Naya Humans ft. DJ Resurgence

Standard* Erenle


The_f6X says... #1

I'd recommend Daring Skyjek or Hamlet Captain over Flinthoof Boar since they're humans.

April 21, 2013 5:16 p.m.

Phyrexia108 says... #2

I think Flinthoof Boar is in just because its most likely to be 2 for a 3/3, not to mention haste for another mana, much better then most humans. I have always wondered why Hamlet Captain isn't in any of these Naya Human Decks... can somebody explain that to me.

April 21, 2013 6:33 p.m.

Erenle says... #3


I've always found Hamlet Captain to be too slow for a Blitz deck. Firstly, he is a bit more prone to removal than most other humans as nobody wants you to get the buff, so other than Thalia he will pretty much always be hit by a Pillar of Flame . I don't want to use two mana on an insurance card like him, otherwise the deck will lean too much toward midrange and I wan't as much aggro as I can possibly fit to be in this deck. Mayor of Avabruck  Flip is a much better choice than Hamlet Captain as he will distribute his buff all the time, even when you are not attacking.

April 21, 2013 7:12 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #4

I have to disagree with TristanTaylorsVoice and Stone_Munkee. I play a Grixis control deck that I've been testing around the site, and this is the first deck that really stomped me (pre-board.) Between Cavern of Souls and Ghor-Clan Rampager my counters were dead draws and I couldn't keep up with the speed or power.

April 21, 2013 8:17 p.m.

bogieman145 says... #5

I like Mugging over Pillar of Flame because what you can't destroy you can always just dodge around, and usually that gets in the extra damage you need. Plus exile isn't too relevant now that zombies are a thing of the past (and zombies is too slow anyways, they come in tapped or can't block)

April 22, 2013 11:11 a.m.

shadowsoze68 says... #6

If you want a good target for Giant Growth , how about Wild Beastmaster ? Triggers the champ and gives a pump to all attackers!

April 22, 2013 11:30 a.m.

@ jminute14 Ah, I didn't even consider that Rampager's buff can't be countered. If he's really looking for speed though I would still say that the curve would have to be lowered a bit, which would mean cutting this guy. Also, for your grixis deck, have you tried Rolling Temblor ? It hits most creatures in naya blitz besides Champion of the Parish and Flinthoof Boar and can hit earlier more reliably than Blasphemous Act can.

April 22, 2013 11:49 a.m.

Namelyss says... #8

Just a random thought I had, since you enjoy Giant Growth 's so much. Have you considered Rubblebelt Maaka instead of the boar? It gives you four extra giant growth's, even if it's just in combat. Just a thought.

May 7, 2013 3:16 p.m.

Colossal Might

May 7, 2013 4:35 p.m.

Erenle says... #10

Sorry elan, Standard Deck, Colossal Might won't work.

May 12, 2013 12:50 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #11

Nice deck, + 1 from me, but a few questions:

Why Frontline Medic over Silverblade Paladin ? The doublestrike is probably more relevant, especially if you're running Giant Growth . Also I would suggest Rubblebelt Maaka over Giant Growth . It does the same thing and gives you more options.

Why no Thatcher Revolt ? That can spell game over with Champion of the Parish and/or Mayor of Avabruk.

How about Hellrider over Ghor-Clan Rampager ?

Domri Rade for creature draw?

May 14, 2013 2:08 p.m.

Erenle says... #12


Remember that this is not a midrange deck, it is absolutely blitz. Silverblade Paladin costs the two white mana which is pretty inconsistent and doesn't have the indestructible utility that Frontline Medic has. Same reason for Giant Growth over Rubblebelt Maaka , as I will pretty much only cast rubblebelt while attacking, and not as a creature, while giant growth will save my creatures no matter what phase it is.Ghor-Clan Rampager is usually easier to cast than Hellrider , as I only need a red and a green instead of two red. Also, the bloodrush can't be countered.Definitely not Domri Rade ,I want to maximize my turn three wins and domri would just slow me down. If I was making a midrange deck, then definitely.

Do you think that Thatcher Revolt will speed the deck up? It would be a dead card without a Champion on field.

May 14, 2013 10:20 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #13

I was making my suggestions based off of another Naya Blitz deck that I love, which was crafted by Vos_Is_Boss called The Kessig Township. She runs Thatcher Revolt and swears by it. Remember with the Mayor of Avabruck  Flip on the field, those three tokens with haste all hit for 2 each. Vos_Is_Boss prefers it over the other human token generators because of the haste and that it gives the best return for the cost on a turn 3 drop (T1: champion, T2: Mayor, swing for 3, T3 thatcher, swing for 12, and that doesn't consider a Burning-Tree Emissary , which would boost the T3 swing to 16). I've only run a bastardized version of it when I didn't have the proper cards to get it right, but as an old fart with kids I get to discuss Magic more these days then I actually get to play (usually once every few weeks at the local store). Anyway, The Kessig Township is a pretty damn devastating deck and Vos_Is_Boss has done a lot of experimenting with it. It's the Naya Blitz deck that I'll probably run again soon. Hope this helps. -Apop.

May 14, 2013 10:35 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #14

@Apoptosis: And that is a reason why Golgari Charm will see more action post board :)

May 15, 2013 8:08 a.m.

Drathmar says... #15

Looks very nice, I will have to try it. +1

I have a naya deck as well, though not a blitz style as much as mid-range (I'm guessing, still new to actually trying to get into competitive so not sure what mid-range means but guessing playing for the mid-game not early game like aggro) with slight blitz elements in it.

Let me know what you think about it.

May 21, 2013 12:08 a.m.

Caveman says... #16

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed for a late game hitter, maybe just 2 in the deck. Make them think twice late game about playing certain spells.

May 21, 2013 2:31 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #17

CMC of Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is way too high for this deck and 21 lands. You'll never get it off on a consistent basis.

Hellrider over Ghor-Clan Rampager , especially if you're running only one Silverblade Paladin , which means your doublestike options are limited.

Flinthoof Boar and Viashino Firstblade are really good, but I would consider more Silverblade Paladin and Thatcher Revolt for the boost to Champion of the Parish and other synergies.

Please post results of how the deck performs against different matchups!

May 21, 2013 12:21 p.m.

Fantastic, both in synergy and the deck's description. Instant +1 :)

Despite running 21 lands and a set of Burning-Tree Emissary your 3-drop slot seems a little shy - any particular reason? You could easily fit in another Silverblade and some Fiend Hunter for removal.

It also looks like non-creature spells are a no-go right now, but have you considered something nominal like Spare from Evil as a pseudo Brave the Elements for an unblockable charge?

June 6, 2013 12:23 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #19

Considered Ash Zealot ?

June 6, 2013 12:36 a.m.

Erenle says... #20

MetaphysicalxProdigy I've actually have considered adding in one more three drop. Asking your honest opinion here, do you think it would be worth it to take out a land and go to 20 lands for one more Silverblade Paladin or even a Domri Rade ? As for something like Spare from Evil , I normally would've considered it before I did a non-creature spell facelift of the deck, but as of now I've already streamlined the deck concept too much to afford any non-creature spell deviation.

ApoptosisI would've definitely put Ash Zealot in if not for the dual red requirement. For something like Silverblade Paladin with the two white, it's a bit easier, because I don't expect to be able to play him in my opening hand and I want to draw him whenever I can afford the two white mana. Ash Zealot , on the other hand, I really want to get off early game to get the quick damage and pressure in where she isn't as useful late game. Needing to have two red mana in my opening hand or being forced to draw into one more red producing mana would hurt.

June 6, 2013 12:55 a.m.

Yeah bud, with such a high 2cmc count you could easily run this deck on 20 lands. You could win games with just 2 land if you had to. I run a fairly competitive knights deck in modern that runs on 20 land and getting out 3 is no issue. I would almost sub out another land (maybe a cavern, actually) and put in another Domri. He synergizes 100% with your deck, giving you both card draw and putting the game on a clock.

Too bad about a finisher like Spare from Evil , but I understand your rationale. Ghor-Clan Rampager is nuts, he will turn your attacking chumps into champs, why not run more? It's a great killspell and finisher that can push the game over the edge. Oh, and you may have been asked this, but what about adding Legion Loyalist ? He seems to fit the theme nicely.

Also whats going on with the sideboard - 10 swamps? You should get some anti-creature control cards in there!

June 6, 2013 2:48 a.m.

Spicy526 says... #22

What's with the swamps in the sideboard?

June 24, 2013 4:45 p.m.

Erenle says... #23

Spicy526, I wanted to see how far the deck could go with no sideboard. I use the 15 swamps to pretend to side after games one and two and hopefully psyche my opponent out into trying to counterside. In an ideal situation, my opponent would have dead cards in his deck that supposedly "counter" a Naya Blitz post-side but in reality my deck hasn't changed at all.

June 24, 2013 5:16 p.m.

Spicy526 says... #24

That's pretty hilarious if you ask me.

June 24, 2013 5:22 p.m.

7upac says... #25

+1 for the hilarious description. I am really happy to see a deck like this make a top 8 PTQ. This has influenced me to make a similar deck with a coked-out Champion of the Parish

June 26, 2013 7:02 p.m.

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