Naya Grind

Standard* heartspains88


granpa says... #1

The deck seems very well rounded at first glance. It can do plenty in all stages of the game and I like that. It sorta seems like the Naya version of my Jund deck, but more aggro based than control.

Looking at the mana base, I definitely think this deck needs to run 2 more forests, removing the plains and the mountain. Also speaking of lands, I believe Gavony Township has better potential for use in this deck rather than card:Slayers' Stronghold.

I think that a 4th Farseek for this deck wouldn't be a bad thing. I could imagine you removing 1 Selesnya Charm as such.

Other than these observations and suggestions, more will have to come with play testing.

January 17, 2013 5:36 a.m.

heartspains88 says... #2

I took the suggestion on the 4 Farseek over the 3 Selesnya Charm .

I also went down one Plains and instead went up one Sunpetal Grove .

The singular Mountain can actually be a necessity, without the gatecrash lands I cannot fetch any red sources, that's the purpose it serves, and why it's a one of.

January 17, 2013 7:45 p.m.

heartspains88 says... #3

Ah I forgot to mention card:Slayers' Stronghold, the purpose the card actually serves is more of a late game card. When I'm grinding against esper control or something along those lines, resolving a late game Thragtusk and hitting them for 7 same turn before they can remove it can quite frequently make or break a game.

January 17, 2013 7:47 p.m.

+1, please check out my W/G decks too :)

January 18, 2013 1:29 a.m.

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