FNM - 15 May 2015
Although the deck ended up going 2-2, the highlight of the evening was taking down Esper Dragons.
My opponent did his best to keep threats off the field but it just wasn't enough. All the Thoughtseize, Foul-Tongue Invocation, Bile Blight, and Dissolve couldn't keep the threats from ultimately making their presence known.
Game 1 - I started off strong with my Swiftspears. I had two out by turn 2 and kept poking at face few a couple a turn. Bile Blight ended their lives shortly after leaving only a Seeker in play. Foul-Tongue took care of him the next turn and helped to move the life gap with a showing of Ojutai. Dragonlord Ojutai dropped after that and I popped out the Line Breaker (my opponent seemed very unfamiliar with him which fueled his hubris). Left unchecked, the Line Breaker pumped to 10/7 with intimidate thanks to Become Immense for the win.
Game 2 - There was a similar start to game 1 with a Swiftspear out flying. Thoughtseize removed a Line Breaker turn 2 for my opponent. A Mystic joined the Swiftspear turn 2. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver came out for my opponent and started lowering my deck count. Ashiok was able to pop out a Swiftspear and a Seeker. This game went wrong fast due to flooding on my part and a lack of pumps in my opener; not to mention the small yet consistent lifegain my opponent was yielding from the Seeker during continued control of the board state. Loss.
Game 3 - It was all on the line now. I sided out my Seekers so that my opponent wouldn't be able to obtain any extra lifegain and swapped in my Den Protectors to maximize the number of unblockables I had on hand. Just like the other two games, Swiftspear came out turn 1. My opponent did a pretty great job of murdering off or countering most of my creatures. I was sinking quicker than I would have hoped. Ojutai was out, I dropped a Line Breaker. Thoughtseize took my Titanic Growth as I waited off summoning sickness. All I needed was to push through another 6 damage! Luckily, Become Immense was waiting for me. Just like that, Akroan Line Breaker swinging for 10 and unblockable to the 'Grand" Ojutai to the great displeasure and astonishment of my opponent.