Pretty much a ramp and stomp deck. I went 4-0 in Standard Showdown with this build, and it seems to be just fast enough to comfortably outpace other decks relying on creature based threats. Really the only thing it seems to have trouble with is decks that run mid/late game mass removal, particularly Settle the Wreckage.
Early game (turns 1-4) you're mainly looking to build up your base by getting as many lands in play as possible, along with your mana rampers. Turn 1 you're looking for a Caller, turns 2 and 3 you want Drover and Huntmaster. Ranging Raptors is also a great play at this stage since you can put on some early pressure by forcing the decision between taking damage or giving lands. The Sky Terror is also nice since it creates an early threat that will be costly if left unchecked. Sky Terror is preferred for luring out direct damage/kill spells since in the long run you'd rather let it get shot down than one of your rampers. If they don't shoot it down though, you'll get in enough damage to make them regret it when you drop your fatties later on. It's also not uncommon to pop Commune at this stage to help balance out your hand for dinos or land drops. Generally, if you can keep your rampers alive this deck will start dropping hard threats on 3-4 lands. If your opponent is running a deck that focuses on dropping creatures or life gain, this is also a good time to drop a Rampaging Ferocidon. Remember that the Ferocidon is a double edge sword, and try to plan ahead a few turns if you can to avoid taking too much damage. If you know you're going to drop an Alpha in 1 or 2 turns, hold on to the Ferocidon until afterwards if you can afford to, or force your opponent to kill it.
A note on land fetching: Usually if I already have sources of red and green mana I tend to go after the plains since the Wakening Sun's Avatar is the most difficult creature to cast due to the required 3 white mana. Red and Green will usually show up quickly on their own, so I tend to aim away from them if I don't need them to cast something that's already in my hand.
Mid game is all about dropping fatties and taking control of the battlefield. The Alpha is one of the best drops since not only do you get a 4/4, it also creates a 3/3 trampler and gives other dinos haste. Ripjaw Raptor is also here to help with card draw since your hand is going to start shrinking quickly at this stage. This is also where you'll start dropping bombs like Carnage Tyrant, Huatli, and Samut that your opponent absolutely MUST deal with. Most games are going to end in a salty rage of combat damage at this stage.
Late game is where you have to put down the most stubborn of opponents. Usually decks like Ramunap Red and Energy will make it to this stage, occasionally Gifts will get here. The way you usually end up here is either A) They used mass creature removal at some point to reset the board or B) They had enough large threats of their own to keep your attacks at bay. So now we have a pair of threats, and a few combat tricks. The first threat is Gishath. If you get him out right after a board wipe, he'll make up for your losses immediately. You also have the Wakening Sun's Avatar to create not only a 7/7 fattie, but a one sided board wipe to boot. If you have a Huntmaster in play, remember to activate his ability to give the Avatar haste while the board wipe is on the stack! Other options include taking advantage of Savage Stomp to get rid of an opposing threat preventing lethal damage, Insult/Injury to double your damage and remove a threat while hurting the opponent all at once, and my favorite lure tactic: Heroic Intervention. Heroic Intervention can be a major trump card for you not only against mass board wipes like Fumigate, but also a combat trick, particularly against energy decks. Several times I have managed to force Temur players to spend their energy to make their cubs and hydras just big enough to take out a threat like Carnage Tyrant on the block, then dropped the Intervention to protect my dinos while they lose their blocks. It's not a combat trick you'll use terribly often, but I've found it to be usefull enough as a defense to think that 2 copies mainboard and 2 sideboard are justified.
The side board is mainly about mitigating threats and neutering Energy and Gift decks. Settle the Wreckage is there to handle aggressive creature based decks, and the eventual mirror match. If your opponent runs a creature based deck, it can be used in tandem with Heroic Intervention to lure them in mid/late game and turn around for the kill. Simply attack with everything, after blockers are declared, play the Intervention, then when they attack, Settle the Wreckage and turn around for the kill. Abrade helps deal with Pummelers and Hearts, Chandra's Defeat neuters Ramunap Red by giving you an answer for both Chandra and Glory Bringer. Solemnity scoops Energy decks. Deathgore neuters Gifts and creates an option to get rid of the Scarab God if you can play it the same turn you Savage Stomp or outright attack it. Ixalan's Binding is mainly there to help deal with recurring threats and indestructibles like Hazoret and Scarab God. Prowling Serpopard helps deal with decks that have a lot of counters like Approach tends to run.