Nay-Nay Burn 2.0 post 2016 ban Modern Gauntlet #0

Modern grumpypeach


mtgmanatee says... #1

Great deck.

January 31, 2016 4:30 p.m.

FLATSO99 says... #2

Rift Bolt or Searing Blaze or Shard Volley would work in your deck!

March 15, 2016 6:40 p.m.

FLATSO99 says... #3

never mind the Searing Blaze i dident see you already had it in your deck

March 15, 2016 6:41 p.m.

grumpypeach says... #4

I took out rift bolt for the 4 3 mana spells because when testing with rift bolt i found a lack of finisherand those spells provided it. Also see my reason for no shard volley in my discrip.

March 20, 2016 4:21 p.m.

nocsha says... #5

you have a lot of artifact hate in your sideboard, I would suggest taking out Ancient Grudge or Smash to Smithereens and using Firespout instead, this way you have a sort of board reset vs token decks or even some fliers.

April 7, 2016 7:59 a.m.

grumpypeach says... #6

If i were to run token hate in the side board i would just use Pyroclasm instead because it is just cheaper (CMC) and kills almost all tokens. The thing is token decks in modern aren't really a thing so we will see how the meta will shake out but maybe a tokens deck will emerge and then i would run Pyroclasm not Firespout.

April 9, 2016 5:02 p.m.

MidgeRub says... #7

I think nocsha had a good point on all the artifact hate, is affinity and lantern control huge in your meta or something? If so, it totally makes sense but if not you could probably free up a couple of spots. Instead of Roast, I would consider running Path to Exile as it is one mana less for instant speed over sorcery speed, it takes care of more targets, and it exiles which is always better than destroy. The setback is kind of irrelevant if they are dead before they untap. Was also curious what the Sudden Shock would be used for. Also, if token sweeping becomes relevant, might consider Volcanic Fallout over Pyroclasm, it does cost one extra to cast, but it is instant speed and can't be countered, while also doing 2 to face. All in all, a great deck, looks like what I originally was building before I decided to opt for Gob Guide as I felt the haste was too valuable.

April 11, 2016 5:28 p.m.

grumpypeach says... #8

I just came back from a classic this weekend. My match ups were Jund,Jund,Zoo,Blue moon,Blue moon,goblins,drop. I am looking for some more hate for control decks as I saw a lot last weekend and almost no affinity. Lantern control and affinity weren't that big a problem in my meta I just thought they would be huge this weekend also i bring in some artifact hate against infect for Inkmoth Nexus.You are right about that Roast v. Path to Exile Path is just better I am looking to pick them up soon, they just are a little expensive.Sudden Shock was used as some super secret tech against infect to kill their creatures and be imune to vines or regenerate, but unfortunetly I couldn't test it out at the event. About the Pyroclasm v. Volcanic Fallout I still think 3 mana is huge diffrence in the deck and we dont care about the can't be countered because no tokens deck has counters. Also the shock to their face is almost irrevlant and it being an instant may get you some value but not that much that is why I am leaning twords Pyroclasm over Volcanic Fallout. Hey I was wondering if I was ever to put Goblin Guide in my deck what should i take out? Thanks! :D

April 13, 2016 7:16 a.m.

MidgeRub says... #9

Ah okay, that makes sense about Sudden Shock not a bad idea, but also burn is generally in a good place against infect, as long as they don't have Vines. Deflecting Palm has been really good to me in the past in infect matchups.Those are some solid points on Fallout vs Pyroclasm, when I put Fallout in my 75 it was more for decks with small creatures that have counters or board in counters, things like delver, infect, and merefolk. Has even helped me against affinity before.As for some control hate, Vexing Shusher is nice, I just added Guttural Response to my sideboard for testing as well. I was thinking I might see more control decks with the Sword of the Meek unbanning, plus my friend is playing a UR breW that slams in like 12 counters against me haha Volcanic Fallout could be relevant against control decks using the Sword + Foundry combo. I mean, if it was me, if you got Guides I would switch them for the Nacatls, if you wanted to keep the Nacatls in, maybe cut the Skullcrack and Lightning Helix or move them to the sideboard, but that's just a generalized call without knowing your meta.If you don't made me asking, how'd the deck perform at that Classic?

April 13, 2016 2:51 p.m.

grumpypeach says... #10

At the classic the deck went 2-4 before I dropped to go draft SOI.(off topic g/r ware wolfs is not very good)Here I'll do a tournament report:Match 1-JundFortunately for me my opponent arrived late and got a tardy, so I started off the match with a game win. The game we did have with me quickly realizing he was on Jund and me trying to race but running out of gas and him stuck on a single Raging Ravine I flooded out but eventually drew enough burn to kill him.Event Record 1-0

Match 2 -JundGame 1 I simply out raced him with Eidolon of the Great Revel and bolting a Liliana of the Veil felt good. Game 2 I brought in 2 deflecting palm and 2 Roast for 3 searing Blaze and 1 skull crack he had double Tarmogoyf enough said. I will finish this later

April 13, 2016 4:25 p.m.

grumpypeach says... #11

Game 3 it went really grindy he took 3 Eidolon of the Great Revel in total from my hand by the end of the game he eventually just got bigger creatures out and I lost.Event record 1-1

Match 3 ZooGame 1 he flat raced me going Experiment One into Tarmogoyf and I couldn't race. I brought in 2 Roast and 2 Deflecting Palm taking out 2 Rift Bolt and 2 Skullcrack. Game 2 he went fetch fetch double Wild Nacatl I searing blazed one and bolted the other but then he played a Scavenging Ooze which ate all of our yards and became huge and won the game.Event record 1-2

Match 4 Blue Moon I will do pt 3 ltr

April 14, 2016 4:19 p.m.

mtgmanatee says... #12

you do run guide

November 15, 2016 5:55 p.m.

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