Naya Aggro (2x 1st at Game Day)

Standard Sabbath91


slaveofbolas says... #1

This is really well thought out. I like it! I wish I had more to suggest but its just a solid deck. Good job on this!

December 29, 2013 4:21 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #2

Thanks very much slaveofbolas :)

As a general update: I tested the deck with 4x Experiment One instead of the 4x Elvish Mystic and whilst sometimes they were usefull, the deck became noticably less consistant. I seemed to be mana screwed a lot more often and so decided that was down to losing the 4 mana producers. Turns out they do actually make a difference lol.

Gonna play with the number of Ajani, Caller of the Pride and Boon Satyr next i think.

December 29, 2013 8:43 p.m.

jokersam9806 says... #3

I've said and heard gems such as this. I thought Witchstalker was impressive since I played it in the prerelease. Good show

December 31, 2013 4:08 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #4

I heard that all the time when I was playing standard.

Turn 2 Witchstalker is an animal and can be a game winner for many. With all the board/creature control that there is, having hexproof is RIDICULOUSLY strong right now. I can see some new UG dudes with hexproof getting printed as well, so we'll see where hexproof decks end up later.

You can check my old Hexproof deck, but I just don't find Theros an enjoyable standard yet Gruul Hexproof - Game Day

January 2, 2014 3:32 p.m.

Wwwskyler says... #5

I would add like two bow of nylea if you wouldn't mind could you look into my deck it uses witchstalkers as a power card as we'll it's called bad wolf 2-2 @ fnm click on my username to find it

January 9, 2014 5:58 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #6

I've tried Bow of Nylea before in an eariler build (involved Polukranos, World Eater going monsterous whilst attacking to board wipe and Kalonian Hydra for death touch trample combo).

Whilst it was nice at times, It felt underwhelming to be honest. Like, there would be games were it sat and literally added nothing as i was tapping out for creatures / other spells and not using it's activated abilities and all my guys were able to comfortably take down blockers due to their large power/toughness for their cost and didnt need death touch. So I just value all of my other 3 drops more than the bow

Ill look into your deck though.

January 9, 2014 10:19 p.m.

It is interesting to see Witchstalker in a mainboard that isn't loaded with Auras, but it's certainly a playable option given that MBD and MUD are so big right now. The only card I'm a little iffy on here is Pit Fight which could be a dud in some matchups, so you might trim down to 2 of those and add another 3-drop so you're not stuck with multiples against control or something like that.

January 16, 2014 11:06 p.m.

Nutsii says... #8

What about Gift of Immortality ? Work's like god on Voice of Resurgence

January 17, 2014 8:20 a.m.

Sabbath91 says... #9

Never thought of Gift of Immortality . I could give it a try in the 1x Gods Willing slot. i bet it's nuts on a Witchstalker against controll!

February 2, 2014 9:16 a.m.

NuBByThuMB says... #10

February 8, 2014 9:28 a.m.

AggroMonster says... #11

Congrats on the "win a box"! Looks like a very strong deck. Ajani, Caller of the Pride .....puts in amazing work. I always end up putting him in my decks and he just gets it done. I do not know how many games his -3 had out right won me games. +1 to your deck.Take a glace if you got a min at mine :) G/W Aura's Hexproof B2B FNM 1ST..

February 28, 2014 12:24 a.m.

jjrbraves says... #12

Used this against my buddies green devotion deck and lost more than I won. Any ideas on what would be best to sideboard vs green devotion? some removal?

March 6, 2014 2:01 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #13

I've changed up the sideboard since my last update and forgot to update it here, sorry. Should be different now.

Try some Celestial Flare . I have tried these a few times and they work wonders against monster style decks. You can take out their Sylvan Caryatid if you get the right mana early on and can stop their fatties in their tracks.

Maybe also include Unravel the Aether to take care of Nylea, God of the Hunt .

If he isnt running Arbor Colossus then increase the Ajani, Caller of the Pride count to 3. A blow out swing for 10+ is usually one of the only ways to stop large stompy decks once they get going.Another tip is to only ever use Selesnya Charm to exile their big things, never make guys or pump with it against monsters.

Thanks for trying out my deck btw, much appreciated ! :)

March 7, 2014 8:19 a.m.

jjrbraves says... #14

Ok cool, I'll look into those cards. I actually still don't have 3 of the 4 Voices in the deck so I'm sure those would help as well. He did use Arbor Colossus but only got it out a couple times in 9 games so it didn't really matter (he won 5 of them). I'm definitely going to add another Ajani, Caller of the Pride to the mainboard whenever I play against his deck. Yup, once I learned that I could ruin his Kalonian Hydra 's with Selesnya Charm I just stopped using them for anything else other than removal. Can't wait to see how good it becomes once I find some more Voices. It's a lot of fun to play! Thanks for the creation.

March 7, 2014 3:20 p.m.

jjrbraves says... #15

Have you thought about adding Elspeth, Sun's Champion to help boost Voice of Resurgence ? The deck could probably go without it, but it'd be cool to keep adding tokens and completely screw up control if they played anything on your turn.

March 7, 2014 3:23 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #16

Thing is Elspeth, Sun's Champion would then be very situational: She would only be there to aid the voice token and so wouldnt really fit. I would never be able to utilise her -3 well either as if the game is going the way i want it to go then ill blow up half my own guys :/

Voice of Resurgence is very good: at the very least it is a 2 for 1. An ideal game plan utilising voice would be T1 Experiment One --> T2 Experiment One plus free space for a scry or shock land --> T3 Voice of Resurgence - evolves both Experiment One --> block an incoming creature with voice and have voice die, get voice token, voice token enters as a 3/3 (2 Exp Ones and a token), evolves both Experiment One --> T4 Loxodon Smiter , evolves Experiment One and makes voice token bigger.

You constantly grow your board: you go from a 1/1 to two 1/1s to three 2/2s to three 3/3s to four 4/4s. Its like a Pack Rat effect.

I appreciate he is very pricey and hard to get hold of though.

March 8, 2014 7:35 p.m.

thoughtseized says... #17

+1 just cause you make the KING of oreos viable in standard

March 12, 2014 1:07 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #18

Have you ever played against Mono-blue devo? That's a really tough match up for anyone who doesn't play a lot of removal. Banisher Priest would really help that matchup, as well as be a good tempo play against any aggro mirror. Also, Imposing Sovereign is a hoss in an aggro deck.

April 20, 2014 8:51 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #19

I have played against it a few times with a previous incarnation of the deck but it sees very little play at my local shop now so i dont worry about it too much. i normally just beat them down to ~10 life then have to combo Advent of the Wurm into Ajani, Caller of the Pride for the win. It was definately a tough match up.

I tried Banisher Priest before but it only really hit R/G monsters. Anything with removal was just a real nightmare for her so i left her out.Imposing Sovereign could be cool. Im ok with opposing aggro match ups as i normally have the bigger creatures plus i can happily race anything with Unflinching Courage . I may give it a go if i can get hold of a few copies

April 20, 2014 9:16 p.m.

tooTimid says... #20

Hmmmm, you mana base seems slightly shaky. I've been playing Naya Aggro (Where the Wild Things Are | Naya Combo) and I can not emphasize the importance of temples. Scry is so important. It keeps the gas flowing. Need some creatures? Scry! Need some lands? Scry! It's so important. It also helps just to make sure you have a red mana source. Another important JOU addition is Mana Confluence .

As Corey said above me, I also feel like you Mono-Blue matchup might be difficult. They can just go over you with fliers. You're sideboard seems rather well tuned to it, but Skylasher is something I would consider.

One final addition you should consider is Witchstalker . Man oh man has this card impressed me! It's just pure stability! You don't have to worry about it getting Hero's Downfall 'ed or Detention Sphere 'ed. It's the perfect target for Unflinching Courage and various charms. 3/3 is a great number as it can block things like Mutavault and Ash Zealot for days! It flat brick walls RDW!

I hope the suggestions help and feel free to take a look at my deck (Yeah for plugs!!!!). +1

April 20, 2014 9:24 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #21

Thanks. The mana base is still kinda in testing atm, It's just come from a selesnya deck replacing 8 basics with shocks. I'm gonna have to disagree with the temples though. They are amazing yes, but mainly for midrange / controll. For flat out aggro they just hurt me. Even the three that i have right now have been a pain but a necassarry evil to get the right colours when i need. Mana Confluence is a god send and an instant 4 of when it is released. im looking forward to it so much!

I have both Skylasher and Witchstalker and i love them both but the problem is fitting them in. 15 Cards is such a small amount in the sideboard. I used to play Witchstalker main, then he got moved to side, now he is gone. it wasnt a light choice to remove him. I may bring him back later once i identify whats not working with the deck and try him instead

April 20, 2014 9:42 p.m.

eddiekesler says... #22

nice work bro, I might copy and try this deck, how would you sideboard against mono black or bw midrange?

April 20, 2014 10:42 p.m.

Sabbath91 says... #23

Thanks, feel free to give it a try! I've not got solid sideboard plans for many decks yet as i usually struggle deciding what needs to be removed.

Mono black is a tough match up. I'd say -3x Soldier of the Pantheon and depending on if they run more Hero's Downfall or Devour Flesh -3x Boros Charm or -3x Ghor-Clan Rampager . +2x Plummet for Nightveil Specter and Desecration Demon , +2x Mizzium Mortars to remove Pack Rat as soon as it hits the board and +2x Sundering Growth to remove Underworld Connections . You could try Unravel the Aether over Sundering Growth to also hit Erebos, God of the Dead .

B/W midrange Is similar, though im not sure on removing Soldier of the Pantheon as he blocks Obzedat, Ghost Council all day. Mizzium Mortars are a must include for Blood Baron of Vizkopa .

In both match ups Selesnya Charm should only ever be used to remove Desecration Demon or Obzedat, Ghost Council

April 21, 2014 8:53 a.m.

Aytonday says... #24

I think you should put Deicide in for the nerw gods coming out.

April 25, 2014 11:57 a.m.

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