Nath's Palace of Stax [cEDH]

Commander / EDH* ShaDoWz_6677


ShaDoWz_6677 says... #1

Hymn to Tourach + Worldly Tutor were both added to this deck tonight

August 11, 2017 1:16 a.m.

Permafrost says... #2

I had a Nath stax deck for a long time, our lists are pretty different, but still effective! What about Worm Harvest? You have a good deal of sac lands that can fule it, and it's recurrabel. Crucible of Worlds also seems great here to have a nice land destruction option.

August 21, 2017 9:45 a.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #3

Permafrost I've thought about adding Crucible of Worlds into this deck, at one point it was in my Omnath, Locus of Mana EDH along with other fun stuff. However, Crucible I feel wastes a slot. I think Crucible on a Stick might be better suited because its a body maybe? Idk. I can honestly say I've never seen Worm Harvest before. I may have to play with it a little bit to get the hang of the card, but things that this deck needs I feel are faster paced items. Magus of the Abyss is a card I'm looking at for the future. Meren of Clan Nel Toth is another addition to add in and possibly become a secondary commander to the deck. Phyrexian Altar is on the list just for sacking to make the mana that I need. Recently Gilt-Leaf Palace was implemented into this deck so I can cut a slot out of a basic land. However, this deck is not a Meren EDH. I feel that building around a sack outlet hurts the deck and doesn't do Nath justice. The Hand disruption does A LOT, but I feel it is going to be replaced eventually by cards like Nether Void and other serious lock out cards. Without the use of White or Blue to lock the board down, I have to rely on the hatebearing artifacts that are in most stax decks with the exception of the hatebearers like Nether Void and Chains. I have the intentions in the future of adding Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos to this deck for when I get The Abyss or Magus of the Abyss

Thanks for the feedback!

August 23, 2017 8:42 a.m.

Permafrost says... #4

If you plan on going heavier on the sacrifice based stax cards, Worm Harvest is a house imo. With most token producers, you're only netting one creature, enough to use to sac to your stax affects, and its hard to build up an army to close out a game. The more you tune your deck, the more you'll find that locking the majority of the table out of the game is the easy part, but ending the game takes forever! lol. Ramunap Excavator is a great alternative to Crucible of Worlds, but having an effect that would normally be found on an artifact or enchantment on a stick isnt the best option. Creatures are much easier to deal with than the other permanent types, which is why i dont like Magus of the Abyss all that much. I like crucible because Im a dick, and I like to use Strip Mine with Azusa, Lost but Seeking to blow up 3 lands a turn haha. I see a strong argument not to run these cards in your list, tho, since you are more focused on taxing, which is basically the same as land destruction.

August 24, 2017 7:07 p.m. Edited.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #5

Permafrost I actually recently tested this deck in a 5 player game, and learned that a lot of what you are saying is correct. Currently, this deck performs amazingly well, BUT there is no closer. I'm unable right now to take advantage of the lockdown and capitalize on the victory. I added in Sword of Body and Mind but find it rather difficult to obtain things in such a large pod. Granted, stax is typically better in groups of 2 or 3, but it gets the job done quickly when needed. The hardest part is finding a way to close the game out (Besides Earthcraft + squirrels nest) Which I find to be eventually added to this deck as a way to close the game off. I considered running Vitalize and Craterhoof Behemoth as a way to close out with Earthcraft but have since failed to produce results. Earthcraft needs to go into this deck before I can test this deck with a 8 drop slot.

August 25, 2017 12:50 a.m.

Permafrost says... #6

If you wanted to go combo for the win, you should add a tutor or two. I really like Sidisi, Undead Vizier because she is a great blocker with deathtouch. Another great option is Diabolic Intent. You could add these and then just tutor up your Helm of Obedience Leyline of the Void combo. If you're playing in bigger pods, I would cut single target hand hate like Thoughtseize and maybe Hymn to Tourach. Amulet of Vigor doesnt seem to have a spot in this list either, if i counted right, you only have 3 lands the etb tapped, and two have a chance of NOT coming in tapped. You also dont have any Kismet effects that make your lands etb tapped and it doesnt help you untap more lands from Winter Orb effects. That in mind, if you CAN untap more lands with said effects in play, you can gain a huge advantage over the table, So Garruk Wildspeaker can help you untap lands and can be a win con with his overrun ultimate. He also makes big tokens if you really need them. Arbor Elf is another good choice, and you are a lucky bastard who has a cradle, so you can go nuts with mana.

August 25, 2017 1 p.m. Edited.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #7

Permafrost Orb of Dreams is a huge play maker in this deck with Amulet of Vigor effectively slowing the game to where i gain massive advantages. Sidisi was originally in my list of cards to add to this deck and may still get into the deck. I may remove Thoughtseize as it has done its job in the prototype of this deck, and can now be removed. Amulet/Orb is something that helps me out with the placing of a Golgari Rot Farm in the deck (to be announced). This weekend I'll be implementing a new card or two into the deck, mainly from my sideboard into mainboard. The Abyss and Nether Void make there way into the deck now. Along with this, I'm throwing in Torment of Hailfire as a win condition. Hymn to Tourach is extremely beneficial when playing the political game (like my LGS does) but I definitely see where it can come out. Especially if I want to play cards like Mind Twist some time in the future. Mind Shatter will be hitting this decks mainboard tonight as well to cripple big threat decks.Garruk Wildspeaker or Nissa, Worldwaker? I think Nissa wins a place in this deck over Garruk as she can fetch the basics (If i dont already have all my basics in play) I find that I should be adding an effect like Seedborn Muse into the deck as well to gain advantage over the board in stacking.I did consider Epic Struggle for this deck, however felt it would be too slow. With the mana acceleration, I also considered Omnath, Locus of Mana as a hard beater but determined that he was more of a situational card that does nothing for the mana that he hordes. It's been determined that this kind of deck does not like to leave mana open during players turns.
Arbor Elf why remove Arbor? It untaps a forest that may be needed to get pieces. It actually helped me win a game last night. lol (I was land screwed)

August 25, 2017 1:20 p.m.

Permafrost says... #8

I missed Orb of Dreams when I talked about amulet, whoops. I would still pick Garruk Wildspeaker over Nissa anyday. Nissa only untaps forests, and her ultimate is way harder to achieve. Her first ability makes your lands more vulnerable, too, and in a stax list, I would much rather have a disposable 3/3 than a land creature. Garruk can untap Cabal Coffers, Gaea's Cradle and plenty of other abuse-able lands. Arbor Elf has the same effectiveness, and I would NOT cut him. I really like Torment of Hailfire in this deck, seems like a great choice.

August 26, 2017 9:50 a.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #9

Permafrost Yeah man, I completely edited this deck to add new things in earlier. I am really happy about the tests that I did last night with this deck and the additions. Sadly, Torment of Hailfire got countered in game last night, or I would've won. Darn pre-con won the match cause he ramped up so hard.

August 26, 2017 9:54 a.m.

PartyJ says... #10

You have some interesting cards in your decks that are worth considering for my Nath Stax build.

I will be back to review more cards and I would like to hear how these cards affect your overall gameplan. Especially a card like Orb of Dreams. It's not a stax card you see very often. How does it perform?

Check my Nath list here.



September 9, 2017 7:34 p.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #11

PartyJ I love Orb of Dreams It performs enough to get me time. Especially if the game plan with the deck is to keep lockdown until i get pieces.

People underestimate the card so heavily, but with Amulet of Vigor Amulet of Dreams combo is super effective. This deck is built to run through and protect itself and stopping things with cards like Meekstone

I recently threw in Geth's Grimoire and its done me WONDERS since starting it.

September 10, 2017 4:08 a.m.

Kain078 says... #12

This deck is interesting. I've never played a deck with this concept. I'd suggest play test it against my Sisay deck which in most games decks out turn 3 turn 4 comboing out with paradox engine.

December 23, 2017 11:30 p.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #13

Kain078 This deck's been tested against a Sisay in the past and didn't do too well as the deck will usually falter to creature heavy decks. While it achieves its overall goal in the stax game, I've found that getting to where we belong requires 2 more tutors to make this deck absolute. Grim Tutor and Imperial Seal are both cards that will eventually be implemented into Nath. As the deck moves along, I may pick up both cards, but I may just pick up Seal. I am not sure which one I want to do yet though.

Thanks for coming by!


December 24, 2017 2:53 a.m.

Kain078 says... #14

Shadowz6677 I really like the deck build and an upvote from me. Wish you the best of luck and fun with this deck. Both tutors are really great, but imperial seal is i think the best first choice as of right now. Mainly because it cost 1 allowing you to do more especially if you have sensei's top out. Visit my page and let me know what you think of my deck ideas I'm always up for suggestions. Thanks.

December 24, 2017 11:27 a.m.

Randsome says... #15

A good inspiration for starting with Nath!

Question: there are a lot mentions of how good Orb of Dreams+Amulet of Vigor combo is, while it's not currently in the list. Was it cut for whatever reasons somewhere along the road?

January 30, 2018 7:38 p.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #16

Randsome Orb of Dreams and Amulet of Vigor were cut awhile ago due to the inefficiency of the cards being used in the deck. While we stack down the other players, the synergy didn't come up too often in the deck and ended up wasting room in the deck for other effective cards. Root Maze took the place of Orb of Dreams

January 30, 2018 7:47 p.m.

PartyJ says... #17

I see you retired the deck? Do you still play this deck in its current form?

How is Assassin's Trophy working out for you?

How is Leyline of the Void performing?

November 28, 2018 5:28 p.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #18

I retired the deck, then brought it back. In its current form Nath is AMAZING. AT works BEATIFULLY. Leyline of the Helm combo works wonders in Nath.

February 24, 2019 7:54 p.m.

ShaDoWz_6677 says... #19

I think it's time for the deck to come back. Murderous Rider has made me decide that its time. Maybe even add in Vraska's Contempt

October 14, 2019 2:46 a.m.

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