Wanted to make a Naya midrange kind of deck. Feel free to give me some suggestions and help fine tuning this deck! :DHelp with the sideboard is also very helpful!
The Creatures:
Elvish Mystic - Turn 1 ramp. Always a good card to have opening hand.
Sylvan Caryatid - Great early blocker; More ramp.
Courser of Kruphix - Awesome card to have. Helps me make my land drops, works extremely well with the Fetches so I can get a card I want on top rather than something I don't.
Polukranos, World Eater - Basic 5/5 body. Awesome to have out early and his monstrous helps eat things.
Stormbreath Dragon - One of the all-star finishers. 4/4 flying with Haste. Pro white. Whats not to love?
Wingmate Roc - He is just amazing not to have. Flying and after I attack I can cast him and get another bird token as well. Makes it hard for the opponent to deal with 2 3/4s. Plus that lifegain!
Genesis Hydra - This guy is awesome to cast for 5 or 6. Helps me dig for a creature I may need or even a walker! This guy is just a beast.
The Walkers:
Xenagos, the Reveler - Helps get 2/2 hastes out or help ramp into something grand!
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes - Both is +1s are very relevant. Helps make my dudes bigger, or help me dig through my deck for answers. Between him and Genesis Hydra, this deck performs very well.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - How cant you include a couple copies of Elspeth? She helps flood the board, has an "OH SHIT" panic button. She's just a powerful walker.
The SideBoard
Banishing Light / Erase / Chained to the Rocks : All forms of some sort of removal/ control.
Hornet Queen : Usually gets pulled in when faced against a lot of fliers. Helps against Storm or Rocs.
Chandra, Pyromaster : Shes here to help with the casting of my library. She works very well with Courser of Kruphix. Usually side her in game 2 or 3 for a little surprise.
Resolute Archangel : Helps against DAT BURN!
Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker : Cus its Sarkhan?