo's and targeted anti deck cards. But we are also looking past our own group, so I find this addition really important for my sideboard, in case we travel to a more competitive environment.

Earthcraft : Budgetwise I chose not to use this card, since I do not own it. In a next step, when I truly embrace this deck, I would certainly try to get a hold on a Gaea's Cradle as well.

Cryptolith Rite : Totally overlooked this set! This should be an autoinclude for this deck. Thanks!

Carnival of Souls : Seems like an interesting catch, but no clue what to replace it for. And I prefer to have ramp cards that ramp any time I want it to happen. Not just when it triggers.

Kodama's Reach : After a few playtests I feel that an extra ramp dedicated card would not hurt. I will add this card to the next round of playtests.

Eldritch Evolution : This card is surely going to get a spot in the deck, together with Geier Reach Sanitarium

Glissa, the Traitor : There is alot of artifact removal present in our meta, which is the reason she is here. But some might leave the deck, so I will replace her in advance. The other mentioned elf remains for now, as few green decks reside in our meta :)

Dark Ritual : It's a relic from my past, which made me add it. But it's an ease swap for something like the Kodama's Reach

Sudden Spoiling : It's a perfect card to end the game or when a boardlock is present. I had much fun with this card, especially the look on my opponents face; priceless xD

Larceny : I feel it's too slow and by the time we get to turn 5 I usually have most hands under control or empty. I prefer something stronger.

Wirewood Symbiote : I had this card in my mainboard in synergy with Shaman of the Pack, but both got eliminated. I never was aware of rescueing my commander. Just so sweet, I have to get it back for it. Good point!

Necropotence : Why not! I will give this a try in the next round of playtests.

Oppression : Haven't seen this card ever, so I am curious if this works out. Knowing I am at a multiplayer meta I feel this is nuts here xD Great suggestion...

Painful Quandary : I had it in my rough first build, but it felt underwhelming. Better options are available now.

Liliana's Caress and Megrim : Both felt underwhelming for what they do. I do not belive this will finish games in a multiplayer meta. I feel other options will do better. But hey, I'm on new discard grounds.... so probably more playtesting to get the hang of this.

Asylum Visitor : What a nie multiplayer card. Hands down I want to give this wizard a try!

Shrieking Affliction : At low cost and 3 damage I am tempted to give this enchantment a try. It's a try, but if this impacts overall better than I anticipate, then other options open up here. Thanks midget_overlord

This doenst mean all options will reach the next playtest already. As I have several cuts to make first... tough choices.

July 12, 2016 5:18 p.m. Edited.

enpc says... #8

I would recommend cutting Golgari Rot Farm. It's way too slow here. Also, Awakening Zone / From Beyond are both really good in stax decks for token production. I also really like Magus of the Abyss.

July 13, 2016 2:29 a.m.

chubba says... #9

hell of a deck. not sure if i know a way to make this better. i dont play stax but it looks mean +1 from me

August 14, 2016 7:03 p.m.

Dragonman39 says... #10

I love the deck! +1! I would suggest (for your consideration...) Abrupt Decay because it is an awesome, cheap removal spell that can't be countered. Also, since you have a good deal of creature sacrifice going on here, Tragic Slip is sweet, sweet value at 1 black mana!

August 14, 2016 8:57 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #11

I just realized - you have Wood Elves; why are you not playing Overgrown Tomb???

August 14, 2016 9:06 p.m.

PartyJ says... #12

@ enpc : You are right. I found some copies and put them in the deck :) Curious how the token production will do :)

August 16, 2016 4:27 p.m.

PartyJ says... #13

Thanks for your kind words chubba. I do hope I will get mean with this build. Especially in a multiplayer environment.

August 16, 2016 4:28 p.m. Edited.

PartyJ says... #14

What an interesting suggestion Dragonman39. Thanks for this.

Abrupt Decay is a card I have had on my initial pre-setup, but I found out that I had no copy of this card and I waved this card away. I will add it to my target list, who knows if I can get my hands on a copy anytime soon.

Tragic Slip : That is an interesting choice there. I am going to squeeze this one in. The -13 -13 should be easy accomplished in this build.

August 16, 2016 4:33 p.m.

PartyJ says... #15

Daedalus19876 is at it again. And once again you are pretty sharp!

I overlooked this land for this build. In my intial build I selected some budget land options, to see if I like playing this commander. But since then I didn't pay too much attention to my landbase.

Card has been found and added. Thanks for being on top of things (again)!

August 16, 2016 4:38 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #16

Taking a look at the comments above, the three easiest cards to add to your deck are:

You should MD from your Sideboard: Beast Within, Dark Tutelage, and Nature's Lore as lands which ETB are the first and formost best way to up your game. Also Possessed Portal is a dank wincon cause Bob and Tutelage get around it. Also it triggers on every endstep, so it's brutal. Depending on your meta you have either C-Hoof or Portal as a wincon. I would suggest trying Portal as a wincon if C-Hoof Isn't cutting it.

Also, what is your budget/meta rules? I would write more but am unsure what you playgroup allows. Hope this Helps, and if you have any questions, just ask!

And if I may ask, where did you see my expertise? I'm curious.

August 23, 2016 7:19 p.m.

PartyJ says... #17

Hi Coinman1863, thank you for your interesting comment!

I have the following question;

What do you mean with 'You should MD from your sideboard'?

Possessed Portal looks like a fun and brutal card to add. What do you think of Necropotence? Perhaps a card like Altar's Reap is faster....

There is a budget limitation. Cards over $20 bucks I tend to stay away from. I would like to keep this build somewhat in budgetary control xD

ps: I have seen several comments from you lately, which proved to me that you know how to give indepth advise on many builds.

August 27, 2016 7:55 p.m. Edited.

Daedalus19876 says... #18

Necropotence is the gold standard of card draw (and also gets around Possessed Portal). If your mana base can support it, I would not trade it for anything else.

I had a foil until recently. I'm regretting trading it, even though I don't currently have a deck for it.

I assume "MD" means "main-deck".

August 27, 2016 8:08 p.m. Edited.

PartyJ says... #19

I had some issues with the 3 black mana it costs. But I see your point :)

August 27, 2016 8:09 p.m.

JasonPenn says... #20

I like the deck, one thing I have found about a powerful Nath deck is that pretty soon no one has cards in their hands, especially after Nath of the Gilt-Leaf + Sadistic Hypnotist , which, with enough tutors, should be easy to grab turn 5 or earlier. So then your discard enchantments are wasted space. In my deck, I put a huge amount of mill artifacts like Keening Stone etc. With no cards, the other players need to top deck an artifact removal or tutor to take it out. With Glissa, the Traitor, you could get it back easy.Just my thoughts. Again, initially, I ran a similar concept and switched to a discard first, then mill to win style... With big creatures like Lord of Extinction and trample cards like Rancor just in case. You could even sac your 50/50 creature with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord.Just my 2 cents. +1!

September 4, 2016 11:56 p.m.

PartyJ says... #21

I need your help in making a decision: Quest for the Nihil Stone or Painful Quandary ?

The 1 mana cast seems to have a slight advantage for my deck, since I experienced that I tend to get them empty handed pretty soon during the mayority of the games. What are your thoughts for me?

October 31, 2016 7:25 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #22

I would keep Painful Quandary personally, it's the whole package by itself while being a good topdeck. The other,however, without your commander, really doesn't do much at all.

October 31, 2016 10:37 p.m.

enpc says... #23

Hey, sorry it took me a while to get back to you. As for the cards you're looking to add - I don't actually like Quest for the Nihil Stone. While it's easy enough to keep an opponnet with no cards in had, typically most player will still haev a few resources available in the way of cards. And on the off chance you get it + Sadistic Hypnotist, then it just feels win more.

As for card sto cut, how good is Exsanguinate here? you don't have an infinite mana outlet (that I can immediately see) and it seems like you'll be busy spending your mana on other stuff most of the time.

The other card I would cut would proably be either From Beyond of Sylvan Scrying. You have a few utility lands, but you also have access to black tutors so scrying feels less good. I like From Beyond but you don't want to have too many of these effects.

I know I originally recommended From Beyond but lookign at the progression of the deck, I think it is moving higher on the list of cuts.

I would however look at adding a bit of GY reanimation - you have a lot of discard effects that also hit you and this seems like a good way to get some big creatures out cheaply.

November 10, 2016 10:42 p.m.

Excellent Commander Deck! Actually, I haven't got time to make a pleasentful Commander deck, I am still building one. It is called: Dragon Defender Utopia. It is work in progress, as of now I have 90 cards, including the Commander Scion of the Ur-Dragon, but I am devoted to my other hobby - collecting animal stamps, and I haven't got the time, nor the budget to build it completely, let alone, test it, as I have 22 ready decks for Modern play. Here in Bulgaria, tours for Commander are sometimes Tuesday, and I haven't ready deck, let alone the time to go there. I believe it is Tuesday or Friday and the end of weekend at other places, but I haven't put it on main agenda as I have so many cards and decks to play in Modern perspective. Actually these Tribe of the Elf of my girl-friend is kinda work in progress, but we'll build it in the next couple of months. Look at her Angelic Charioteers. Amazing putting it. Actually the Geist of Saint Traft hasn't been tested, lol :). Recent edition, but she has won a couple of times. My girlfriend also owns Ajani Brimaz Tribe. To be honest, Wizards of the Coast knows of it. They highly praise her decision to play 1 card of a type. Only 2x Fleecemane Lions, Unflinching Courages and Nacatl Outlanders. Everything else - 1 card. She is amazing and the deck has high scores against challenges in Bulgaria. Look at it and the Synergia Tribalia she is using. They told me they are planning to release her deck as a "Duel vs"-version. Kindest: Chavdar

November 28, 2016 3:27 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #25

You know what I just realized? Dark Deal is busted here.

Diabolic Intent and Vampiric Tutor are strong tutors that you're missing.

I like how the deck's turned out! Though personally I prefer a Static Orb over a Winter Orb...not least because it got a beautiful new Masterpiece recently.

I wish I could like it a second time.

November 30, 2016 1:59 p.m.

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