
Planeswalker (2)

Enchantment (5)

Instant (3)

Naya Human aggro for GTC.

UPDATE 3/1/2013:

I've trimmed down the list to be more aggressive, in the vein of the GP Quebec City winning list, but I'm still going to keep 3 Hellriders in, keep the land count at 22, and maindeck Boros Charms to shore up the UWR flash/Jund Midrange/control match-ups.

UPDATE 1/30/2013:

Hellrider is now a mainstay in the deck. There's no other 4 drop that comes close to its power level in this type of aggro deck. I readjusted the manabase to make casting him more consistent.

I'm debating dropping the Rancors for Searing Spears, just to have some maindeck removal. The option to burn to the face for 3 is not bad either.

Aurelia's Fury comes in from the sideboard in a LOT of match-ups, so much so that I'm wondering if it's maindeck material. Not sure what to cut to make room for it though. I think I would only run 1 in the mainboard tops, though.

The sideboard is super tentative and as always depends on your local meta.

Link to the primer thread I created on MTGSalvation:


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #43 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 4 Mythic Rares

33 - 3 Rares

19 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders naya, build this.
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